Chapter 22: Rescue From The Execution Scene

"Stop! This is an execution ground ahead. Unrelated people cannot interfere!" 

The guards escorting him did not recognize her, so they naturally blocked her outside the safety line.

"But his crime does not warrant death!"

Cyra was clearly unwilling to give up. Unable to break through the blockade, she could only stand at the edge and continue shouting loudly.

"I just heard that at most, the crime of rape would only be punished with a few years of military service, but you want to burn the person to death. This is too much!"

"Young lady, this is a religious affair of our True Church and is not within the jurisdiction of the City Defense! The criminal has blasphemed our Lord by raping an angel. His crime is unforgivable! If you continue to make trouble, don't blame us for being impolite!"

Perhaps because of her good looks and her being a girl, the judge did not immediately take compulsory measures, but still issued a stern warning.

"What Lord advocates is tolerance, not cruelty and ruthlessness. He would absolutely not agree with such a brutal practice!"

Cyra shook her head. When it came to religious matters, she naturally spoke eloquently. Not only was she not deterred by this, but she even started educating the other party.

"This girl..."

I couldn't help but sigh softly.

She had indeed gotten confused, completely forgetting that the True Church in this world was still somewhat different, not to mention the True Church in medieval Europe on Earth, whose concepts were actually not that much different from this side either. How could trying to reason using modern religious notions be of any use!

"What right do you have to represent the Lord with just a few words? You seem to be a follower of the Church too?"

As expected, the judge sneered disdainfully upon hearing this. 

"Don't even tell me you understand the Lord's will better than the victim angel!"

"Come on, take her away! Since she is a member of our church, then wait for the religious court to try her internally!"

After speaking, he waved his hand to signal his men to hurry up and catch her as a warning to others.

"What if I say I am the victim?"

Cyra struggled with all her might, twisting and turning, just about to be controlled, when a flash of light flashed across her back, and the wings on her back appeared directly, finally revealing her true face.

"An angel?" 


"She's actually an angel?"


With the wings to aid her, breaking free from the shackles of several low-level church followers was naturally easy. Cyra flapped her wings and flew into the air halfway, still chanting sentences that seemed to be from the Bible.

"Forgive others their trespasses, and God will also forgive your trespasses..."

"If you do not forgive others from your heart, God will treat you the same way..." 

"If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive your trespasses..."

"Is it necessary to show off like this?"

Although I had anticipated this might happen earlier, I still couldn't bear to watch it directly and covered my eyes.

But I had to admit, the effect was extremely good. At least in the eyes of the followers of the Church, she gave a sacred and loving feeling. In an instant, a large swath of people knelt down in the crowd, and prayers rang out one after another.

This naturally included the few followers of the Church who had just spoken rudely on her on the square.

At this moment, what they were chanting was no longer prayers, but words of repentance.


Janot raised his head to look at the sky, his expression somewhat complicated. 

"Don't think I've forgiven you, I just don't want to take a life!"

Muttered to herself, Cyra looked down at the followers of the Church kneeling at her feet. She didn't seem to know what to do, so she could only ignore them, descend directly from the sky onto the haystack, and release Janot from the cross with her own hands.

"Besides, you didn't get your way in the end, right? This kind of cruel and brutal punishment is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Thank...thank you."

Not knowing what to say, Janot could only stutter his thanks.

No one dared to stop this. In fact, the moment Cyra revealed her wings, this result had already become a foregone conclusion.

It was really a rare sight. Including everyone present, this was probably the first time the perpetrator had been personally rescued from the stake by the victim.

Janot was seen slowly sliding down from the haystack with his legs together, walking in a very funny manner. It seemed that the castration last night had been crudely treated, but not completely healed. 


At this moment, Cyra suddenly folded her wings and jumped down from the haystack, blocking his path.

"Huh? Is there anything else?" 

Janot was taken aback, not knowing what she meant.

"Although the Lord has forgiven your capital crime, you can't escape your living sin! As for how to punish, it's fate that brought us together..."

Looking at her cracking her knuckles, Janot panicked and kept waving his hands to explain.

"Wait...wait! Last night I was already..."

