Three God and Seven Schools

A solemn atmosphere filled the classroom, and Astr twisted his body in embarrassment.

"The power of those evil gods is rooted in corroding the human body and mind and will only lead to corruption," Professor Keal said earnestly.

"So, you must not be tempted by them and fall into evil ways." 

Astr followed, Along with other students, he nodded seriously.

'Yes, yes What you said makes sense.'

Seeing that the students fully understood the seriousness of this matter, Keal raised his moustache with satisfaction, his expression softened, and he added with a smile,

"However, your strength has not yet reached the point where you would be targeted by the evil god, so there's no need to overly worry," Professor Keal reassured.


Hearing this, Rafeal could hardly hold himself any longer.

With an unspeakable expression on his face, he looked at his master, Astr Serene, who had become a small-time Nightmare Lord.

Seeing the "Yeah, yeah, you're right" expression on Astr's face

'...Sooner or later, this academy is finished.'

Rafeal thought to himself, feeling quite relieved.

Professor Keal has no idea how many sleeping dragons and phoenixes are in the classroom.

"I just feel that this class of students is exceptionally obedient and very easy to manage."

"Next, let's discuss the seven major schools of wizards under the control of the three righteous gods."

"As we all know, the gods acknowledged by the mainland and benevolent to human beings are:"

"The Old One, born from the original creator, oversees the School of Life and the School of Spells."

"The Sun twin, born from the Mother of Conception, preside over the schools of protection, evocation, and illusion."

"And the Goddess of Destiny, transformed from the umbilical cord, guides the schools of prophecy and change."

"The choice of a school will occur when you are promoted to the second-level wizard apprentice, so don't worry. The school that suits you will gradually become apparent as you learn spells."

"In addition, the amniotic fluid of the Mother of Conception transformed into the Underworld, representing the death of all living things. Final Death: He is neither an evil god nor a righteous god. Only a few regions believe in him."

"The evil god is undoubtedly the god of nightmares born from desire."

"He brings distortion and fear, which are completely opposite to the Twin Suns."

Professor Keal paused, leaving time for the students to take notes.

Amidst the rustling sound, Astr pretended to hold the quill and scratched on the notebook, leaving lines with unknown meanings.

'What an evil way... Thinking about it, I'm still a little excited.

The corners of Astr's mouth curled up slightly. When he came back to his senses, he found a simple fisherman drawn on his notebook. Under the fishhook, an arc was filled with stick figures. This was their classroom.

Astr raised his eyebrows playfully and stroked the meditation pattern that belonged to him.

A bit of hunger and thirst seemed to pass through the paper and into the fingertips.

"After roughly covering the basic knowledge of wizards, we can finally start the formal class."

Professor Keal said, picking up a stack of handouts on the podium and passing them out.

Astr took the handout from the front row and saw lines of black words printed in standard ink on it, describing meditation methods and precautions.

Turning to the back, a colourful meditation pattern is drawn.

It was a girl with blue skin and grey-blue hair, pouting her lips and blowing out a breath.

"[Blue Fairy's Breath] is the safest meditation pattern after testing." Professor Keal said while explaining.

"Of course, it's not like there haven't been accidents over the years. There are only a handful of them, so you don't have to worry too much."

Hearing this, the students breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why, when they saw this pattern, their eyes seemed to be drawn to it, and they were stuck, unable to extricate themselves.

It reminded them of the feeling that the red sword brought to them at the opening ceremony.

Then, Keal explained the precautions in detail again, which made Astr wander and almost fall asleep.

{This old man is so boring; can I eat him?}

In Astr's mind, the impatient voice of Rafeal the Canvasbane came.

For the two of them, what Professor Keal taught was as simple and boring as teaching 1+1=2.

[If you want to be pinched to death by the principal, you can try it.]

Astr replied to him calmly. Rafeal suddenly wilted.

'As a bully and one afraid of the strong—ah, no, I am a nightmare monster with a high IQ capable of "judging the situation." Asking me to mess with the principal is like asking me to challenge The Lust Painter. I won't do it.'

"Oh, so boring..."

Rafeal collapsed on the table, almost turning into a puddle of paint.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an extremely strong gaze. Rafeal straightened up and looked around with a frown.

But that line of sight disappeared again. It was as if he realised that he was talking to Astr.

Astr felt something and glanced back at Rafeal. Seeing Rafeal, he perked up, with a villainous smile playing on his face.

'...probably he is thinking of some bad idea again.'

'Alas, I don't know how many times the portrait will need to be deflated before I can accept the fact that it has no brain at all.'

On the podium.

Keal finally finished all the precautions. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and said,

"If you feel you are ready, close your eyes and try to outline this pattern in your mind."

The students closed their eyes one after another, and Astr also did the same. Followed everyone, 

"Failure is normal, and being anxious will only lead you astray. Our goal this week is to have a preliminary experience of meditation."

Professor Keal's slightly old and hoarse voice reached everyone's ears.

In the classroom, the atmosphere gradually became quiet and calm, and even the flow of air seemed to slow down.

Astr stared into the darkness boredly, and suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

'What would happen if I sketched out the meditation pattern of [Blue Fairy's Breath]?'

'An uncontrollable curiosity arose.'

Astr did what he wanted and immediately recalled the pattern in his mind.

Blue skin, long grey-blue hair, puffing out his mouth, blowing out a breath...


Professor Keal looked up in surprise. He felt the power of the wizard.

'Has anyone successfully meditated?'

Immediately, Keal's gaze fell on the white-haired boy with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

'As expected of my favourite student, genius is not enough to describe Astr's talent.'

Professor Keal was extremely happy, feeling that a promotion and salary increase were beckoning to him.

At this time,

In the darkness, Astr looked at the blue-skinned elf girl.

It's like she came alive; both the expression on her face and the movements of her hands were lifelike.

The pointed ears twitched slightly, the emerald green eyes were half closed, and a hazy smile hung on the corner of the mouth.

It was as if a sleepy and beautiful girl was watching her lover wake up.

' She is pretty good-looking.'

Astr thought to himself, looking at her silently.

He saw the blue elf girl pouting her plump lips, raising her hands, puffing up her cheeks slightly, and exhaling.

Suddenly, a fishing hook drawn with a simple white line hung down from above and hooked the girl's forehead.

Astr witnessed her beautiful blue face being torn apart, akin to painted skin pierced by a fishhook. The once gentle expression abruptly morphed into something ferocious, and terrifying.

[——!!!! ]

Silent screams surged out, washing from Astr's spiritual world into the minds of all the students who are currently trying to meditate.