Chapter 7 Suspicions

Chapter 7: Suspicions:

Kunal was lost when Dhruv snaps his finger at him as he jerks his thoughts with a new question for Dhruv.

Kunal:When are you teeling her about your feelings?

Dhruv:(hesitating)I will tell her don't worry, I will tell her soon.

Kunal:You should really confess now,it's been high time buddy.

Dhruv smiles nodding as he gets lost thinking about her.

Other looks at them and smile as these duo was life of office. They were inspiration, they were love and they were perfect idols for many.

It was 9:00 pm whrn acp was back but he was looking tense but no buddy dared to ask him as when ever he meet chief he would be not in good mood.

Vikram was entering the report of today case and Dhruv-kunal were having coffee with others along with chit chating while doing work when a courier man comes Vyom goes to him receiving the courier and come in with courier.

Dhruv:Vyom,(he glares at Dhruv as he ask in action about whose courier)

Vyom:sir its for Acp sir, as per the weight and packing I guess there are some documents. I will give to him and come back.

Dhruv nodes while Kunal was looking at courier taken away.

Dhruv:Kunal..(while taking sip of coffee


Dhruv:I think Acp sir is hidding something. k

Kunal spill his coffee and all looks at him,so he takes a tissue n rub the coffee while Dhruv suspiciously looks at him.

Dhruv:carefully pal, what happened?

Kunal mooks at all and they continue their work sipping coffee while Kunal nodes nothing as Dhurv was suprised with Kunal behaviour.

Kunal:Boss, why do you think so?(Dhruv keeps his coffee aside)

Dhruv:Kunal I know Acp sir very well. I am sure something is bothering him byr he is nit sharing it with us.

He looks at acp cabin while Kunal too looks at it then he looks at Dhruv.

Kunal:Boss, I know him too and I don't thinks the matter is something to worried about. I am sure it must be about some meeting or work that set. So don't worry(Dhruv looks at Kunalin confusion) I don't feel any difference or I am no't suspecting anything wired.

Dhruv and all who were busy in work but were listening to duo gets stunnted by Kunal behaviors as he never argues with Dhruv specially in acp sir matters,but before Dhruv says anything Vyom come and about acp calling for Kunal.

He nodes and go in the cabin while from outside team and Dhruv were looking af Kunal and acp sir talking something.

Acp giving papers to Kunal and after some discussion Kunal keeps the papers there and comes out asa he comes out all gets in his work n Dhruv gets Dr. Anu phone so he moves out.

Kunal xomes to his desk n do some work while Avani stare at Kunal.

Avani:(thinking)I am sure, Kunal sir is worried about something. He is hiding something from Dhurv sir itheriwse he would never signal me to keep quite about the lier he told.

Avani wonders about kunal as he looks at hee and she immediately lover hee head.

It was evening all were working when Vyom was going to submit the file to HQ as per Dhruv order.

Dhurv:Its time, let's go.

Kunal: boss, actully I have some work so It will be late, you carry on I will leave after I am done.

Dhruv:but(he gets again Dr. Anu call as Dhruv ask her to hold a mint)Kunal finish your work, until then i will come back after dropping Dr.Anu then we will go back togetaher.

Kunal:boss, it will take sometime please you leave, i will go back once i am done. You go and drop Dr.Anu home.

Dhruv:sure?..(Kunal nodes n Dhruv cont)ok come soon I will wait for you at home, today is Monday it's my home today

Kunal nodes as Dhruv leaves,Kunal smiles as Dhruv went to drop Dr. Anu home so that he can spend time with her but he again did not confess his love for her.

Office : Aftee sometime Acp comes out of his cabin to Kunal.

Acp:Kunal lets go, i will drop you home.

Kunal:sir, I have my bike so don't worry I will leave after I am done.

Acp:Kunal..I don't know if we will ever get this change so please let me play the role of a father.

Kunal smiles as he nodes to Acp while both leaves the office togetaher.

Through out the journey Acp was asking Kunal to takecare while Kunal was smiling seeing his care..they finally reach Dhruv house as Kunal looks at him.

Acp:Today is mondy so it's Dhurv house.right?

Kunal smiles as acp leaves bidding him goodbye.As it was late Kunal take out the duplicate key which and open the door and go to hall where Dhruv slept on sofa waiting for him.

Kunal smiles looking at his best buddy.

Kunal:Thankgod you are sleeping otherwise I have to face your questions for which i am not prepared at all.

Kunal goes to his room and gets a blacket to cover him. He cares his hair and come out of the house locking the door and leaves for his home.

Next morning:-

Dhruv gets up and see its 10 O'clock as remember he was waiting for Kunal lastnight and slept on sofa waiting for his buddy.

He then finds blacket and he knows that its was his bro Kunal who has done, he see a small paper on near by table as looking around he open the paper.

**Boss sorry you waited for me and I cane back late. As you were sleeping peaceful i did not wake you and leaving this note instated. I have some urgent work so I have to leave for my orphange today. I am on leave and will be back soon. Until then take care. Your best buddy, Kunal.

Dhruv keeps the note aside thining.

Dhruv: Kunal is behaving wired. He had left a note but he could have called me or dropped a text. (Suspiciously)what the matter Kunal why are you acting strange.

He jerks his head and gets ready leaving for bureau. Dhruv enter and all wish him as he wish them back to see that acp is not there.

Dhruv:Vyom where is Acp sir ?

Vyom:sir Acp sir and Dr. Sekhar had gone to meet thier friend so they are on leave.

Vikram:sir aaj you too are late today and Kunal sir is again missing today as well.

Dhruv:Hmm Kunal have some urgent work so he is also on leave, so it's just us. Need anything let me know.

All nodes as he gets suspicous on Acp,Dr.Sekar and Kunal taking leave on same day.

Dhruv move to his desk and start searching with verifying details of various cases where as all others were practising shooting,.learning techinques and other imp things.

Avani was worried for Kunal and was checking all the documents which she took from Kunals desk today morning before anyone came as she always comes early every day.

She was completly engose in her work,it was 12 but Avani neither had her tea nor anything from morning as she was working to find some details, she came even more early today than usual in hope to find something imp but to her disappointment she neither got any info neither any clue of what his Kunal sir was hiding.

She irritatedly jearked all the files and keep hands on her head.Dhruv notice Avani and close the pc while stepping towrads her desk.

Dhruv:What happened Avani?did you find something?

*******************End of chapter 7***********