Don't Think About Palming Off On Me

After the kids finished their eating, Zheng-Fu took them out to the courtyard with Dong-Kuang and Qi-Fu-Er as before. But more than that, Jin-Tian was lying outside waiting for them with its mother. And when it saw Zheng-Fu, it shook its tail and let out a faint growl.


“High-level monster beast!!!”

The ten kids exclaimed in unison once when they saw Jin-Tian, for they had not seen it yet since entering here. That was because Zheng-Fu had taken it to the back of the residence to prevent anyone from seeing it. But it was here now because Zheng-Fu ordered it and its mother to come and wait for him. He had something for them to help.

“You don't have to be afraid. It doesn't do anything to you because it is…” Just as Zheng-Fu was about to say that Jin-Tian was Hu-Bai's son, he shut his mouth because its appearance was so different from its mother that it did not even look like a mother and child.