Chapter 101 - Proposal for Peace  

"Elemental imbalance refers to the natural balance between light and dark elements in nature. No matter which side becomes too dominant or powerful, it will cause an imbalance. Of course, this idea doesn't apply in a small space like Edenmere." 

Elara explained to help us understand. Then she changed the topic and refuted:

"But Councilor Meg, you seem to have a major misunderstanding. The death of demons does not increase the dark elements, so even if we wipe out all the demons, it wouldn't greatly impact the balance."

"But introducing many new policies will send more angels out, and it's hard to ensure there won't be any casualties. That would also cause an elemental imbalance. Have you forgotten our mission as the angel race?"

Councilor Meg argued reasonably.

"Mission? Why bring up this outdated notion?" 

Hearing this, Gwendolyn turned her head slightly, looking surprised.

"Elder Gwendolyn, have you forgotten? Think carefully - hasn't the growing strength of the demons been very abnormal all these years?"

Meg lowered her head to face Gwendolyn, who was still sitting in her seat.

"And think back thousands of years ago, the demons only hid in the Dark Continent, not daring to come out. But now their sphere of influence has expanded beyond the Barren Lands, and mindless demonic beasts can even be seen rampaging across the whole continent. In contrast, our angel numbers continue to dwindle, with many dying in battle over the millennia. Perhaps all this is exactly because of our over-involvement!"


Meg's words seemed to remind Gwendolyn of something she had overlooked.

"So my proposal is, stop the endless fighting with the demons, and all angels should retreat into Edenmere!"

Seeing Gwendolyn reveal a hesitant look, Meg immediately seized the opportunity to announce her policy.

"Isn't this thinking the same as the conservatives?" 

Serena couldn't sit still upon hearing this and spoke up in disagreement. 

"If we stop helping humans, with the demons' capabilities, humans won't be able to withstand the threat alone. Then even our own Edenmere will find it hard to keep away."

"I remember Councilor Meg and Elder Gwendolyn used to be moderates like me, right? How did you start siding with the conservatives after their betrayal?"

Shirley asked, puzzled.

"Because of Janet - I don't agree with her defecting to the demons, but it did remind me not to forget the angels' mission. And for thousands of years, we've been doing the exact opposite. Now it's time to correct everything!"

Meg explained passionately.

"That traitor Janet! She betrayed our angel race, and you're still speaking up for her!"

Just hearing that name made Shirley furious. Edenmere would not have nearly fallen to the demons if not for Janet.

But since Meg had not betrayed the angels after all, there was nothing the liberals could do about her sudden change of stance.

"Even if Elder Gwendolyn switches sides, the numbers on both sides seem about equal, right?"

Seeing the situation, Cyra quietly asked me to confirm.

The situation was already quite clear. Of the twelve councillors, only half were present. Of the six attendees, Elara, Serena and Shirley were naturally liberals. The conservatives originally only had Councilor Pauline, but adding the turncoat Meg and Gwendolyn, it was only 3:3 evenly matched. So there was still a chance Elara could prevail with her position as clan chief. 

"Councilor Meg, I hope you can think it through clearly! I don't deny that what you said does have some validity. But you should also consider the consequences of our race severing contact with the outside world - it's not something that can be resolved just by hiding!"

Elera tried to reason with her and stated her viewpoint.

"I believe we should use traditional combat methods to resist the demons, and even seek peaceful coexistence. That is the best policy! Besides, the natural balance outside is not as imbalanced as you claim."

"Elder Gwendolyn, for thousands of years we've both played the role of mediators. So neither of us has exercised elder authority before. Maybe this time that authority should truly come into play."

Ignoring Elara's persuasion, Meg directly addressed to Elder Gwendolyn.

"Is it Elder privilege?"

Hearing this, Gwendolyn looked conflicted, seemingly very reluctant to make such a decision.

"That's right! When a majority of the three elders jointly exercise this privilege, they can override the council and the clan chief's decisions, and directly pass certain resolutions and laws. This was a rule set down by the two Founders!" 

Meg explained it to her again, afraid she might hesitate further, and reminded her.

"I know, Elder Gwendolyn, you're very attached to life outside. The lifestyle of human nobles is perhaps captivating, but don't forget your identity and the responsibility that comes with it..."

"Stop! Can I not use it?"

Gwendolyn cut her off, and said to Elara helplessly, "Elara, it's undeniable that our numbers have been declining over the years, like Meg said. Continuing to fight isn't the way. The demons won't decrease, and may even grow..."

"That's why I'm saying we should seek peaceful coexistence! Many demons do possess intelligence - we can communicate!" 

Elara refused to give up and insisted on persuading.

"So what if they're intelligent? Angels and demons are mortal enemies, fundamentally incompatible! The conflict between them has lasted thousands of years already. Talking of peace in this situation is pure fantasy. Moreover, the recent invasion showed everyone - we have nothing to say to these beasts!"

Meg interjected ruthlessly. 

"And your Internal Affairs officer died at the demons' hands too, right? Even so, you want to negotiate with them, even coexist peacefully?"

"Noma died at Michelle's hands. She wasn't strictly a demon!"

Hearing this, Cyra couldn't help but speak up to correct her.

"You're Cyra? You really resemble..."

Hearing this, Meg turned to look our way. Cyra's appearance made her pause briefly, but she soon realized the difference from Michelle.

"If I remember right, Michelle is said to be the demon leader, right? Then this invasion must have been masterminded by her. Doesn't that sufficiently demonstrate the issue?"

"But perhaps not all demons are belligerent..." 

I thought of the tavern in Val City on the Dark Continent, and the succubus Camilla's attitude towards the war.