Chapter 102: The Inheritor 

"How do you know?"

Senator Meg rebutted me very contemptuously. 

"Have you been to the Dark Continent? Do you understand monsters?"

"Ah, well..." 

Although I can't say I understand them, I have been to the Dark Continent on a three-day tour. Sorry about that ( ̄ー ̄).

"Forget it, Feliciana..." 

Seeing this, Elara signalled me not to say anymore. Then she glanced at the spot next to me.

Nicola instantly understood. She immediately stood up and strode over to Elara's side.

"Is it time?"

Seeing this, Shirley sat up straight, staring intently at Nicola.

"It's finally time for the reveal!" 

Cyra also seemed to have guessed what was coming next. Her spirit suddenly lifted.

"Who is she?"

Gwendolyn looked puzzled seeing Nicola come over. 

"She only seems to have six wings right? Can six-winged angels participate in high council meetings now?"

"Nicola and the others are here for special reasons. But most importantly, I'm about to announce Nicola's other special status!" 

Elara said with a rare smile.

"Humph, what special status could a newborn angel have? You're just stalling for time with no meaning!"

Of course, Senator Meg had already heard about this matter. But she didn't think it could influence the elders' privileges.

"That's not necessarily true, Councilor Meg. Didn't you just say the elders' privileges were rules set by the two founders?"

Shirley also seemed to know the truth. She said mockingly:

"I now publicly announce that Nicola is the rightful inheritor of our angel clan's founder Liana! Her every word and action can fully represent the founder herself."

"What? When did she get together with the angel founder?" 

Cyra had a shocked expression. Even Reed put down her book and looked over. They didn't know the origins of Nicola's Condensation Sword yet.

Hearing this result didn't surprise me. Based on Elara's reaction earlier, I could only think it had to do with Liana. 

I already knew Michelle was connected to the angel clan in some way! By the same logic, it's not strange that Elara, having lived for thousands of years, would also know Liana. I'm quite surprised Liana is one of the angel clan's founders.

"The founder's inheritor? Are you sure about saying that here?"

Of course, just a verbal claim wasn't convincing. Gwendolyn, Meg, and Pauline who was hiding silently, all looked doubtful.

"Perhaps most of you remember nothing about the two founders any more, given how long ago they lived. But the shapes of the two founders' weapons are recorded in Edenmere's history books and paintings, which I'm sure you're all familiar with..."

Saying this, Elara nodded at Serena, who immediately stood up from her seat. She took out a painting and displayed it publicly. 

"This is..."

The painting depicted the heroic sword-wielding poses of two twelve-winged angels - Liana and Galadra. Unlike the sculptures in the sanctuary, the weapons in the founders' hands were visible. They were unmistakably Condensation Swords.

"Nicola, show them proof!"

As soon as Elara finished speaking, Nicola summoned her own Condensation Sword. Side by side, they were identical. 

"The sword of Michelle looks the same right?"

Looking at the painting, Reed meaningfully said to me.

"There's definitely some connection between that Michelle and the angels..."

I recalled Janet and Yvonne mentioning Michelle. Perhaps their betrayal had another layer to it.

"Feliciana, you think I can still avenge Norma?" 

Cyra looked conflicted. Michelle's background was getting more terrifying. And we likely wouldn't get a chance to nuke her again.

"Who knows..."

I sighed softly. Avenging Norma seemed unlikely now. Gazing at the two angels in the painting, I suddenly noticed something strange.

"Did you notice, the two angels look exactly the same!"

"You're right..." 

Hearing me, Cyra hurriedly leaned in for a closer look.

"Were the two founders twins?"

"I'm not sure about that. Their era was so long ago, much has been lost with the passing of older generations."

Shirley, holding the painting, shook her head.

"The artist probably just simplified things. It's a distant scene, hard to show their true appearances. The swords were the focus." 

Serena thought for a moment and gave a reasonable explanation, pointing to a few small words in the bottom right corner.

"Divine Sword Genesis"

"What's this, Nicola's become the genesis god now?"

Cyra couldn't help but quip.

"Weren't you listening?"

Reed looked at Cyra like she was an idiot. 

"She's just an inheritor, still different from the founder herself."

"But why is it only her? The other founder didn't choose me? My qualities aren't bad."

Cyra was very imbalanced. Like me, she had long been eyeing Condensation Sword. The difference was I still had some decency, unlike her shamelessness. 

"Don't be rude to the inheritor!"

Hearing our conversation, Elara frowned and scolded Cyra. Then she asked the two elders:

"Well, do you acknowledge it now?"

"I have no objections, but can the inheritor represent Founder Liana's will?"

Gwendolyn was very familiar with the painting Shirley held. And the way Nicola summoned Condensation Sword was unique, she immediately recognized that.

"Of course. As the next generation's newborn angel, you can see Nicola as Founder Liana herself!"

Elara meaningfully replied. However, I didn't understand the relationship between newborn angels and the founder. 

"The new generation's newborn mean the angels recently summoned by the Angel Descent Formation?"

Gwendolyn was puzzled for a moment, but she seemed to quickly grasp the nuance. She immediately jumped down from her stool and knelt on one knee deferentially. 

"Greetings, Fo...Inheritor!"

"Is this okay?"

Nicola didn't expect her to act this way and looked back at Elara with a strange expression.