Chapter 21 Parade in the street

I had completely forgotten! I originally went to see Nicola to discuss Cyra wanting to change her route to the Saint Capital, but I got distracted by the landlord's punishment issue that I didn't mention it at all!

"Huh, what did she say?" 

Cyra asked suspiciously, then started complaining non-stop.

"I've been waiting here for so long! You guys talked for so long, there must be some outcome right?"

"We didn't really discuss anything..."

Feeling like I couldn't get away with it, I had no choice but to explain awkwardly.

"Sorry, I didn't get a chance to bring it up."

"You didn't say it yet?"

As expected, she was unhappy to hear that, but fortunately she didn't get angry and held it in.

"What were you guys talking about that took so long anyway?"

"The landlord's issues! The religious court of the True Church just decided on all his punishments... "

I sighed, and suddenly thought of a key point - Cyra was also a victim, if she shared my opinion that the punishment was too harsh, maybe we could ask Selene to stop the torture.

"Because he had molested other women before we moved in, the religious trial castrated him last night. Although I feel that's enough already, they decided to parade him through the streets later..."

"Castrating him is great! That's the right punishment for despicable men like him!"

But before I could get to the main point, Cyra slapped her thighs and cheered loudly. 

She looked like she wanted to tear the landlord's flesh off and eat it.

"Actually that was letting him off easy, if it were up to me to decide, I'd definitely give him slow slicing! Yes, slow slicing! Slowly slicing off pieces until only bones are left!"


I didn't dare say any more. 

It's true, compared to her Nicola's harm was relatively minor, so this reaction was probably normal.

Oh well, it looked like the landlord was destined to die after all. I silently shook my head, nothing could be done since I already tried my best!

"When are they starting the parade? I want to go watch too!" 

Cyra suddenly became spirited, her reaction was similar to Nicola's.

"The prisoner wagon holding him should be moving already, Selene told us to get ready, if you want to watch you need to hurry and catch up to them."

I reminded her. Selene was probably going to inform her too, but obviously didn't expect Cyra to stay with me this whole time and couldn't find her.

"What are we waiting for then?"

Cyra darted out the door, not even bothering to discuss changing route to Saint Capital for now.

"Slow you know which route they're taking?"

I hurriedly chased after her. But then I realized, since it's a public parade, there would be many onlookers along the way, so finding them shouldn't be too difficult.


"I heard this guy is a super pervert, a serial molester who forced himself on hundreds of innocent women, and finally got caught by the Church!"

When we arrived at the parade, we found the atmosphere very lively. Non-stop onlookers jeered behind the wagon, while the crowds who didn't know the truth naturally couldn't resist pointing and gossiping about the prisoner Janot. 

Of course, the sources of information were clearly unreliable.

"Who told you that? That's too exaggerated, how could one person do that! I heard he only molested some noblewoman in the Church, that's why he got in big trouble." 

Another voice immediately jumped in to refute, also sounding certain, but the contents were equally inaccurate.

"Why isn't anyone throwing eggs or vegetables? That would make it so much more interesting!"

Cyra glanced at the two people talking just now, then turned to me.

"You think this is a TV show? Where are they going to get that many eggs and vegetables to throw..."

I was exasperated by her. But speaking of which, the prison wagon was very tall, and with Janot lying at the bottom, at our height we basically couldn't see anything, so her feeling bored was understandable.

It wasn't like nothing was being thrown at all, occasionally some female onlookers would pick up small rocks and toss at the wagon. Unfortunately their aim was poor, if they overshot the target, it would hit the crowds on the other side, causing even more disputes.

So before long, the leader of the escort ordered his subordinates to forbid this behavior.

But I didn't see Selene among the escorts. Come to think of it, her status in the Church was probably quite senior, so it's unsuitable for her to get involved in menial tasks like this.

"Why don't we head back? Nothing to see anyway..."

I stretched my neck to look around, and saw they were about to reach the central lake area, so I suggested leaving.

