With the sudden outburst from Yuna, both the two people in the kitchen and Kaia were surprised.

Miko- what's wrong?

Yuna acted as if Kaia had wronged her and said, "I was just asking some questions and he just stood up and left."

By now Kaia was so done with her. Yui was scolding her not to get so worked up over nothing but she just continued, "I only asked him what does he do for work hmp!"

"That's enough Yuna, you've been here for a few days now so you should know that Kaia is not working right now." Yui suddenly said.

Kaia was confused was this guy defending him or was that line inappropriate. After a while Yuna finally left to go watch TV and only the adults are left in the kitchen.

Miko who also doesn't know Kaia, was also curious as to why this guy was living with her son and his lover.

"Why didn't you look for a job, son?" Miko asked. Now she said that with the most pleasant tone that one wouldn't notice how bad it actually is. She also added "son" to softer the question.

Yui was the one who answered tho, "Actually he's looking for one right now."

Kaia couldn't even opened his mouth. He wondered why this guy was answering on his behalf. Things took a wrong turn when the conversation about him carried on without himself.

Yui- Kaia, our company is looking for staff members to work in photo shoots why don't I recommend you?

Miko- oh that's good news right? Then you'll be able to get a place of your own.

The atmosphere became tense but one thing was clear, these people didn't like him. Kaia had little interraction with them so he didn't know at first but now it was crystal clear.

Here's the truth, Yui never liked the fact that Kaia was living with Julian even before he came, he felt that now he's here this place should only be for him and Julian just like they talked about for many years. And also he didn't like the idea that Kaia was using the money that Julian earned.

The same can be thought in the case of Miko. Although she kinda knew that Kaia helped Julian but she believed that her son became a billionaire only because of how talented he is, not with some outsider's help. And now she thinks Kaia is only taking advantage because Julian feels indebt to him.

Kaia who couldn't hold it in anymore finally spoke up.

K- wow I didn't know you guys think so much for me. Thanks for the offer but I don't need to work and I want to stay here. Isn't it a paradise to not work and still have a roof over your head?

In a split second Miko, from being the elegant kind mother, to those judging aunties, her face became dark.

Miko- you're even older than my son. Don't you think you should already have your own place. You're using the money my son work hard for.

Kaia refuted, "Well this place is my own no? Plus your son personally told me I don't need to work, he'll provide everything for me"

Upon hearing this Yui shouted, "What!?"

Kaia knew he shouldn't have said but he did so he can't take back.

The next words coming from Miko's mouth made the situation more and more tense, "Didn't your mother teach you any manner? If she sees you she'll be very disappointed that she did a bad job at raising you.."

K- Excuse me? Who are you to know that my mother raised me wrong?

Miko- A son's behaviour is the reflection of a parents' personality, seeing you I can guess they are not that good of a people. Scammers even given how you're using someone else's money.

Now he knew this has gone too far. And he knew he shouldn't have said these words but he did.

K- oh really? Mrs Ardino, you speak as if you are a great parent yourself when you left your son and never even bother to visit him for years until now when he only have money. I guess that's expected from a maid who crawled herself to her rich master's bed.

At this point Miko who was stirred the hot oil with a laddle to fry some prawns raised her hand and almost hit Kaia with the laddle. Fortunately Kaia dodged and while pushing her hand away, Miko looses balance and she fell to the floor.

"Argh!!!" Yui let out a scream in pain, he got splattered with the hot oil on his leg. He was wearing shorts so the hot oil came in direct contact with the delicate skin.

Within the next moment Kaia got hit in the face with something strong. His right cheek was stinging and his nose was starting to bleed. It was just a strong force as if it was from someone who hated him. When he looks to see what just happened, he saw Julian giving him the cold, dark stare. And it was his hand that struck his face.