An Empire Has Fallen

Victor picked up Carol lovingly in his arms and brought her to the living room. He laid her down on the couch with care. "I'll get you a cup of coffee from the kitchen," he said.

His wife smiled at him weakly and covered herself with a thin blanket. She was still trembling from the drug's effects. Victor brought her a coffee and sat by her side. Carol wondered if their fight was finally over. They had already agreed to have sex tonight. Will they be a loving couple, finally?

"What happened to me?" Carol asked, taking a sip of her hot drink. "Why did I lose consciousness? Should I go to the doctor?"

Victor shook his head. "Colbert did this to you. He used a date rape drug called Rohypnol. Most likely, he slipped it into your food or drink. He had planned to take advantage of you while you were unconscious."

"Oh…" she said, digesting how horrible the reality was.