At first Cyra was able to muster some energy to follow the wagon, but as time passed she naturally became bored. Also, the fire punishment would happen soon, I really didn't have the heart to keep watching.

"No, no matter how boring I have to watch his humiliating parade through the city to make up for the mental trauma he caused me!"

She stubbornly refused, and it so happened that Janot seemed to shift his body just then, looks like he had woken up, further cementing her determination to stay.

"You despicable pervert!"

Ignoring the ban, Cyra grabbed a small rock from the crowd and hurled it at the wagon, accurately hitting his body.

"Who's still throwing rocks over there? I said no throwing!"

The escorts immediately scolded when they saw it, fortunately we were standing at the back, short in height, so they didn't notice us.

"Oh well, since you insist then do as you wish! They'll carry out the burning soon you know! If you can bear to watch then I guess it doesn't matter..."

I said helplessly. With all the monsters I've killed, I still couldn't remain indifferent watching a person burned alive. 

As for Cyra who just came out to the world, she probably couldn't take it either. But as the victim, perhaps her hatred would make her react the same as Nicola.

"Burning? They're burning him to death after the parade?"

Cyra was startled when she heard me, staring at Janot in the wagon, her expression suddenly uncertain as she complained to me.

"Why didn't you say so earlier..."

"Wouldn't the outcome be the same anyway? He'll get burned to death sooner or later...can't you bear to watch?"

My heart stirred and I quickly tried probing. But then I realized, it was too late now. Even if Cyra wanted to appeal for cancelling the burning, Selene wasn't here! Those escorting guards had no authority, bringing it up to them would be meaningless.

"It's not that I can't bear it, it's just..."

In response to my question, Cyra hurriedly shook her head in denial. But she only spoke halfway before stopping. 

Perhaps she also realized the situation now. Nothing could be done, she gazed blankly at me as we slowly followed behind the wagon.

We didn't speak on the way, neither of us knew what to say. By the time the wagon circled the lake and stopped in the lakeside plaza, the escort leader ceremoniously took out a paper and started solemnly declaring the charges.

"The criminal Janot is guilty of serial molestation, not only molesting ordinary human females, but deliberately forcing himself on an angel! This behavior blatantly disregards the Church's authority, therefore in accordance with God's will, he is sentenced to death by burning, to be carried out immediately!"

The crowds erupted in commotion when they heard this.

"What! He forced himself on an angel?"

"I thought he only molested humans, didn't expect he actually did it to an angel, no wonder the sentence is so harsh! If it were just humans, at most a few years of penal servitude right?"

"Speaking of which, this guy is really daring to even force himself on an angel, impressive, impressive! He deserves to die!" 

"What's impressive about that, I heard some even forced themselves on monsters! Now that's truly amazing! Would you dare if given the chance?"

"Well that depends on the monster! I wouldn't say no to a dark elf or something..."

"That said, even if he dies, this guy hit the jackpot. After all, she was an angel, how thrilling is that!"


All kinds of discussions immediately arose around us, talking about all sorts of topics, naturally including various vulgar and irritating remarks. Cyra and I frowned. 

"I told you not to stubbornly tag along, now you've heard it all huh?"

I couldn't help grumbling softly, sighing deeply in my heart.

I seemed to catch a glimpse of Nicola in the crowd earlier, she probably saw us too. But she didn't take the initiative to come over, perhaps still sulking from our earlier argument, and keeping her distance.

"The execution begins now!"

Amidst the crowds' discussions, the escorters had already dragged Janot out of the wagon and tied him to the cross prepared in the center of the plaza.

The area below the cross was filled with hay and other flammable materials. A guard held up a torch, ready to ceremoniously ignite the pile in a ritualistic manner.


Cyra suddenly shouted loudly. Ignoring my stunned gaze, she squeezed out from the crowd alone and rushed into the plaza.

Hearing her voice, Janot tied to the cross lifted his head and looked over in surprise.