CHAPTER 10: Hope & Pray You Honor Your Words


"Humph, these stupid performers can't even give a good performance," stomped Princess Peach.

"Settle down," said Commander Wang.

"Prince Regent," whined Princess Peach, grabbing onto his arm. "Tell these performers to go and die."

Prince Regent waved his hands at them.

"Wait!" said a voice.

"Who is it?" asked Commander Wang.

"Please, your highness. Give us another chance," said the woman. She was wearing a white veil covering her face.

"Why should I allow it?" asked Prince Regent, with annoyance.

"Your highness please. Please hear me out," she got on her knees.

Prince Regent looked at her.

"Humph," said Princess Peach. "Get rid of her."

"I'm not interested," said Prince Regent.

"Please, hear me out. I got a once in a lifetime offer for you," said the woman.

"Oh." Prince Regent smiled handsomely at her. "Then what is it?"


"But know this, if you say anything I don't like, I will chop off your head. Now, think carefully before you say anything."

The woman frowned.

"Please say what is it that is worth my attention."

"Let me give you a performance."

"A performance?" asked Prince Regent with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Where I will dance, sing, and also play an instrument at the same time."

"Humph. Here I thought you were going to say something interesting." He chuckled handsomely. "You think I have time for this type of nonsense."

"Your highness, let's make a deal."

"A deal?"


"What kind of a deal?"

"If I am able to capture your attention with my performance than you will let the performers go."

"And if you don't?"

"Then I will kill myself."

Princess Peach was happy that this ragged girl was offering herself as bet. She knew that the Prince Regent hates women who confronts him especially those who approaches him. This will be a chance to get rid this woman. Once this woman dies, she will annihilate the rest of the performers silently without the Prince Regent's knowledge.

"I can kill you right now."

"If you kill me, then how would you know you won't like my performance."

"I have seen many performances before, how is it that this going to be any different?"

"Trust me, it will be a performance to die for."


"It will be a performance that you won't forget."

"Humph, really?" Prince Regent frowns.

"So, do we have a deal?"

"Okay, but if I find that you are trying to trick me than I will kill all of you on the spot," said Prince Regent.

"Yes, your highness," said the woman. 

"Fine. If your entertainment pleases me, then I will let the performers go."

"I hope and pray you honor your words," said the woman.


"I said, I hope and pray you honor your words."

Prince Regent frowned at her words.

The woman got up and asked the performers to get ready in the backstage. The other performers were all nervous as they followed her to the back.

"Miss Rosie, what if you cannot capture his highness attention?" asked the driver.

"Trust me, I will," replied Rosie.

"Then what can we do to help?" asked Sebastian Shu.

"Help me play the instruments. I have music notes for each and every one of you, please follow it like you normally would."

The performers nodded their heads.

Rosie went into the carriage and changed her clothes. When she came out, she looked stunning in her white and blue dress.

"Wow, Miss Rose. You look beautiful," said Sebastian.

Rosie chuckled softly. "Let's go and get the show started."

Everyone nodded.

"Prince Regent, are you taking this bet seriously?" asked Commander Wang.

Prince Regent thought to himself that this woman somehow persuade him to watch her performance without much effort. She's rather smart for a street performer. He wants to see what she's up to.

When Rosie stepped on stage, her white and blue dress was floating around her. Her long black hair drifted behind her. Her mega volume, long, and thick lashes flutters gently against her bright red eyes.

Prince Regent gasped as he saw her eyes. She looks similar. Very similar to someone he had seen before. Could it be her? 

"What is it?" asked Commander Wang.

"Something about her, seems familiar," thought Prince Regent. His mind was confused and his breathing was labored. "I have been looking for that woman everywhere. Could it be that you're here all along?" he continue thinking. 

Rosie took off her veil, Prince Regent's eyes lit up. 

Rosie put her hands together and in the palm of her hand was an orb.

Prince Regent's eyes widened.

Rosie sings, "When the sun rises, the warriors goes into battle. In battle their sweat and blood drench the ground. In victory we hope that they come home to their loved ones."

Prince Regent gasped in surprise. "It's her! It's really her!" he thought.

Commander Wang who saw the similarities also stared at her.

Rosie let the orb go and it drifted up into the air.

Prince Regent s breathing quickened at her movement.

She started dancing as she continued to sing, "From young to old we sing and dance with the sword in hand. In hope we take down the enemies in one swipe. To return home to the mountains where our soul belongs. The raging war we see from afar, but our heart won't melt. For we fight on with bravery. For our kingdom we charge forth."

Prince Regent smiled on the inside. "After all this time, I found you," he whispers.

Princess Peach, thinking she misheard stared at Prince Regent.

Rosie ended her performance playing her zither.

Prince Regent was unable to move. He was render speechless by her performance. She was beautiful, like a goddess. She captured his heart and stole everything else in one glance. "I found her. I finally found her," he thought.