I was going through some folders on my desk when I my phone screen beamed with a notification. My phone is on silent but that dim glow caught my attention and I picked it up while pinching the bridge of my nose.

I got a text from an unknown number. A client maybe. Or the vice chancellor.

I unlocked my phone and tapped the notification.

The person texted me 'hi'. I don't know if whoever it is doesn't know how laughable this is. Getting a text from an unknown number is one thing, no introduction after that text is another. I've been busy sorting out files tirelessly all day, so maybe this could be a good distraction.

I responded. Personally, I'm not interested in the least, but I want to know if someone needs to get some work done and why this person was dumb enough to text with his or her actual line.

I held my phone in my hand and exhaled, staring at the screen.

'We met at the grill. One of Resa's friends.'

I read. That piqued my interest. It's normal for women to fawn over me. I just never expected anyone to message me this quickly.

I replied back. 'Okay. Why the unexpected text?'

'Are you free tonight? I would really love to talk over drinks.'

Straight to the point. I like that. I guess I don't have a choice but to accept this invitation. It's rare for a lady to get me intrigued enough to reply more than once. Hers was short yet good.

'Sure. Where?'

I received the text faster than I blinked. Reading the address, I smirked. She wants to talk over drinks in a club? I chuckled. What an interesting yet readable person. Giving out what she wants without begging.

'See you there.' She texted again and I dropped my phone. Resa's job at the grill party was to invite only females so I know it's a lady. Now I wonder if she's an interesting one. Maybe she's more fun in person.

I took off my reading glasses and relaxed my back on my office chair comfortably. Tonight will be my night off. I can worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. With a stretch, I texted my agent and stood up.



I bit my lip while sitting at the bar. He's late. Very late but I'm half drunk anyway so I don't care. I whisked the glass in my hand slowly, enjoying the curl of the whiskey in it then drank.

A sharp exhale left my lips as I drowned everything down my throat at once. At this point, I might get laid even before he arrives but that would be so wrong.

I am beautiful and hot. I know the effect I have when I walk into a room. I know men want me. The trick is submitting to none, while feeding their eye desires. At least, in a place like a club. But none of that matters tonight. Because tonight, I have my eyes on one man. And that is one of Tristan's closest friends.

My brows furrowed as I ordered another drink and dropped a tip on the counter. Submitting my heart to someone got me shattered. I don't ever want to feel this pain again. Not even after I heal.

"Make that two." A deep voice echoed in my ears as a man leaned over me, taking my card back. He gave it back to me along with my tip and made himself comfortable on the stool beside me. "It's on me." He said with a smile.

My heart dropped. His cologne filled the air, suffocating me in a way I enjoyed. I studied his form. The man's hair is perfectly styled, nothing too much but decently attractive. He has thick, brown eye brows and lashes and a straight nose. Then his jaw... it's chiselled to perfection.

I ran my eyes down his body. I don't even want to begin to talk about how broad his shoulders are. How yummy he looks in that suit. I want to rip it off. I want to see him naked.

I blinked, trying to get him out of my head.

Oh my God. I knew he was alluring from the photo but I didn't know he was this alluring. I also did not give him much credit earlier. How did I not notice someone like this at the party? Was I blind?

By that cheater's love, yes.

"Killian. A pleasure to meet you." He didn't stretch his hand out like I expected. I could tell he does not want to be friends. He wants more. A grin formed on my face. I wonder, just how much more.

"Hazel." I said, tilting my back forward while stretching my leg out, playing with the counter stand. Giving out an alias would've been smarter but I want my name to ring in his mouth after we're done. If he wants to have his way with me.

Our drinks arrived and my attention was directed at the bartender. I have to come off as uninterested as ever even though I'm practically stripping him naked in my mind. I cleared my throat and held the stem of my glass. Killian took a sip from his.

Watching his throat vibrate as he swallowed makes me needy. I pressed my thighs together. I am supposed to be sad. Enraged even, but this man takes every negative energy away from me. I like that but it's shocking. Deliciously shocking.

