Chapter 96: Magic Science 

"Pair of twos!" 

In my room, Cyra casually threw out the Poke cards in her hand while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I pass." 

I glanced at the cards in my hand and shook my head.

"You two have been playing cards for so long already. Don't you find it boring?" 

Reed sat bored on a stool by the desk, holding a copy of 'The Origins of Magic' while peeking out to ask me.

"Boring? How could it not be?" 

Cyra stared at the cards in her hand and replied.

"Always playing Big Two, I'm sick of it already! And you're here but not joining in, it would be so much better if we played three-person mahjong together."

"I'm here because later Elara will announce Nicola's new identity, and then we'll be leaving Edenmere together." 

Reed glanced at her and slowly replied.

"Besides, I don't know how to play cards and have no interest in learning."

"Three tens with an eight!" 

Finally deciding how to play, Cyra threw out some not-so-big cards.

"You don't understand this yet. Now playing cards is Edenmere's most popular entertainment, second only to mahjong!"

"That's not necessarily so. Edenmere's atmosphere is not the same as before. I heard many low-ranking angels died in this demon invasion, so your entertainment probably won't be as popular as you imagine."

I sighed and casually threw out my hand cards.

"Not only do the collapsed houses need rebuilding, but soon after safely returning from the Dark Continent, many angels already asked Elara for permission to launch a third demon-conquering campaign, directly invading the Dark Continent to avenge their fallen comrades. But Elara strongly suppressed these voices."

"Saving people is one thing, but the angel population is low, and can't afford more wars. If continuous wars are waged, the angel race will probably soon face extinction."

Luckily not too many angels died in the rescue operation this time, less than 10% of the angel legions. As an organized operation, the high combat strength of the angel legions was fully displayed.

"Three Q with a ten!"

Thinking of this, I casually threw out my hand cards.

"Yeah, slowly recuperating is pretty good!"

Cyra nodded in rare agreement with my viewpoint.

"I feel the conservatives have a point. Demons are too powerful, even possessing black technology! If the angels launch a war, they would probably lose badly."

"Speaking of which, I'm starting to doubt if we're still on Earth."

Hearing the words "black technology", I recalled the "Galadra's Eye" control console and the interior of the "buttons" I saw with my own eyes.

"I've reiterated it several times already." 

Hearing my words, Reed couldn't help but seriously correct me again.

"I can confirm with certainty that we are not on Earth! This conclusion is verified through the 'Galadra's Eye' control console, which not only has teleportation functions but can also monitor like a satellite. Zooming in on the region shows clearly that although this world is also spherical, neither the celestial star charts nor the landforms and shapes of the continents resemble Earth's at all, there are no similarities!"

"I understand! I was just making an exclamation, don't get agitated!"

Looks like Reed thought I didn't believe her words, a rare moment of slight agitation. Actually, hearing from her that the main world doesn't resemble Edenmere's flat earth already satisfied me greatly.

Once when bored I flew to the edge of Edenmere, and below the cliffs saw only dazzling bright light, couldn't make out anything clearly, and nearly blinded my eyes. Luckily I steadied myself in time and didn't fall, otherwise, I'd certainly be done for.

"So what exactly are we fighting against? Could Michelle possibly be a synthetic cyborg organism? She's so durable, even a nuclear bomb couldn't kill her..." 

Cyra made wild guesses.

"Impossible. I've seen her gravely injured, without any mechanical traces. Even a cyborg couldn't survive a hydrogen bomb blast!"

Reed seriously refuted.

"Hey! Hurry up and play your hand! It's your turn, are you still playing or not!"

Growing impatient, I urged Cyra.

"Tsk...what's the hurry..."

Cyra glanced at her hand cards, waving her hand helplessly.

"I pass, you go ahead."

"Pair of eights!"

Hearing that, I immediately threw out the pair I had been waiting to play.

"Haha, you're doomed - pair of twos!"

Cyra gleefully threw out two cards, looking completely confident of winning. She even casually chatted with Reed again.

"What if it was an Earth scientist who travelled to this world decades earlier, and then developed such advanced technology? Or could it be some aliens with similar technology brought to this planet?"

"You're thinking too much. You need to learn more common sense!"

Without needing Reed's reply, I could easily deny this question.

"No matter how brilliant, one scientist isn't enough, even a few can't do it! To develop to the chip level requires a whole set of systematic technologies. But given the human lifespan of less than 100 years, time is very limited too. In this world, these conditions are very difficult to meet. Most countries rely too much on magic, so technology is stuck in the medieval period. Even mixed with magic it's impossible!"

As for the alien theory, I didn't dare argue. Too outlandish, who knows what aliens in this world look like, or if they even exist! 

But mentioning the origins of "Galadra's Eye" reminded me of what Reed told us after returning from the Dark Continent to Edenmere.

While awaiting rescue on Central Island, she had ample time to study the "Galadra's Eye" console. 

Turns out this so-called "celestial weapon" is not purely technological. Although containing many chips and circuit boards, similarly, the two devices also incorporated many magical techniques, like crystals, elemental affinity materials, and even hidden magic arrays inside the console!

In summary, "Galadra's Eye" is a hybrid of magic and technology, similar but not identical to Earth's science and technology, and can be called magic science.

In Reed's view, comparing purely by technological level, these chips are at least 100 years more advanced than Earth's, but probably not too much more, otherwise they would be completely incomprehensible.