"Yes," said a soldier. He handed Prince Regent a telescope.

Prince Regent jumped up to the hilltop and looked towards the forest. Looking through the telescope he searched for her.

"There, there I see her," shouted Commander Wang.

Prince Regent aim his telescope at her and found that she was indeed being chase by the soldiers. "Sh*t!"

"What is it?"

"They're after her."


"Their goal was her in the beginning."

"What!" exclaimed Commander Wang and Left Prime Minister.

"That tyrant emperor is after Elisa. He wants her as his bride."

"What!" exclaimed Left Prime Minister. 

"That monster!" shouted Commander Wang.

"Get my horse!" exclaimed Prince Regent.

"No. No, Prince Regent, you cannot go," said Left Prime Minister.

"Get out of my way."

"Prince Regent, be reasonable."

"She's the only reason we won this battle and war."

"Oh, no, she's trap!" shouted one of the soldiers.

"What!" shouted Prince Regent.

"Look, she's at the edge of the waterfall," said the solider.

"Let me see." Prince Regent took the telescope again and looked through it.

Rosie was standing at the edge of the waterfall.

They were getting closer and closer to her.

"Stop running, our Emperor wants you," said one of the assassin.

Rosie frowned at him.

"He will give you a good life."

"What good life are you talking about?" asked Rosie. 

"The life that every one of you women want."

"What do you know what I want?" 

The assassin chuckled. "Either way we're not letting you escape. Our orders was to take you back to him alive."

"You will never take me alive."

"You're awfully brave to stray away from Prince Regent and them, but stupid enough to get caught."

Rosie smile. "I wasn't planning on getting caught."


"What does she mean?" asked another assassin. 

The assassin frowned. He thought, "Was she purposely luring us here because she knew there another path for her to escape? But how? Where? There's nowhere to go but this death pit of a waterfall?" 

Rosie was looking at the ground and noticed that she was running out of ground. She's going to have to jump if she wants to live. Having no choice she whispers, "I summon thee, Water Dragon come forth."

"Don't let her get away!" shouted the assassin. They were all getting close to her. 

Rosie without hesitation jumped off the waterfall. 

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Left Prime Minister.

"She jumped!" shouted one of the soldiers.

"F*ck!" shouted Commander Wang.

"ELISAAAA!" shouted Prince Regent. He felt like someone stabbed him in the heart as he watched her jumped down the waterfall. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" 

Rosie, diving down the waterfall, saw her dragon's scale gleaming at her. She grabbed onto his wing and jumped on. "Prefect timing, Aquarius."

"Are you alright, princess?" asked Aquarius. 

"Vanish your wings."

Aquarius nodded. 

"Let's wait until the coast is clear than we'll move."


"I have to go. I have to save her!" exclaimed Prince Regent. He got back on his horse and ran out towards the waterfall.

"Come on! Let's go. We got to save her!" shouted Commander Wang. "She do the same for us."

By the time Prince Regent got there the assassins left already. He looked over the cliff and saw the ragging waterfall. 

"Prince Regent, there is no way she survive that fall," said Commander Wang.

"I want her found. Dead or alive."

Commander Wang nodded. "Alright. Everyone start searching."

"Yes!" shouted the soldiers.

Prince Regent stared down at the waterfall. It was very misty and foggy. One couldn't even see the bottom of the waterfall.

BLING. Something bright shines at him. He frowned as to what it was. He stared at the misty fog again. Just when he thought he was seeing things, a scaly red pattern appeared to be moving and slithering away. "What?"

"What is it, Prince Regent?"

"I thought I saw something."

"What." Commander Wang looked down at the mist of fog.

"Nothing. It must be my illusion."

"What did you saw."

"A dragon."

"A dragon?"

"A blue dragon to be precise."


Prince Regent frowns.