Chapter 11 Move on

Chapter 11 - Move on

All leave with Avani while she receive a message as she reads it, **Avani meet me at the 9 cafe at 8 O clock please**

Avani was astroished to see the message as she thinks for a while and follow team outside.

'Dr. Anu, how can you be so nonchalant about this?' Dhruv interrupted, his voice thick with anger. 'This isn't just any mission. Kunal never fails to inform me about his assignments, no matter how secret they may be. But this time... he left without a word.'

Dr. Anu's expression softened. 'Dhruv, we all share your concern. But Kunal had his reasons for keeping this mission confidential. You know he values your friendship more than anyone's. If he didn't tell you, it had to be important.'

Dhruv's heart sank as Avani stepped forward. 'Dr. Anu is right,' she whispered.

A collective gasp filled the air. Dhruv's eyes narrowed at Avani. 'Avani, of all people, how can you defend him?'

Avani's cheeks flushed. 'I... I just meant that we should trust Kunal's judgment.'

'Trust?' Dhruv scoffed. 'He didn't trust us enough to share his plans. How can I trust someone who would abandon us like that?'

A heavy silence fell over the group. Everyone knew Dhruv and Kunal's unbreakable bond. Kunal's departure had shaken Dhruv to his core, and Avani's words only fueled his anger. He knew she had always harbored feelings for Kunal, but the man she had chosen to marry instead had filled Dhruv with both sorrow and resentment.

In the mall cafe, Avani's voice carried a mournful sadness. 'You are right, sir. It does not matter to me. I don't care much because we have no special bond,' she sighed, her gaze lingering on Dhurv. 'But you have a special bond with him, right?' she challenged, her eyes searching his. Dhurv's lips parted, and he bit them nervously. 'Avani...' he began.

Avani's eyes narrowed. 'I'm sorry if I offend you, but it's the truth. You know more than anyone how difficult this is going to be for you. But you still choose your childish stubbornness over your bond.' Her voice softened. 'Sir, life is unpredictable. Grab the happiness in front of you instead of complaining later.'

Dhruv's heart sank. He realized the truth in Avani's words. He had been blinded by anger, pushing away the one who mattered most to him. With a deep breath, he whispered, 'I'm so sorry, Avani. I was out of line.'

Avani smiled gently. 'It's okay, sir. We all know how much Kunal sir means to you. It's absolutely fine.' She paused. 'But I suggest we use this chance to give him a memorable farewell until we meet again.'

Shambu, the ever-enthusiastic member of the team, cheered, 'Snacks! We'll have lots of snacks!' The group shared a laugh, easing the tension. Amidst the planning and laughter, Avani hid her own pain. A faint smile played on her lips as she watched Dhurv, knowing that he had finally come to his senses.

Together, they created a farewell that reflected the unbreakable bond between Dhurv and Kunal. Gifts were exchanged, and memories were shared. As they bid Kunal farewell, each member carried with them a reminder of the time spent together and the anticipation of the future reunion.

Kiran observed the interplay between two souls, Avani and Kunal. Kiran had witnessed Avani's relentless efforts to mediate a reconciliation between Kunal and Dhurv, despite their tumultuous past. Perplexed by her actions, Kiran couldn't help but confront her.

'Avani,' Kiran began, her voice laced with confusion, 'Your relationship baffles me. You've moved on from Kunal, yet you fought for him with Dhurv. Why?'

Avani's eyes flickered with a brief flicker of surprise, and she replied with cool detachment, 'What's wrong with that? Everyone wanted a happy farewell for Kunal.'

However, as she turned away, Kiran noticed a telltale quiver in her chin. With a knowing smile, she watched as Avani excused herself.

At that moment, Avani entered the café, her gaze darting around until it fell upon a man sitting at a nearby table. It was Kunal. Her breath hitched in her throat, and her heart pounded with a ferocity that made her tremble.

Slowly, Avani approached his table, her steps hesitant. Kunal lifted his head, his brown eyes meeting hers. Time seemed to stand still as they gazed at each other, each lost in a silent dialogue. The waiter's presence startled them, breaking the spell.

With a trembling voice, Avani uttered his name, 'Kunal...'

Kunal's eyes fluttered shut, and he took a deep breath, as if to steady his pounding heart. Avani's gaze held a mixture of longing and trepidation. The walls they had built around their hearts threatened to crumble as they stood face to face.

Amidst the bustling ambiance of a crowded cafe, Kunal's heart pounded with a newfound urgency as he watched Avani approach. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment, and he inhaled deeply, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Avani's gaze met his, reflecting a melange of longing and apprehension. The walls that had separated them for so long seemed to tremble, threatening to collapse.

Their gazes locked, transporting them back to the past. Their eyes traced the lines of their youthful faces, recalling the love and laughter they had shared. Just as they were lost in the depths of their memories, a bustling waiter dashed by, accidentally colliding with Avani. In a swift reflex, Kunal caught her arm, preventing her from stumbling. Their eyes met again, their hearts skipping a beat.


Here I end the chapter, stay tuned for more updates. You will have daily updates so stay tuned and drop in your likes and comments.