Chapter 6

"Adimiro is one hell of a guy, but I don't think it's a coincidence you keep on bumping into each other"

Theresa shrugged and took a bite out of her sandwich. "Then what do you think it is if its not coincidence?" I raised a brow as I slurped my juice through my straw. I don't if its because I was really hungry but lunch was more delicious than usual today.

"I dont know maybe he has a crush on you." Theresa said suggestively making me roll my eyes. "Please don't get started about the crush thing." "Okay I won't, but only because I don't want you to strangle me while I'm eating." I chuckled at her comment and payed more attention to my juice.

"Theresa." "Hmm." She hummed not paying attention to me but to some boy that walked by. "Before you ask, no I don't think you should go over there and talk to him." "I wasn't even going to ask you I was just looking Michela, give me a break." She gasped dramatically making me roll my eyes once more. "Okay whatever you say." I murmured. It was her turn to roll her eyes at my comment, making me snicker.

After lunch I went to my classes as usual. I got through the day quickly and I was relieved that Adimiro was in none of my classes today. I walked to the dorms with a skip in my step. Instead of continuing to the second floor where my dorm was situated I turned to the hallway making a beeline for Theresa's dorm. I rapped on her door three times more than I should before she finally opened. "Michela aren't you supposed to be having a moment a moment with Adimiro or Dimitri or both." She raided a brow looking at me as if I didn't do my homework.

"Nope, all those classes I had without you after lunch made me realise how much I missed you." I said cheerily and invited myself in her dorm. It was amazing. It had different kinds of flower pots everywhere. Some hanging some on her desks and window sills. "I didnt know you were a fan of flowers." I mused still looking around. "Well now you do. I actually had them with me for a while I was just too lazy to set it up." She shrugged settling on her bed.

I joined her and took out a packet of candy from my bed and settled it in between us. "Girl where'd get all this?" "Don't tell anyone but I have a secret stash in my room." I whispered to add dramatics making Theresa flick my forehead. "What was that for?!" "For being an idiot." Theresa said eating a piece of candy with the wrapper still on. I burst out into a fit of laugher at her antics. "So much for calling me an idiot."

"Wanna watch a movie?" I offered since I didn't really have anything to talk about. "I'm choosing!" She practically screamed as she snatched her laptop away from me. "You didn't have to scream and the computer is not running away missy." I said sarcastically as I grabbed a treat from the stash i bought. "A horror movie is the way to go." I shrugged. As long as it is a good movie I was down for whatever.

I regretted it. By the end of the movie Theresa was laughing at me and the way I clutched on to her on every jumpscare.

Well thanks to Theresa horror movies are now on my hate list and she is very close to being on it for making me watch one and for laughing at me.

"I so hate you right now." I grumbled in annoyance. "Of course you do just like you hate Adimiro so much." She mocked in a sarcastic tone as she waved her hands around.

I've never wanted to strangle someone so bad.

I gave her a death glare before pouncing on her with a pillow and reapetedly started hitting her. She fell on to the bed on her back and started putting her arms infront of her in defence which made it harder to hit her.

I landed on the floor with a thud as a result of her pushing me with her arms and legs of the bed. I laid there not a single thought in my head but regrets of all the decisions that led me to this situation.

Theresa's hand was all up in my face as she asked if I needed a helping hand. I groaned and grabbed it with a firm grip before pulling her on to the floor with me.

Which also was a bad decision because she landed on me instead of the floor making me cry out in pain.

She rolled of me and settled on the floor next to me. I turned my head to her only to find that she was already staring at me. I was taken aback when she started laughing in my face all of a sudden. As much as I was confused I smiled along, her laugh was contagious in this moment.

After we cooled of we laid there staring at the ceiling, a comfortable silence settling over us. I felt content with Theresa more than I have with anyone else that wasn't in my family. I have never felt such a deep connection with a friend not to mention that I just met Theresa and she was already becoming a sister to me.

"You're skin is" I whispered in awe at her features. I never really took the time to look at her closely, but now that I had paid attention I saw her in a more unique and prettier manner.

"Thank you." She beamed with as a large smile took over her features. "Oh my goodness, that reminds me!" She rushed scrambling of the floor and went to her mirror and settled on the chair infront of it. I followed behind of course.

"My skincare routine." She explained taking out different bottles, tubes and containers containing all her creams and ointments. "You have a skincare routine!? I just throw cold water on mine."

I exclaimed as I started fittling with her hair. "Yep. My skin is like overly sensitive because of the albinism, I litterally have 3 types of sunscreens I have to put on on a daily well when its hot atleast, and I dont just use anything for my mouth I use an anti flaking ointment and then top that of with petroleum jelly."

She rambled of explaining all about her products. "You can just say vaseline but okay." I rolled my eyes as I played with her hair. The blond afro felt good between my fingers as i got caught up in it. "Play with my hair like that and I might just fall asleep." Theresa mumbled using eyedrops for her eyes. I was surprised but I decided not to ask. "Hold on let me just." I mumbled before pulling on her hair as I started platting corn rows. "Michela!" She turned around and screamed dramatically making me put my hands up in a surrendering motion. I decided to use my phone while she was busy after that and kept to myself.

I got up and announced that I was going to leave as she finally stood up from her chair. "Let me walk you out." I waited for her and let her walk me to my dorm. I hugged her goodbye. I threw myself backwards onto my bed as soon as i opened my door.


For the second time that day I landed on the floor. My floor. With the thoughts and intention of landing on my own bed. I screamed into my hand and stared up at the ceiling with a board look.