Another winter came by and once again it was another Christmas. Last Christmas was just the same Kaia all alone at home as Yui was away for the shooting and Julian went to see him at work. It really was nasty when Yui called him to wish from both him and Julian. But this time things were going to be different, Miko wanted to spend the holidays with his son. So they all agreed to let her stay until New year by which the premier for the movie will be finally out.

The apartment which was always dark this time of the year was lit with colourful led lights and decorations. A tall Christmas tree was even put up near the window. Yui's younger sister, Yuna, was also came and stay here as after the holidays she will be entering college in this city. So right after Christmas and New Year she'll be living in the University dorm.

Now the living arrangement was obevious, there were two bedroom in this massive apartment, one was Kaia's and the other was for the couple. It was pretty obevious who will slip on the sofa in the living. As there will be two women, you can't ask them to sleep on the sofa now can you. And so Miko and Yuna stayed in Kaia's room while he sleeps on the sofa.

Here's the thing, among a group of five people, if four people had known each other since way back and the other one only came into the picture recently it was obevious that there will be less conversation to start with that person. And that's what Kaia was, he felt disconnected and left out seeing the four of them talking about old times in the kitchen. The only person he could with like that was Julian who right now was smiling and paying attention to his mother and Yui.

Kaia could only smile and watch them from the sofa. As he looked around the room, it really was different from before. The lights were almost blinding to his eyes.

"Oh no we're out of eggs!" Kaia heard Yui's voice, he continued "... maybe Kaia forgot to buy some."

It really was laughable, since the couple works day and night, Kaia was the only one taking care of the house from laundry to groceries he took care of it all. It's like he had become the official housekeeper.

"I'll go out." Julian said.

Yui- Wait just order online

J- it's fine... It's not far.

Actually Julian wanted to have a breadth of fresh air. He just wanted to give Yui and his mother some time. Plus Yuna also needs some catching up to do with her brother as she just came from another country. And also he wanted to get chocolate pudding from the nearby cafe for Kaia. He knew that Kaia loved those so it was the perfect time to go out.

As he passed by the living room he saw Kaia watching TV all alone. He stared at him for a while and just said, "I'll be back.", to him before leaving.

Now the only person who Kaia knew was gone and he's stuck here with strangers. He was just minding his own business when Yuna suddenly came and sat next to him. She gave him a look which instantly told Kaia she didn't liked him.

Yuna- And so what do you do?

Seeing her Kaia remembered her younger sister from his previous life. But she wasn't as cute as her. Thinking about his next life, he wondered when his death was coming. He had never read this novel so he had no clue.

Yuna- hello I'm talking to you.

Yuna continued a little annoyed. Kaia didn't know what to say. He could only laugh awkwardly and hope she goes away but she didn't. She continued her arrogance.

Yuna- my brother and Julian are a couple. Don't you think you're invading a couple's privacy by staying here?

Kaia was completely caught off-guard. He smiled without reaching his eyes and answered, "This is a big penthouse. So there's plenty of space for me to not invade their privacy.", with that he got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

There he saw Yui and Miko having a good time. He just ignored them and went for his water but Yuna followed him and yelled, "Why are you so rude?!", right infront of Yui and Miko.