Chapter 115 Murphy's Law

At this moment, an intruder entered Theodore's compound.

Theodore, although confident in the safety of this place, But anything can happen. He believes in Murphy's Law.

To be sure, he installed a security detection and security system separate from the existing security system.

Even if the security system here was turned off or tampered with The system that Theodore had installed could still be used.

Theodore took out his phone and turned on the surveillance camera he had installed. He saw a mysterious group of people entering the house.

“Yuri, there seems to be a mysterious group of people entering the house. Get ready.”

Yuri nodded to Theodore. she prepares to fight Now she assumed that she had some real fighting experience.

Theodore pressed something on his phone. as soon as he pressed the button The offline home security system started working. All the doors were heavily bolted. This house is designed to be modern. Of course, its safety is high.