Carol Is Sold

Chapter 83 Carol Is Sold

The entire Atelier family sat transfixed in the living room, their eyes glued to the television. They could not believe the breaking news flashing on the screen.

The mighty Crane family had fallen like a stack of dominoes! Federal authorities raided Ichabod Crane and found him guilty of a litany of crimes. He lost everything within hours—his state governor position, wealth, lands, properties, and influence. Who had enough power to make such a titan bite the dust? It was like a waking dream.

"Is it true?" Martha asked Carol with narrowed eyes. "Did Elias really propose marriage to you?"

Carol nodded silently. She looked more disturbed than the others because she had barely escaped from becoming a victim to the Crane heir.

The morning news also highlighted scandalous revelations about Ichabod Crane's son, Elias. Details of his secret life of debauchery and brutality shocked the world.