Unlucky Professor Keal

In an instant.

Like a flood breaking through a dam, turbulent waves swept over the fragile spiritual world of all students.

The rumble filled the entire classroom, and a feeling of suffocation spread all over the area.


Professor Keal made a sound from his throat; his eyes widened, and he actually choked on the air.

On the other hand, the students had their eyes closed tightly; their faces were pale, and from their expressions, anyone could tell that they were in great pain.

It was as if they were hooked on something and couldn't break free. It was obvious that something was wrong with the meditation.

Professor Keal's heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat soaked his back.

In panic, he subconsciously entered a meditative state, trying to figure out what happened and rescue the students.

Nevertheless, as he mentally outlined the [Blue Fairy's Breath], it felt like a heavy hammer striking his nerves. With a buzz, he was engulfed in this torrent.

Opening his eyes, Mr. Keal Savorie, professor of herbology at Astral Academy in the Alchemy Department and teacher of the wizarding basic course for the first three weeks,

He saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The fairy girl, renowned for her beauty, now had her face entangled by a white fishing hook resembling a child's drawing.

The skin, which was as delicate and shiny as a broken star, was pulled up and torn into strips, one by one.

It was exposed, and there were green pustules and earthworm-like scars under it.

[——!!!! ]

Silent screams surged around, like thunder.

The blue elf's mouth, resembling a snake, stretched open nearly to the shrivelled chest. The desiccated flesh adhering to the skull created a stark contrast with the pristine teeth.

'This is the true body of the Blue Elf, a rotting mummy.'

Professor Keal thought dully, looking at the scene, blood trickling from his ears and nostrils.

'At this age, I can still be exposed to the truth of the world.'

He felt that he would never be able to meditate with this pattern again.

Around them, students were floating in a dark blue space rotating like a hurricane, and above their heads, a few rays of light yellow light shone.

Looking at the students, Keal somehow imagined meat hanging on hooks in a slaughterhouse or fish on fish hooks.

But soon, he discovered that he was also in the same state.

'No, I must rescue the students quickly; otherwise, the dreams of salary increases will only be dreams'

Keal thought chaotically, trying his best to stay rational amidst the blue elf's screams.

'I am just a third-level wizard apprentice with low talent. I was promoted to the third level only when I was over fifty.

It's more than enough to teach young wizards how to get started. But I couldn't cope with the invasion of nightmares.

That's right. There is no doubt that the moon with a human face that is almost emerging from the clouds and mist indicates that this is a nightmare invasion.'

"Click, click, click."

Professor Keal tried his best to raise his arm, and the old bones made crackling sounds against the heavy pressure.

'I can't save these children.'

When Professor Keal realised this all too clearly, he burst into tears.

"Headmaster Gabriel...Headmaster Gabriel Hamlet..."

He tried his best to call out to the patron saint of Astral Academy, and streams of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

However, what responded to him was a young voice,

"I'm sorry."

"I'm here."

These few words transformed into an immense force, constricting the blue elf from all directions!

Suddenly, the absurd stick figure fishing line tightened, and the hastily drawn hook pierced through the blue elf's head.

Like a sharp blade that dropped a verdict, in an instant, the blue elf was like a fish on a hook, unable to break free.

The light yellow light gradually disappeared from the blue elf's eyes, and the human-faced moon was pushed back into the clouds by a huge force.

The tide receded, and they returned home with a full load.


When Professor Keal came back to his senses, he found that he had returned to the real world and was standing on a messy podium.

The wind blew in from the empty window frame, and all the glass was shattered, crushed into particles, and scattered in the wind.

The vines on the dome were broken, leaving only branches and leaves. The tables and chairs overturned and were torn into pieces like paper.

Professor Keal half-opened his mouth and took a step forward in confusion.


The sound of water sounded from the soles of his feet. When he looked down, the floor was dry.


Immediately, a chill and fear ran down his spine as he directly looked at the students.

Keal shivered violently, his legs weakened, and he fell on the half-remaining podium.

'Survive. We survived, I think.

The newly admitted quasi-wizards wandered aimlessly, resembling stranded fish, their eyes glazed and their faces pallid.

A few energetic people, such as Macul, vomited all over the floor.

And in this classroom that was like a flood, only three people were barely affected and remained sane.

One is Rafeal Louis, who ranked second in the entrance examination.

At this time, this blond boy, who had always been domineering, was standing facing the wall, as if he did not dare to turn around and face anything.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and his amber eyes showed strong fear and awe.

'Strangely, there was a small pool of turbid sewage at his feet.'

The other one is in third place, Ellara.

At this time, the tall girl stood in the corner, almost blending into the shadow.

Except for her pale face and slight trembling of her body, she was fine, and her expression was as cold as an ice sculpture.

Her magnificent purple eyes did not look at her professor but focused on another part of the classroom.

Following her line of sight, Keal saw the only student who remained the same as usual after experiencing this disaster.

Astr Serene.

The terrifying force that could tear tables and chairs into pieces didn't even damage a hair on his head. The white curly hair is fluffy and soft, like pure first snow in the sun.

Astr sat on the wheelchair with his eyes lowered, quiet and peaceful, incompatible with the chaos around him, as if he were in the eye of a hurricane.

He didn't seem to notice the burning gazes of others. Immersed in his own world, his ice-blue eyes were crystal clear, and dark rays of light kept passing from the deepest part.

[You have kidnapped the "Blue Elf fairy."]

[Gained 25 experience points]

[The "Blue Elf Fairy" has been imprisoned in the nightmare realm.]

[Your name will make the goblin, elf, and fairy race instinctively feel fear and disgust.]

[You have harvested a lot of fear energy.]

'Gain 25 experience points; increase health points it was a good profit '

He doesn't know if it was Keal's illusion, but he actually saw a smile on the corner of Astr's mouth, and his face seemed to be more rosy than before.

'...Can you still find amusement in the aftermath of this catastrophe? It must be a misinterpretation on my part. No, I must have misunderstood.'

At this time, As if he had just realised that the nightmare was over, Astr slowly opened his eyes and looked up at his professor.

He said softly,

"I'm sorry, are you okay, professor?"

As soon as he said this, Keal's eyes widened.

'This is the voice. It was this voice as soft as a feather that suppressed the rioting Blue Fairy and pulled them all back from the edge of a nightmare. But Astr is only a 14-year-old boy'