I got out of my bathroom in a short pink robe and newly styled hair. I did it myself. I obviously spent more time fixing my hair than washing my body and I won't be surprised if I'm late. My eyes scanned my room decorated with scented candles, I can feel the love already.

Laying comfortably on my bed is an opened box of clothes, accessories and heels he wants me to wear. Tristan left it with a note.

Put this on for me tonight. I'll pick you at nine.

- Love Tristan.

Just rereading that sent butterflies to my stomach. What's not to love about him? Who wouldn't want to be me at this moment? Just beside the gift box, is my phone. I sat on my bed, grabbing my phone. As expected, it's swarmed with messages and missed calls from Kate. I haven't even left yet and it's ten minutes to nine.

I won't rush. It's not lady-like to do so. I'll make him wait. After all, men crave a little bit of delay from their love interest, right?

I picked up the jewelry box and walked to my queen sized, makeup mirror-desk-cabinet. I held the necklace to my neck and tilted my head up, adoring it. He knows what I like and how to give it to me. It's one of the things I love about him.

I gently took off my robe and slid into my dress. My love ignited while dressing up. It's a perfect fit and he didn't leave the price tag nor label. Unlike other men, he's not boastful nor cheap. I checked the time on my watch. 21:30.

I tapped my phone screen gently. He's not here yet. Why is he not here yet? His letter said he'd pick me. Thirty minutes has passed yet I haven't received a text from him. He's meant to be here. I shouldn't be agitated about my anniversary. It's meant to be the other way around. Unless he wants me too.

My brows furrowed. Taunting me is his thing. I don't like it, but he does.

Should I go over to his place?

And ruin the fun? I'll pass.

Wouldn't that put him on his toes and make him fall in love with his impatient girlfriend more? Or this is just my indecisive ass voicing my thoughts? I bit my lower lip and stared at my phone.


What if he forgot? Or got stuck in his room and can't get out? Or his car is broken? Then he will use an uber. I groaned in frustration.

Ha! He could be stuck in traffic. But that's why we have cellphones. To communicate. I'm loosing my mind here!!

I got a text from Kate.

'How's the date going? Taken a bathroom break to adjust your lipstick yet?'

I rolled my eyes and smiled, marking it as read.

'Gurl, if you leave me on read, I will storm right there.'

Tempting, but no.

'He's not here yet. Waiting to be picked.' I texted her back.

'Who are you? Cinderella? Lost a shoe? Get an uber bitch, it's 2023.'

Isn't that desperate?

'And come out as a cock hungry bitch? I'll pass.'

'You are though. You legit followed a cock and left me in uni!' I laughed out loud reading her text.

It's true. And since when was I shy? Since it came to him.

'Haha, very funny.'

'Fact tho. Lmao. Now go meet your man and feed me gossip. I live for it.'

(Translation; Lmao - Laughing my ass out. Tho - Though.)

And this is all the motivation I needed. The universe was giving me a sign and I am going to grab it!

'Calling a cab rn. Ttyl.'

(Translation; rn - right now. Ttyl - Talk to you later.)

'Way ahead of you sissy. It arrives in fifteen minutes. Thank me later.'

I think booking with my phone would've been way easier and shorter but what can I say? I do love a free ride.

At this point, I don't care if I'm being pushy. I need to meet him first. Hopefully, he's not on his way here and we miss each other because it'll be hilarious. Hot yet hilarious.

I ran across my room to my wardrobe and put some flats in a tote bag. Just in case. I can never trust heels.


I tapped my fingernails on each other, agitated as the uber came to a halt. We're in Tristan's home. His parents are out of town so he has the mansion to himself. My heart is beating so hard I can hear it. Seeing the glass walls of his mansion had me remember that night. When we first started dating and I gave myself to him. My cheeks burned as I made my way to the front door. I have a key. I call it girlfriend privilege.

Tristan railed me on that window. I remember it like it was yesterday. My first time. Who knows? Tonight might be another crazy ride on his bed. Something I'd very much love.

I stepped in and shut the door gently, heading to his room. The house looks empty. I always wondered how he could live here alone but he was chill with it.

I can yell his name to find out if he's here or surprise him, it's totally up to me. I'm choosing the latter. I crouched to take my shoes off and dropped it on the small glass table by the sofa in his living room and walked up the stairs. My fingers swayed up the railing, giving me flashbacks. It was here too. He took me in his arms gently, taking me up the stairs while devouring my mouth with his tongue.

My legs quaked and I cleared my throat. A night with Tristan does this with someone. He leaves whoever he's with entirely captivated. I know this because I knew his ex. The story spread back in highschool that everyone he dated never forgot him and still wanted more. He is a reckless lover. The best kind.

He knows how to love and when to give it. My breath hitched. As I stood at the top of the stairs, my mind ran wild with memories. How he slammed my back on this wall and broke my choker.

