Victor parked his bike near Crawford Square and observed the tumultuous crowd outside Edgar Tower. Reporters, celebrities, billionaires, governors, artists—nobody wanted to miss the event of the century. The Springfield Rapids Project would transform the nation; everyone wanted a piece of the cake.
The Triumvirate had followed Victor's orders to the dot, and everything seemed to be in order for the grand launch. There was a slight delay after Mayor Gunderson disappeared mysteriously. Victor killed him along with others during his poisoned state. However, Gunderson's dark connections with the terror group Monolith came to the fore eventually. The media called it a terrorist execution.
Victor had no regrets about ending the lives of the Mayor, the Black Dragon gang lieutenant, and the Chief Auctioneer, Philips Sotheby. Their crimes outweighed their punishments. However, ordinarily, he wouldn't sully his hands with the blood of such common scum.