Chapter 97: The High Council Meeting

"Learning some common sense from the Earth is useless in this world. Can you figure out what Nicola is selling just based on common sense?" 

Seeing that I chose to pass as she wished, Cyra pouted and threw out four more cards.

"Three Aces and a King, you definitely can't beat that, haha! Now you know how good I am!" 

"Who knows..."

I gave an ambiguous reply.

After returning from the Dark Continent, Elara didn't even have time to ask about the casualties of the two legions before dragging Nicola into her office for a long private talk, as if Nicola was her long lost family member.

When they came out of the office together, Elara announced to us with a relieved expression that Nicola's new identity would be made public at the high council meeting later. After that, she could leave Edenmere with me to find the Sage Alliance. As for Cyra and Reed, they could choose to stay or leave, but Reed must bring Mia to ensure her safety before being allowed to go.

To be honest, I was quite surprised to hear this news. Although I had wanted to leave Edenmere for some time, I thought the date might be postponed due to the need to rebuild after the war. I didn't expect Elara to suddenly approve this matter, and even grant Cyra and Reed permission to go out at the same time. 

From this situation, it seems they must have reached some kind of deal in the office. But when we asked Nicola about it later, she actually kept it a secret from us!

"After all, I promised Elara not to reveal anything to anyone in advance. She wants to announce it at the high council meeting to catch those wavering neutrals off guard. You'll know soon anyway!"

That was what Nicola said, before disappearing with Elara again. How annoying!

Why is everyone liking being so mysterious!

Thinking of this, I fiercely threw out all four cards in my hand.

"Four 3's, a bomb!"

I had been saving this bomb for a time like this! And now Cyra only had two cards left.

"What, you actually still had a hidden bomb at this time?" 

Cyra looked at the four cards I put out in disbelief, and glanced at her own two cards again. 

Unfortunately, her four Aces had already been baited out by me earlier.

"Can't beat it..."

Sensing something was off, she stared nervously at my many cards in hand, and started to panic.

"A straight! 45678910JQKA!"


Cyra's bad premonition quickly came true. Clearly she had no way to counter it. At this point, I only had one card left in my hand.

"A 4!" 

Without waiting for her to say "Can't beat it", I officially declared my victory.

"Haha, what do you think? This is what's called a final comeback!"

I glanced at her last two cards in satisfaction, which were indeed a pair of Kings! As usual, her luck at drawing cards was too good.

"Occasionally losing once spices things up!"

Cyra resentfully shuffled the cards again, still stubbornly talking back.

"Cyra, Reed, and Feliciana..."

Juliet's voice came from the doorway. We saw her and Gwen standing there reminding us:

"Lady Elara asked us to inform you that the high council meeting is about to start! As the major contributors in resisting the demon invasion this time, you'll be allowed to attend as special guests."

"It's starting?"

Upon hearing this, Cyra was stunned for a moment, and immediately went out ahead of us, putting cards away.

Speaking of which, Gwen and Juliet were also survivors of the invasion. As low-ranking angels, being able to live through the terrible demon invasion was really not easy. I heard most of the victims in the city this time were light elves and low-ranking angels, while the mortality rate was very low for those with six wings or more.

"Where's Nicola? How come she's nowhere to be seen, could she have already gone ahead to the conference room?"

I asked a bit nervously along the way, the council members were all big shots, although some had fallen in the rebellion, there should still be quite a few ?

And in truth, the major contributor was Reed. Cyra also barely claimed some credit for driving away Michelle with the nuclear bomb.

As for me, other than killing three 5th-order vampires, it seemed I did nothing worthwhile, so going along felt purely due to connections.

"I'm not sure, she seems to have been with Lady Elara the whole time. I heard there's important news to be announced at this meeting, unfortunately we can't know it right away..."

Gwen replied regretfully. 

"Feliciana, you must tell us immediately after you come out, we'll be waiting outside!"

"Ok, I know!"

I readily agreed. But then noticed Cyra had somehow fallen behind.

"What are you looking at?"

She was standing in front of an open door, blankly gazing inside without saying a word, as if lost in thought.

"Nothing! Let's go quickly!" 

Hearing my question, Cyra immediately snapped back and brushed past me without looking back.


Watching her retreating figure, I looked up at the door sign: "Internal Affairs Office", and instantly understood.

"I see..."

I walked over and took a look at the empty room, stood for a moment, then gently closed the door.

"Farewell for now, Norma."


The conference room was on the 4th floor of the Tivi Palace, the top level of the main building, and also the regular meeting venue for the High Council. 

When we entered the conference room, a huge round table appeared before us, with 12 chairs arranged around it, giving off the vibe of a Round Table meeting.

"So there's a total of 12 members on the High Council?"

I looked around the currently empty conference room. Only 1 or 2 angels were seated, including Serena, the legion commander of the 1st Legion whom we already knew.

"Feliciana, come sit here!" 

Serena waved at us in a friendly manner. I saw a row of guest seats against the wall behind her, just nice for the 4 of us. That must be prepared for us.

"Isn't she the legion commander of the 1st Legion? You know her?"

Cyra whispered beside me.

"Didn't I tell you? She was the one who brought us to Edenmere originally."

I nodded and replied. Speaking of which, although Serena was the first angel we met, we didn't interact much afterwards since she left Edenmere. At most we could be considered half acquaintances. 

But from her attitude now, it seems she wasn't too distant from us, which was reassuring.