How I moaned when he fingered me flooded my mind and I rolled my eyes. Just the thought is driving me mad. I can feel the heat brew in my body and hear myself moan. Is this actually possible? My imagination is too vivid that it has my pussy pooling.

Now my moans are loud. My eyes widened and I came back to my sense.

Except.... these aren't my moans. It's someone else's. My throat tightened with dread. I felt my mouth go dry, following the sound.

Could it be that he's cheating on me? I questioned myself, walking slowly to his room. I would rather it be porn than my earlier thought.

It's our anniversary today. He wouldn't do that to me. He told me he loves me. He sent a dress. Then despite all this why am I doubtful? Because I know him. Or knew him. The signs were evident but I didn't listen to myself.

I could never meet up to his expectations. Or could I? Why do I always imagine the worst of things in a dire situation?

Tristan must know I'm here and he's taunting me on purpose. The ends of my lips twitched. Forcing a smile.

The moan got louder and I heard a familiar voice gasp the words. "Oh, Tristan. Yes! Keep going."

Did I hear wrong? Is he replaying tapes of our nights together?

He wouldn't hurt me. Not on our anniversary.

His room door was open and a smile formed on my face. As expected, he was doing this on purpose. A red cloth was on the floor and the closer I got, I realised it is my lingerie. The one he got me.

That dick had me worried for a second. For a very long, devastating second. I'm still going to surprise him, without running forward.

I took my time, carefully sneaking to his room on my tip toes. I pushed my head out first to peak in and my smile turned to a frown when I saw him and her.

Anger. I felt the dreadful taste of anger sweep through my mind and the only thing that rang in my head was murder but I'm not that fearless bitch who'd stab a cheating ex.

This time, I wish I could be.

Tied to his bed with her eyes blind folded is Ivy. On top of her is my boyfriend, fucking her on his bed.

Using my sex toys and putting on my lingerie. How disgusting are they? I wanted to leave but not like this. I don't want to have a lying man sitting next to me for dinner smiling on our anniversary like he didn't just fuck my friend. I ran-walked to his room and picked up his ps5, disconnecting it from the switch and hit him.

Tristan growled, falling down from the bed. I should've hit his head and Ivy's. Whomping his back wasn't enough to quench my anger.

"Hazel..." He breath, looking deep into my eyes.

Ivy pushed the blindfold off her face. She has a worried look written all over. "Hazel, I-"

So this was why she missed Patty's performance? To fuck my man? "Don't." I muttered, staring at her, now I looked at Tristan. "Don't come near me or say a word. We're done." I said and walked away.

"Hazel-" Tristan called. What did he think?! That I'll go back to him?! Accept him with open arms and thank him for sleeping with my friend? Not anyone else but her? Ivy? One of my closest friends? That manipulative slut! My heart is burning so much that I can't breathe. "Wait, don't go."

Hearing him speak annoyed me and I crashed his ps5 on his smart TV. Throwing every device on the ground till I was certain they are destroyed beyond repair. I could be fined for destruction of property but at this point, I don't care.

"Fuck it! Fuck you Ivy! Choke on every man's cock you see because one isn't enough for you!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. I don't want them to see me cry. That's the least I want. In fact, I don't want him to think his actions affected me at all.

I took off his jewelry and ripped the dress in half, now, the previous long dinner dress is torn shabbily above knee length. I threw everything on the floor. "Don't bother following me." I said, obviously hurt. "It's just sex. I will be a freaky bitch who'll get all the sex in the world tonight." That was unnecessary but I was just that hurt. I won't bother crying. Not now. Now ever.

I stormed out of his room then down the stairs and picked up my phone and shoes. I received a text from Kate.

I was too angry to reply her and scrolled through my contact list on my chats instead.

I texted Theresa. 'Babe, remember those guys we hung out with that night at the grill?'

She was typing. Thank God, she's online. 'Yeah why?'

'Anyone of them ready to hang out? My friend needs a date.'

'Lmao. Sure. Here are their contacts.'

Theresa sent me some JPEGs and numbers of five people. I knew I could count on her!

I studied the photos of every man whose contact she shared and one in particular caught my eye. He was the closest to Tristan at the grill that day. Perfect.

He's just the one I want. If only I had tinder, this would be perfect. Actually no, then he'd know who's texting.

I sent him a message. He responded. If luck isn't on my side tonight, everyone I need to text are active.

Me: Hi.

Him: Who are you?

Me: We met at the grill. One of Resa's friends.

Him: Okay. Why the unexpected text?

My lips formed a grin.

'Are you free tonight? I would really love to talk over drinks.'  I texted.

He responded. I was nervous at first that he would decline because I am being such a needy pig. I didn't even look at his name before texting him.

Him: Sure. Where?

A grin formed on my face and I texted the address. 'See you there.' I added then ordered a taxi.

If I can't have Tristan, then I'll fuck his friend.