Chapter 8 : Friends promise

Chapter 8: Friends forever

Avani:(get up seeing him and try to close files but Dhruv stop her)sir actully..

Dhruv:I know what are these files related to so don't worry and I am in your team. I am also suspicious about Kunal behaviour. I am sure he is hiding something sp we have to find out something.

Avani got stunned as she bite her lips nervously.

Avani:sir....(Dhruv stop her)

Dhruv:can we go for lunch? I really did not have anything due to kunal. Id he was around he would nag me to have something along with him but today i have not eaten anything, so please accompany me for lunch.

Avani smiling nodes in yes as they lock the file in draw and moves out.

Both go out to a hotel where Kunal- Dhruv always comes for lunch...Dhruv pull chair for Avani as she smile and also make himself comfortable with them placing the order lunch.

Avani:(nervously)sir how do you know I did not have anything from morning?

Dhruv smile and looks at Avani while drinking water. He smiles at her innocent question.

Dhruv:Avani not me but Kunal know that when ever you tensed and worried, you will not have anything. Today you were tensed irritated and worried for Kunal. Am I right or not?

Avani was lost in Kunals world hearing his name as Dhruv looks at him concerning.

Dhruv:By the way,did you find something from those files?(she looks at him as he smiles) as i told you i know kunal is upto something but he is nit telling us. Please help me to find our, will you?

Avani thinks for sometime then smile at Dhruv shaking her head in yes. He smiles looking at her while both of them gave lunch discussing other things. At the end of lunch Dhurv give a name to their alliance.

Dhruv:so Alliance Avniruv will work and finish work on MISSION KUNAL

Avani- Dhruv smile as they leave for the office aftet completing lunch..Avani inform Dhruv that from file they didn't got any useful information.

Dhruv:Then we have only one way to know what going on.

Avani:what sir?

Dhruv get lost in thinking while dhurv smiles at her.


It was evening when everyone were leaving and were happy that today their was no case reported while Dhruv concildes to Avani that he will find out whats going on in Kunal mind by hook or by crook..

it was night 11 when Kunal return home,he open his door and locks the door with switching the lights on as he turn getting stunned to see Dhruv on the couch waiting for him.Dhruv gets up and stand there itself while Kunal change his expression from shocked to happy.

Kunal: Dhruv what are you doing here?

Dhruv:Why? Is there a problem me coming here?

Kunal:Not at all boss, I was just suprised to see you here waiting for me.

Dhruv:yes I was waiting for you, yesterday you left without meeting me so i decided fo wait until you turn up today.(Kunaltry to give excuse)

Kunal:boss you..

Dhruv: (interputing)we will talk later, you go and freshnup till then i will prepare something for you, it's been long we friends sat together and I don't want to hear any excuses. So just follow my order and get ready, leave now.

Dhruv moves to kitchen,Kunal know he can't escape Dhruv questions atleast now but he thought he will be careful in answering any question and moves to freshen up.

When he comes back he see hot dishes with awesome aroma were waiting for him on the table, Dhruv smile and serve Kunal and ask him to start the dinner while Kunal takes the first bite and his smile disappear as he gets to know who made the dinner"yes it was her hands magic...Kunal's fav dish with that taste and magic can be made by only one..."Dhruv wantedly did this ad he smile as his plan was working he looks at Kunal.

Dhruv:Kunal what happened? Why are you not eating?

Kunal keep his hand on table looking at Dhruv.

Kunal:Dhruv who made the food? (Dhruv immedetly answers)


Kunal face expressions change to pale blue as Dhruv continues.

Dhruv:By the way, what with the question?I know that with 1st bite you knew who made the food, right?

Kunal looks at Dhruv and was about to stand up when Dhruv hold his hand tightly.

Dhruv:We should not neglect the food plate infront of us kunal, finish it.

Kunal stops and sit back...seeing Dhruv he again start eating. Dhruv smiles looking at Kunal enjoying the delicious food.

Kunal:Avani was here?(Dhruv with a cute smile)

Dhruv:No, she prepared at her home and got it on my request. I know you live food made by Avani. You remeber you always yse to snach her home food boxes when ever she use to get tiffins without sharing it anyone not even with me at office.

Kunal remember the time when he, Dhruv, Sam,Shamb uuse to fight for Avani's made food..she was the new crop and had just started developing feelings for Kunal,she use to bring lunch for all everyday n all use to eat her food fighting with eachother but suddenly Kunal remember Avani- sid engagement.

Kunal:(low tone)boss, those are all in the past(He looks straight into Dhruv eyes)This is the last time I having it so I am gonna enjoy it.

Dhruv nodes but his head strike something.

Dhruv:what do mean by last time?

Kunal:(hestigly)i mean..i mean that Avani made food. I am enjoying her food for last time and don't do it again.

