Chapter 10 : Mission

Chapter 10 : Mission

Dhruv stare at Chief and put his hand in pocket while he takes out his gun + batch, he was about to put aside on table but Kunal holds his hand while Dhruv looks at him with shocked expression.

Kunal:you don't have to(looks at all)actully none of you don't have to do this (Dhruv try to console)

Dhruv:Kunal we are part of I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) if you are fired we are not going be quite about it.

Kunal:Did you think about Acp sir.

Dhruv looks at Acp while Kunal notices about he is doing, whereas his best buddy and everyone were sad for him getting fired. He realizes that he is doing something wrong hiding the whole truth.

He decides to tell him everything as well as they all were his family. He must tell all of them who are ready to leave they beloved job.

Kunal:Dhruv you want to know the truth(Dhruv suddenly looks at Kunal and then at Avani)

Kunal shares a look at Acp - Dr.Sekhar while they were conserved. Dhruv- Avani were staring at Kunal intensely along with others getting confused.

Kunal:I am going to telling tell you the truth.

Chief:Kunal you cannot say anything, don't forget it's the secrets.

Kunal:(looks at Chief)sir,I cannot hide the truth from Dhruv and them. They are standing here to support me without caring for their career and I am just hiding everything from them. (Chief jerks his head)I know they will understand and suggest me. (looks at Dhruv)I lied to you Dhruv, (he folds his arms standing infront of kunal) Sunday I did was not at ID office and yesterday I was not at orphanage.

Dhruv and Avani know the truth already about Kunal lying but they were sad to hear while others were stunned.

Dhruv:(controlling his anger)so now tell me where did you go?

(Kunal takes a sigh, looks at acp)

Kunal:Acp sir, Dr. Sekhar sir were togeather with me and we were discussing something very important(Dhruv looks at Acp and all gets stunned..Vyom interrupt)

Vyom:But Acp sir and Dr.Sekhar were..

Kunal:(interrupting)They lied Vyom.(Dhruv looks at Kunal with stiff look)

Kunal:boss, we recived an important info from HQ,some terrorist are planning of tragetting this village and its very dangerous organisation..(all gets shocked as Dhruv say)

Dhruv:what?(thinks something)new year(looks at Acp)Sir they must be planning something on new year.(acp come forward)

Acp:No Dhruv, it's not for new year.

Vikram:But sir, new year is a celebration when alot of people do join us.

Dr. Sekhar:yes Vikram but it's not that simple.

Dhruv:What do you mean doctor?

Kunal step aside taking somepapers from Dhruv desk which he was not aware as Dhurv -Avani share a look.Kunal pass those to Dhruv

Kunal:I worked on them and tried to find the details and as per these.(kunal sigh as Dhruv takes the paper with looking at them)

Kunal: Boss, we need more details to stop the attack, when how and why these are the questions still unanswered so we have to find a way to see them. This attack will happen next year..

Avani:Next year when sir?

Kunal:We have to find out Avani .Head quaters has given this responsibility to ID

All feel happy and were confidence to slove the case.

Dhruv:so I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) togeather will work on it sir.

Kiran:yes sir we will work very hard.

Shambu:sir we have worked togeather until now and this time also we will against the bad. (Kunal looks at Shambu)

Kunal:Shambu not this time... (all looks at Kunal)

Avani:sir but why not?I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) always worked togeather then why nit this time? (Kunal interpret her)

Kunal: Avani..(she stops as he was staring at her while all were looking at them)

Dhruv:(interputing looking at all)Kunal what do you mean?

Kunal:boss, this time this is not a simple case but a mission where a officer is seleceted to go and stay between the gangster to know the details so only officer would be on this mission from our team.

Dhruv and Avani were now geeting what Kunal wants to tell while others were confuse.

Avani: Kunal sir you mean the officer will not be part of team until the mission is successful?

(Kunal looks at her intensely while she had controled her tears looking at him, Dhruv gets irritated and interputs)

Dhruv:Kunal please tell me what ever I am thinking is nit correct.

(Kunal looks at Dhruv)

Kunal:That's right, Dhruv HQ has selected me for this mission and I am going on it. Everything is ready and my suspension is part of this mission.

All were stunned as Dhruv was distrubed by Kunal words, he guessed what his best friend, his buddy wanted say, Kunal wanted to hug him tightly but he know Dhruv is dam angry right now and its better to end the topic then streching it. Acp meanwhile go to the cabin to get something)

Acp:Kunal now you are not part of I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) now you are no more a senior officer.

Kunal nodes as acp asking to do things properly,give a bag to Kunal while all were stunned looking at them, they glanced at Dhruv who was glaring at Kunal, he finally held the bag in kunal hand as all looks at him.

Dhruv:no wondervi was feeling wired..

Avani:(thinking)Why I feel like this Mission is very dangerous, ny heart is worried for him. I know he will manage but i feel like i am going to losehim forever.

(Chief to gain everyone attention say loudly)

Chief:Each one of you should be really careful to not leak any information about this .(all looks at him)I know you want to here me but if something gets leak Kunal will be in very big danger.

All gets worried as they glance at Kunal while Dhurv was looking at him.

Kunal:sir don't worry, nothing will be leaked.

Kunal,Acp share a look while Kunal goes to Vikram and keep his hand on his shoulder.

