Chapter 5

I turned to adimiro and was met with his frowning face. he could at least pretend to be happy to work with me. I sighed and approached him since he didn't seem like he was going to do anything. "hi" I announced when I got close to him. "so how are we gonna go about this?" I muttered letting out a breath.

"I mean whatever mr browning said learn how to defend ourselves using our abilities." he simply hummed and stared ahead with disinterest and a look of boredom.

"you're not helping at all you know?" I complain with a tight voice. "well what abilities do you poses?" he asked turning his attention to me this time. "vegetation and water." "I can manipulate fire." he replied after me. "our powers are opposite which is good it'll be a little bit of a challenge." I added. "well lets get this over and done with." adimiro muttered before getting in a sort of fighting stance. I did the same preparing to use my magic.

"arent you going to attack first?" I tilt my head to side expectantly. "ladies first" he simply stated appearing more relaxed than he probably should be.

I sighed before growing a medium sized flower in the space between us. "are you seriously going to defeat me with a freaking flower?" he teased me smugly as his smirk grew wider.

I simply smiled and flicked my wrist upward making water shoot up from the plant and into adimirios face. I giggled loudly at his annoyed expression on his soaked face. "oh sorry was just testing the waters" I winked at him with a smug expression. "now the real fight can begin".

"you wont be laughing like that when im done with you." he chuckled licking the inside of cheek. his expressing turned serious as he was getting ready to fight. he stretched his arm out making a medium sized ball of fire come along with it. I barely dodged it before another came at me, then another. I looked at adimiro with furrowed eyebrows only to find him smirking as he kept the fire attacks coming and it was clear that he wasent planning on stopping.

"getting tired already princes?" he taunted as he made the fire balls come at me faster than they were.

"im just getting started." I huffed breathlessly. well that was a lie, I was working up a sweat but I wasent going to tell him that. ive honestly never trained my powers the way I should've because I just didnt gtow up in that type of environment. so this was another level for me.

I soaked up the water from the grass which was a lot because it had just been watered, I made a big ball with it and sent it flying towards him. all the fire balls that were coming at me merged into one evaporating my ball of water. I was stunned, at this point I knew he was better at controlling and using his powers more than I was but I wasent going to give up.

I sucked in a breath before making the grass around him grow abnormally large. I made then enclosed him making him unable to move. he looked at the grass and then at me, his lips slowly turned up into a slight smirk. "Oh i didnt know you were into bondage, princess."

I froze abrubtly before shaking my head trying to clear my thoughts, he was only trying to confuse me. I accidently let my vines loose in my shocked state. Giving him a way out of them. He sprinted to me making me wonder what his motives were. He stopped an inch away from me. making me go rigid once again. I really needed to get myself together.

He stared intensly into my eyes seemingly searching for something before smirking as if he'd found it. I wanted to know what he was looking for but was too distracted by the distance between us. I felt heat around me and from adimiro makinf me step back to try to avoid it. I felt a grip on my waist pulling me back onto adimiros chest.

"Watch your step princess or you might just get burned." He said gravely. I couldnt focus and i was beginning to sweat in the heat. I averted my gaze from him and looked around me. There was fire surrounding us keeping us in a small circle. What was he trying to gain from such a stunt, i dont know and i dont think i ever will. I've never met such a complicated person.

I tried absorbing water from the grass but it was much harder to do with the heat surrounding. My power never worked well in heated temperatures, and in this situation i was most definitely doomed. I strained my power trying to get out of this situation, this boy was still smirking watching me struggle. I wondered if je knew something i didnt but it was not the time to ponder on that.

I grew the grass in between us seperating us from one another as it sent us flying in opposite directions. I landed ass first not far from our spot but hard enough to feel the sharp pain that came up my butt. I felt a sting on my left arm making me lift it up to inspect it. I wish i hadn't. I was burnt badly and it didnt look good to see my skin peeling of and bloody like that, i immediately looked away.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice above me making me look up to see who it was. Of course its adimiro. His eyes flicked to my bruise before returning to my eyes. "I'm sorry" he apologised in a low voice. I strangled an it's okay being cut of by the feel of his arm on my upper waist. "Let me help you to the infirmary."

I didnt argue and walked side by side with him to the 'infirmary'. You'd think we'd have to ask Mr browing to go but he didn't really care so we just went out. We walked side by side in a comfortable silence. The infirmary was actually not that far which i was thankful for.

The nurse tended to my wounds and handed me some antibiotics and pain killers. I thanked her leaving the room, she was really nice which made me like her instantly.

"I'm sorry michela I-" adimiro started to apologise but i cut him off. "Its okay really, im fine." He simply took the hint and stopped apologising which i was thankful for. We walked in silence back to the main building. "Whats your next class?" He asked breaking the silence between us. "English, why?" "I was wondering if you wanted to skip class with me."

"No." I frowned stopping. Ive never skipped a class in my entire life and i wasn't going to start now. "Why?" He raised a brow. "Because I dont want to, plus I've never skipped a class in my life." He turned to me with a teasing look in his. "Oh let me guess you also like reading cliche romance books?"

"Actually i do and there is nothing wrong with that." I huffed rolling my eyes. He looked at me a certain way for a whike before turning his attention to our surroundings. I wanted to know what he was thinking but he was hard to read.

"Where are you going?" I questioned in confusion when he turned to a different direction which definetly didn't lead to the main hall. "I'm skipping class, you not joining isnt going to stop me." He said with a monotonus voice.

What was up with him and his mood swings? I stood there alone for a minute before shurgging and continuing on my way to class. The rest of the day was a breeze. The classes ended eventually which I was thankful for.

I headed to my dorm and plopped on my bed. I stared at the ceiling in thought. Adimiro was so good at using his powers. I wondered if he'd been training for such. But then again he is repeating his first year so i guess it made sense that he would know how to fight like that right?

My train of thought was interrupted by my ringtone. I checked the caller ID only to find out it was my dad. "Theres my girl how were your first few days in Bermidia?" He said as soon as i acceptthe call making me chuckle. "Hi dad, I've been great how are you?" I asked him back. "Wel work was tiring as usual but the worst part of my day is missing you." His words made me roll my eyes. But in all honesty I missed them as well.

My dad and I i talked for a few mkre minutes most of them consisting of us going back and forth about my injury. I told him I'm fine for the thousandth time before he finally caved in which bought relief on me. I ended the call and sighed.

Almost immediately the dinner bell rang and I lazily got up to go grab a bite. I wasn't that hungry but i guess i was going to eat for the sake of it.

After grabbing a tray and filling it with food. I decided to settle with dimitri. I had no idea where Theresa was and there were a lot of places she could possibly be. "Hey." Dimitri smiled at me as I settled next to him. "Hey" I reciprocated his smile. We sat and talked about our day before we were interupted by someone clearing their throat.

I looked behind me to find adimiro having a slightly pissed look on his face. I wasent even going to bother trying to figure out what was bothering him. "You ditching us for Michela now?" Adimiro turned to dimirti. Okay that was rude.

"Come on Miro don't be that way. She was keeping me company because you we're slow." I felt self conscious in between them especially when they talking about me as if im not here. "Well I'm here now, you don't need her anymore." I simply sighed ans got up not waiting to be dismissed.

It was clear to me that Adimrio had terrible mood swings. I set my tray down, not really feeling hungry. I sighed tiredly as I walked back to my dorm. I felt worse than I had before, Adimiro really bought down my mood. I distracted myself with a book not really wanting to think about it. I fell dozed of eventually, letting sleep take over me.