Kunal start eating as Dhruv smile seeing the way Kunal was eating,Kunal was eating like a child making everything fall while Dhruv was lost in thinking.

Dhruv: he is saying he will not like again but i am sure they way he is enjoying he will again fall for her food.

Dhruv smiling was thinking when Kunal see him and ask him what by his head,Dhruv nodes nothing n then they finish. Dhruv was trying to clean the vessel as Kunal was not allowing him to do so.

Kunal:Dhruv stop it bro, the house helper will be here tomorrow so she will finish this.

Dhruv nodes as he looks at Kunal smiling lost while he ask her with his eyes.

Kunal:I just recollected about Avani, she dose the same thing. After everything she gets ready to clean the mess, as per her it's her social responsiblity to clean everything.

Dhruv smiling glares with questioning look at Kunal when he realize what he told as he try to clarify.

Kunal:When I was in bed due to high fever, she was here on order of Acp sir to take care of me as I leave alone. So I was talking about that time.

Dhruv nodes as Kunal pull him aside with him towards hall.

Kunal:Boss, tell me if you need coffee. I will make one.

Dhruv nodes as Kumal return to kitchen to make one while Dhruv was waiting in hall with pillow around his arms.

Dhruv(thinking):Kunal is my brother, what should I do that he tell me the truth.

suddenly a cup was infront of his eyes he looks at cup then from where it came n see Kunal,,he take cup as Kunal settle down beside him with switching on tv while the songs channel was playing various news songs.

Kunal:yes boss tell me, what happened on Sunday?

Dhruv looks at Kunal as he was just thinking how to take out truth frm Kunal take a sigh.

Kunal:I knew you will never going to confess. I arranged everything yet ypu did not confess, why brother why? (Dhruv take a sip of coffee)

Dhruv:Don't worry I will tell her this year.but you tell me why did you lie about the case.

Kunal: Then what should I text her?It's your duty to tell her not mine mm so just tell her start dating. It's already been very long time since you start developing feelings for eachother. I want to see you bity getting married happily next year.

Dhruv:(spills coffee)what?Marriage so fast?

Kunal:Boss it's already late just confess before she move on with someone else and gets married.


Kunal was successful in changing the main topic and escaping from Dhruv question. Dhruv was lost in thinking as Kunal was staring at him for sometime then take the remote with switching off of the tv,Kunal looks at him.

Dhurv:Kunal you remember we promised eachother that we will not hide anything from eachother no matter what happens..(Kunal understand what Dhruv means)Kunal you heard me right?

Kunal:Dhurv I also told that if I had to lie for your betterment then I will not step back. Remember?

Dhruv gets confuse and stunned to hear Kunal while he looks at him and he lgets up keeping the cup aside.

Kunal:I am really very sleepy today so let's continue Tomorrow please. There is an important metting tomorrow please let's sleep.

Dhruv try to stop Kunal but he dosent listen.


Kunal(moving to his room):Dhruv let's talk tomorrow please.

Kunal moves away to his room leaving confused Dhruv behind,Dhruv finish coffee and go to see Kunal sleeping happily as he cares his hair.

Dhruv:You must be happy that you very well tackled my question but brother don't forget I am the senior officer of ID so be prepared, you have yo answer me today or tomorrow.

Dhruv moves smiling while he also doze off to sleep beside kunal


Morning Kunal and Dhruv gets late for office, all were already at office and talking when duo enter wishing everyone.

Kunal share a look at Avani as she was happy to see Kunal back,Dhruv notice the smile when acp also come n all wish him too...he wish all back

Acp:Chief is coming today for some important announcement so be ready and maintain the decorum of office.(Dhruv ask immediately)

Dhruv:chief?why sir?(acp looks at Dhruv)

Acp:he has something imp to announce.

Acp goes off to cabin,Kunal also settle down on his desk while Dhruv see Avani eagerly waiting to know about the matter as Dhruv take a file and comes to Avani.

Dhruv:Avani this point...(Avani looks at file,Dhruv in low tone)nothing important but i am trying we will be successful in our mission dont worry. ku

Avani: sir.

She nodes as her face gets sad while Dhruv try to cheer her.

Dhruv:By the way Kunal enjoyed your food and was complimenting continue.( Avanismile at Kunal expression and words)

Avani:sir you know you cannot lie perfectly..

Dhruv looks at her keenly then lower his head while she smiles at next words.

Dhruv:if he did not say loudly but I am sure his heart wishpered to him.

Avani smiles and move from there saying and taking file from Dhruv hand.

Avani:sir If you get to know something then do let me know.

She leaves frm there,Dhruv smiles in disappointment..asa one conversation was over an other argument start.

***************End of Chapter 8************