Meeting the Principal

The new students in the Wizard department were all stunned after hearing this.

But they also understood that when such a big thing happened, Principal Gabriel would not just sit idly by and watch, no matter how lazy he was on weekdays.


The iron fence decorated with rose branches closed one after another, and Instructor Byron took the elevator and rumbled down.

Thanks to the innovation of steam technology, Instructor Byron didn't get a chance to flaunt the muscles hidden beneath his stylish suit as he carried Astr down the stairs in a chair.

Third floor underground.

A damp smell passed through the iron fence and entered Astr's nostrils.

If the exposed parts of the academy resemble trees in the sun, then the underground sections are like dark and gloomy roots, subtly embodying the true essence of the word "wizard."

Surveying the surroundings feels akin to stepping into the belly of a plant. Innumerable, densely packed dark green vines envelop the walls, ceiling, and even the floor on both sides, imparting a feeling of oppression.

The pale yellow wall lamp light spilled out from the gap, barely illuminating the way forward.

"Crack, click, click."

The wheelchair rolled over the rugged vines, causing Astr to raise his hand and call for a stop.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Instructor Byron asked.

Astr shook his head, supported the armrest, and stood up slowly.

The sturdy soles of the petite leather boots trod upon the vines, creating a soft sensation reminiscent of stepping on earthworms on a rainy day.

'Ugh, disgusting.' Astr pursed his lips.

The upper floor, the second underground floor, contains extraordinary objects that are either precious, dangerous, or both.

'The key ingredient of the angel potion that can cure my disease, the goblin's complete active brain, is stored here.'

On the underground floor is Professor Keal's happy home, the Plantation Garden.

Building a plant-cultivation greenhouse in such darkness must not be serious.

"By the way," Instructor Byron said, "Didn't you have another accident today? You have experienced two nightmares. Are you not too  unlucky?

'Am I unlucky?' Astr couldn't help but chuckle twice.

The smile made Instructor Byron glance at him strangely.

The two of them walked forward slowly, all the way down. The muffled footsteps echoed on the four walls, and shadows blurred behind them.

Finally, as the air became more stagnant and the vines became more vibrant, they arrived at a position almost in the centre of the entire academy.

A simple wooden door stood in front of Astr.

There was no decoration on the door, and there were signs of decay on the surface, with moss even growing on the edges.

However, these dense vines seemed to have consciousness and actively bypassed the wooden door.

'Maybe it's fear.'

Astr thought to himself, squinting as Instructor Byron stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Ding dong."

"Please come in."

A hoarse and soothing voice came from the door. Instructor Byron opened the door for Astr, who nodded his thanks and stepped inside.

Upon entering the door, the space suddenly expands, reminiscent of venturing into an ancient and decaying palace. Neatly arranged stone pillars, adorned with intricate carvings, support a glass dome towering dozens of metres above.

The vines wind up and form messy yet orderly patterns on the glass, swaying in the air and scattering light like broken stars.

Astr looked up, and after a while, he felt dizzy and his brain felt swollen.

There were several heavy bookshelves floating in the air, and countless books escaped, floating like fish in the sea.

Principal Gabriel Hamlet, nestled in a tall and soft leg-of-mutton chair like a cradle, floated in the air, his silver hair hanging down like a waterfall, exuding wisps of light.

"You are here."

Principal Gabriel closed the book and smiled. Those silver eyes, far deeper than the glass dome, fell on Astr.

Principal Gabriel casually released the book, and it floated out, his four strong legs of the goat chair fluttering as he stepped onto the stairs of the void, finally descending back to the ground with a clatter.

"Byron," Principal Gabriel turned his head and looked at Instructor Byron, who stretched out his ears. "Thank you for your hard work. You can go out first."


Although he wanted to hear gossip, no matter how enthusiastic he was, given Instructor Byron a hundred courages, he would not dare to disobey the principal's order.

Before leaving, Instructor Byron glanced at Astr and sighed in his heart:

Astr serene is the only one who can be summoned by the lazy principal in person.


The wooden door closed, and in the principal's palace-like room, there were only two people, Gabriel and Astr.

The vines swayed slightly, and the books floated in the air.

"Tea or coffee?" Principal Gabriel broke the silence.

"No need," Astr said. "There's none anyway."

Principal Gabriel was stunned for a moment, then threw his head back and laughed.

The little tease didn't work, but he became even happier, laughing until thin lines appeared at the corners of his eyes.

"Haha! Yes, soaking those things is too troublesome."

"Please have drink water."

The man waved his hand, and an antique-like ceramic pot floated over. The slender mouth of the pot was tilted, and a trickle of clear water flowed from it, flowing into a set of tea cups.

"Thank you."

Astr said politely, took the tea cup, and took a curious sip. Smacking his lips Astr thought about the taste.

'Ugh, why is this boiled water tasteless?'

Astr put the tea cup on his legs, sat back in the wheelchair, and looked up at the silver-haired man sitting on the tall leg-of-mutton chair.

Looking down at him, Principal Gabriel leaned in his chair, supported his chin with one hand, and slowly sighed.

"Nightmare School, I haven't seen it for so many years... I thought this school was extinct. Here I see it again."

Principal Gabriel lowered his eyes and looked at Astr. There was no hostility in his curved silver eyes, only interest and undiminished weariness.

The hidden secret was revealed, and Astr didn't panic at all.

Rather If the guardian of Astral, and even the entire Leonis Empire, could not see his true identity, then Astr would be surprised.

"You really caused a lot of trouble," Principal Gabriel sighed. "All the little wizards who use the [Blue Fairy's Breath] pattern to meditate will probably be affected."

Astr blinked, tried to be innocent, and said, "I'm very sorry."

"Forget it." Principal Gabriel waved his hand. "You certainly don't feel guilty or repentant anyway."

Hearing this, Astr smiled sweetly and was very well-behaved.

"As the principal of Astral, I should have thrown you into the Chrch of the Eternal Burning Sun and burned you to ashes as early as the entrance exam."

"But... as myself, how much time have I been able to survive? This century-old wizard just wants to have some fun for himself before he retires."

'I understand people who are evil and want to have fun.'

"So, I quite like you, Astr."

Astr raised his head, looked into Principal Gabriel's eyes, and saw his own figure reflected in them, like the protagonist of the play.

"Give me a sure word, Astr." Principal Gabriel raised a teasing smile.

"Are you a good person?"