"So, talk."

My brows creased. "Excuse me?" I forced some whiskey down my throat to cover this up. I did text him to meet me up to talk.

Killian has a smile on his face. That made my knees go weak. He leaned his hand forward and took my glass from me. "Permit me to say this, you're wasted. Don't have more." He said.

Oh my God. So he's a gentleman and a charmer. My heart raced as his hand got near my face. He stroked the end of my lips with a lazy finger covered with a handkerchief. Since when do men go to clubs with that? I'm getting charmed even more. I giggled.


Killian stopped. "I'm anything but cute."

I laughed. On a normal day, I won't do that but it's the alcohol working, I'm powerless to it. To my surprise, he didn't get offended. "You definitely are cute. Your face, eyes. Nose. Even your hair." I reached out to dip my hand in his hair and slipped. He caught me. Holding me in his arms. Killian sat me back gently.

"You've had so much to drink."

I placed my elbow on the counter and rested my cheek on my folded wrist. "Cute and a gentleman. The killer combo." I giggled. I feel free. Loose. Happy. Light headed. Alcohol does work. Or maybe my emotions are heightened because of the pills I ingested. What can I say? Clubs always have drug dealers and I was pained enough with so much money to spare.

Killian was quiet.

It was then I was partially self conscious. I thought I put on something worth gazing at but he hasn't studied me once. I have sized him these last few minutes at least five times.

"Another drink please." I said to the waiter.

"Hold on with that, please." He commanded and I was cross. We just met physically a second time. He doesn't have the right to do that.

"Please, one more." I said to the bartender, the man sat beside me with my eyes.

"I said no."

What kind of buzz kill did I choose to hang out with tonight?

"Or what? Not going to offer to buy me a drink?" I teased, leaning forward to take his glass. "I can buy my own drink." I added, lifting it to my lips and emptied the contents down my throat.

My head felt dizzy after. I am high and drunk. I laughed, reaching out to my purse on the bar counter and it slipped out of my grip, falling on the ground. A body reached down to pick it.

My pussy pooled when his arms brushed my thighs. They're strong. I blame how I am seated but there are other ways to retrieve my purse without getting between my legs.

I'm not putting on underwear and just knowing he's there made me cautious.

"Here." He said, handing my bag to me. He didn't stand however, his hand rummaged around my feet.

He helped buckle my shoe. Killian's hands feels nice on my skin. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose but my eyes rolled back in my sockets when his hands slid up my legs.

"I do admire a cute man." I taunted, trying to get on his nerves on purpose.

Killian looked at me, trapping my arm between his fist. "When I get my hands on you, it wouldn't be so cute. You'll retract your words."

My words hung in my throat at his words and my heart skipped a beat. What is this eye contact? It's penetrating and fierce and it burns through my soul. I felt a heat I doubt he experienced too. It's a shame. The one person I want to fuck so bad with and without vengeful intentions doesn't find me attractive at all. And I doubt he ever will tonight.

Killian got up. "Can you walk?" He asked and I shook my head. "Can you stand?"

That was another question and I hate questions but something about his tone made me want to answer.

Makes me imagine how dominant he can be under the sheets. I shook my head again. "Do you remember your house address?"

I looked at him and exhaled. "No." My voice was like a whisper. Killian sighed.

I feel terrible. Am I being stressful? Why does what he thinks about me suddenly matter? I felt devastated and managed to stand. My feet are wobbly and I ended up falling on his chest instead. It was accidental, but I could stay here forever. I pushed my body backwards, maintaining my composure with a grin. Standing, I realised how much taller and bigger he is compared to me.

"Forgive me for this. But I'm taking you out of here." Killian put his suit jacket around me, raised me up, held my purse and walked me out of the club. The good thing is, no one paid attention. The bad thing is my heart is fluttering and I'm a fragile lady going somewhere at night with someone I barely know to a place I don't know.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know but this feeds a fantasy and I love it.