I Can Even Be Much Meaner

A few days after taking Qi-Fu-Er out of his dimensional space, it had already been a week since the ten kids had gone to train with Dong-Kuang. And it was time for them to return to Zheng-Fu, as scheduled.

Thump, thump, thump!!!

“Respect, Young Master!!!”

It was not long before Dong-Kuang and the ten kids finally arrived at the courtyard where Zheng-Fu was waiting. When they arrived, everyone immediately saluted him, unlike when they first met Zheng-Fu, when there was no greeting or respect at all.

"How was the last week?" Zheng-Fu asked, staring at the ten kids.

“Young Master, we've been training hard for a week as you’ve ordered,” a kid of the same age as Zheng-Fu walked out, clasped his hands, and replied to Zheng-Fu.

“Um… Then that's fine. Alright, you guys get this pill each. Eat it and then go to rest in the guesthouse. I will follow you later." Zheng-Fu said, handing each of the ten kids a pill and telling them to rest in the guesthouse first.