It’s Not a Date

"I will keep you company on your trip next time," Victor assured Claire on the phone. She called him seventeen times before he picked up the call and explained his situation.

"I don't believe you!" the billionaire beauty hollered from the other end. Victor could imagine Claire pouting at him. She was a fierce businesswoman in public but acted like a spoiled teenager around him.

"Be rest assured. I'll fulfill my bodyguard duties whenever necessary. Your protection is a priority." The last statement seemed to satisfy Claire.

"Okay, fine! I'll let you off the hook this time," she said and disconnected the call.

Claire Holt went berserk on reading Victor's last message. His words were precise: 'Won't join you at Angela Kauffman's party. Urgent matter.'

Victor figured he'd eventually run into Angela, considering she was at the center of the mayhem. However, tonight was not the night.