Kunal:Boss, it might tale a lot of time for me to be back, make days or moths or years..

All were again shocked with the news ..Dhruv was not looking at Kunal , but his words kept ringing in his ears..acp too comes to Kunal)

Acp:Kunal, you have to be careful, don't forget what the main motto of this mission.

Kunal:(nodes)i will be careful and make sure of it.

Dhruv:one mint sir..

All looks at him, he walks up to Kunal and take the bag from his hand as all were shock at Dhruv behavior)

Dhruv:sir Kunal is my junior then why did he was selected for this mission and not me? I am more capable, intelligent and understanding than him, it should me not him to go on this mission.Sir my aim, my career growth, my record is more stronger than him.

Kunal:Dhruv, we are friends and how could you bring junior, career, recorded this things between us?

Dhruv:Because that the truth and fact. I should be the one to go on this mission and I am sure, there must be some mistake,they will never select you but me for this mission.

Acp, Dr.Sekar and Kunal exchange a look whkle all were shocked n were stunned as Dhruv is talking like this about Kunal..Dr. Anu ask Dhruv)

Dr.Anu:Dhruv what are you talking about, it's Kunal.. how could you say something to him?

Dhruv looks at Kunal then jerk his head n again looks at Chief.

Dhruv:Chief please, I should be the one to go on this mission

Dr. Sekhar, Acp and Kunal smile as Dr. Sekhar keep his hand around Dhruv.

Dr. Sekhar:kuch nahi hoga Kunalko..

(Dhruv looks at Dr. Sekharn he cont)

Dr. Sekhar:Dhurv we are very well aware why are you saying that so just drop it.

Acp:Dhurv, don't worry Kunal is going to be fine. We will not be by his side but our support and concern will always be with him.

Dhruv looks at Kunal..all smile between their sadness as now they understnd Dhruv changed behaviour for Kunal as he is worries for his best friend.


(Chief irritatedly shout)

Chief:Enough, now if your drama is done then please wrap it up. Kunal(he walks beside him shaking hands)best of luck.

Kunal:Thankyou sir.

Chief:So be careful on your way tomorrow.

All were stunned and shock again. Chief wish Kunaln asking acp to see the formalities and he leaves..Dhruv looks at Kunal in disbelief.

Dhruv:You are leaving Tomorrow?

Kunal:Yes..(Dhruv was hurt)

Dhruv:ohh so everything was already finalized huh?

Kunal nodes his head in no and was about to say when Dhruv continue.

Dhruv:So if Chief wasn't here then we would never know the truth and you would have already flew away. huh (Kunal was silent)

Dhruv:Wow great(claps at kunal as he was sad)tomorrow is new year and you already gifted me the biggest gift for the coming year. Wow, congratulations Mr.kunal Acp and Dr.Sekhar you plan has success. Congratulations..

Kunal:boss, its not like that just please listen to me.

Dhruv:No Kunal,I dont want to hear any thing more. I had enough assumption of our friendship, I thought it can stand any problem bur I wasn't aware that you always share your joys and happiness with me but not the sorrow or problems. (Dhurv held his head in frustration)Now, I dont need this kind of friendship in my life. (Kunal step forward to stop him as he shows his hand)enough..

Kunal,Acp Dr. Sekharn all were stunned while Chief smirks at them.

Kunal:Dhruv please yaar, just understand my situation. This is not personal.

Dhruv shows him his hand to stop, all looks at them...he was hurt badly..

Acp:Dhruv, you are not just hurting yourself but Kunal as well. He is your friend and what ever happened is just professional.

Dhurv:(looks at Acp)This office is a family to us, each one of is dear to me and I can't accept that someone is being professional by hidding the truth.

Kunal eyes were tears as he wipe them off before anyone could notice ,he take out his batch ,gun n keep in acp hand.

Kunal:sir I don't need it any more.

Dhruv glares at him angrily,acp looks at Kunal.

Kunal:I mean I don't need on the mission.

Acp nodes and ask Vikram to keep in I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) safe..Vikram do that with half-hearted, Dr. Anu and Kiran were standing beside Avani as she was trying to hold her tears with fake smile.

Dr. Sekhar:(trying to lighten the situation)I was thinking of having giving a farewell to Kunal. What say everyone?

(Do one say anything, Acp gets a call as he moves to cabin)

Kunal:(goes to Dhruv n try to speak)boss I know you are angry but please try to understand.(before Kunal complete Dhruv turn to all)

Dhruv:What are you all doing here, complete your work and then we have to go for shopping to buy gifts for the msk orphange kids. (All glance at Kunal who was staring at Dhruv)I want to gift them from all of us and(looks at kunal)not from aby stranger.

Kunal was staring at Dhruv with wet eyes..Dhruv looks other ways with grinning his teeth as he leaves from there, Dr. Sekhar comes to Kunal patting his back.

Dr. Sekhar:rutha hain naraz hain aur haq banta hain.

Kunal:I know sir, but it's just that before leaving I wasn't able to happily meet my best friend.

All get silent, Kunal wipe his tear and moves to his desk as Dr. Sekhar moves to Acp cabin...

Dr. Anun all moves out Avani was looking at Kunal...Kunal looks at her as she lower her head moving out when she recieve a message.

Avani please meet me at 4 today in blue berry cafe. It's really important. I will be waiting.

********************Chapter 10 End************************