The Minotaur charges at Theodore, Jack and Raychel in a frenzy. Its strength was enormous.
If the Minotaur collides with a truck The truck probably has to keep to the left.
The minotaur let out a steamy breath. Its body was powerful and formidable.
Jack and Raychel throw bullets at it. But its body was too strong for a handgun to do anything.
What's more, it didn't seem afraid of pain and death.
Theodore shouted, Raychel and Jack immediately did as Theodore said.
The two parted in different directions while Theodore lured it in.
Minotaur runs in a straight line. The brick floor was destroyed by its weight and stomping force.
Theodore could even feel a tremor from where he stood.
Theodore used Aura and Ether to strengthen his body. His physical body was several times stronger than that of an average human. When added to the aura and satanic ether.