"That was done by the religious court. I didn't feel anything, after all, compensation for mental damage has yet to be collected from you!"

Cyra cut him off and kicked towards his crotch. Suddenly feeling something was wrong, she stopped her right foot mid-air and abruptly changed trajectory, kicking him directly in the abdomen instead.

"Let me teach you a lesson for having sinister thoughts about me!" 

"Just because your name is Janot doesn't mean you are really a playboy!"

"I'll beat you to death!"

Looking at Cyra pressing Janot to the ground and beating him violently, not only me, but everyone present was dumbfounded. Just now she was still speaking nicely and helped lower him from the cross. But in the blink of an eye she started attacking him.

"It was you who made her go up there and cause a ruckus, right?"

Nicola's voice rang out from behind me.

Looking back, I saw her standing behind me with an unhappy expression, clearly annoyed. Selene was also following her.

"Huh? No, this is entirely Cyra's own idea!" 

I quickly shook my head to deny it, then glanced at Selene again.

"Speaking of which, aren't you here? Why didn't you stop her?"

Although I did have this idea initially, I absolutely did not want to see the situation escalate like this. If we could have discussed these matters privately earlier, things wouldn't have gotten to this point.

"I wanted to go up at first, but was stopped by Lady Nicola."

Selene stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Going up would have been useless anyway. Could you override the angel's voice on this matter?"

Nicola sighed and explained, then expressed her own opinion.

"Since this was Cyra's intention, there's nothing we can do. After all, she is the victim. I just hope there won't be a next time!"

Seemingly believing my words, Nicola took a look at Cyra who was still "fighting hard" in the square, then left with Selene without looking back.

"What was that about?"

Looking at their retreating figures, I felt somewhat baffled. If Nicola was unhappy, she could have confronted Cyra herself. After all, she is also an angel!

However, I still didn't think too highly of her chances. Just relying on reasoning, the trivial offense she suffered definitely could not compare to Cyra's situation. It could be said that she did not have as much right to speak as Cyra.

But before I could think much about it, Cyra had finished beating him up by now, and finally retreated from the scene.

"That felt so good, I'm finally comfortable now! (〃'▽'〃)"

Stroking her reddened little fists, she was completely shameless, without any regard for her image in front of the surrounding crowd.

Because we were the center of attention, an empty space had been cleared around us. I could feel many gazes passing over Cyra and landing on me. To be honest it was quite embarrassing. 

As for the square, apart from Janot who kept groaning on the ground, those church followers responsible for the execution still had not recovered from their shock.

"Now that you've avenged yourself, let's hurry back!"

Dragging Cyra along, I made my way through the crowd and ran towards the church.

It was really ostentatious. Revealing her wings so brazenly in broad daylight, I guessed it would be very difficult for us to get by in this city in the future. I even heard someone speculating that I was actually an angel too.

"Hey, no rush. The weather today is so nice, let's go visit the nearby market! I haven't really walked around this city yet!"

This girl did not know how to reflect at all. Instead, she actually wanted to wander around everywhere.

"Do you know how ostentatious you were just now? Even I might have difficulty moving around now."

Finding a quiet place with no one around, I stopped and scolded Cyra.

"Then what better way do you have? Go on, say it."

Cyra asked back impatiently.

"Besides, aren't we going to leave this city anyway? What does it matter if we cause a bigger ruckus?"


I was rendered speechless. Indeed there was no better way. I had given up long ago, but I didn't expect she would actually succeed in saving the criminal.

"Was it really worth it to do so much for someone who almost raped you?"

I couldn't help asking her.

"There's no worth or not worth it. After all, the Lord once said, to save one life is better than building a seven-story pagoda..."

Upon hearing this, Cyra immediately started preaching eloquently again.

"That wasn't what your Lord said, right?"

I retorted disdainfully.

"Oh right..."

Slapping her forehead, she immediately corrected herself.

"If you have grievances with others, you must be tolerant and forgiving of one another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you forgive others..."

"Don't spout the Bible at me!"

I kicked at her, suddenly feeling somewhat exasperated. Perhaps this was the holier-than-thou that Nicola spoke of?