I will be Your Assistant

Wizard Department.

On the ground floor, there is the cultivation room.

Professor Keal sat dejectedly in his chair, his grey eyebrows drooping, and his whole body was filled with sadness.

"Why am I so unlucky?"

"Why am I so unlucky?"

"No! There were no student casualties, which is a blessing amid misfortunes. Thanks to Astr; otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable."

However, even if After so consoling himself, Keal couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Looking up and looking at the greenhouse separated by special glass

The lush greenery inside made Keal's eyes show love, as if he were looking at his own thriving child.

But then he became frustrated again. because no one recognised his research results.

such as "too easy to use" healing potions, trees with eyeballs growing out, flowers with split mouths, etc.

Once, when he showed these proud works to Principal Gabriel, he got a strange glance from the principal.

"Are you cultivating nightmare creatures?"

Suddenly, Keal was struck by lightning and hit hard, and he never recovered.

Although he never "roused" himself,

After spending decades at the academy, his salary was the same as Principal Gabriel's face.

It hasn't changed at all.


Thinking of this, Professor Keal sighed again, and his chubby body lay on the table, causing the table to "squeak".

Thinking of this, Professor Armstrong sighed again, and his chubby body lay on the table, causing the table to "squeak."

"What should I do? Such a big thing has happened, let alone a salary increase. I will definitely be punished."

He seemed to see Astral printed on them one after another. The gold coin of Princess Profile followed history and disappeared from the purse.

Not only that, but it is estimated that at least this term, no student will sign up to be his assistant.

"It would be great if Astr could be my assistant... Haha, just kidding."

"What are you willing to do, Professor Keal?"

Keal subconsciously replied, "You are willing to be my assistant—wow!"

He jumped up suddenly, staring at Astr Serene, who suddenly appeared in front of him. His heart started pounding.

It's like an instinctive warning when danger is approaching.

"Haha," Astr pursed his lips and chuckled. "Why are you reacting so strongly? Am I scary?"

"No, no, of course you are not scary, Astr. Keal explained quickly. "I just... just think about things."

He changed the subject.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"Ah, I understand. You're here to speak for the principal, right? Didn't the principal come to see you just now?"

Thinking of this, Keal reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth again. fallen down, utterly devastated.

Astr suppressed his laughter and said slowly and clearly,

"I'm here to ask you if I can be your assistant."

Keal suddenly raised his head. He looked at Astr blankly, as if he suddenly suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and stammered.

"I'm sorry, what did you say just now?"

"I said," Astr smiled, "I'm here to apply for your assistant, Professor Keal."

"Hey Fate! What did I hear?"

Keal jumped up, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really? Do you really want to be my assistant, Astr?"

Keal asked eagerly, suddenly becoming nervous again.

'Could it be that the principal said something to Astr? For example, named Assistant? Actually surveillance?

No, no, no, you can't doubt a good boy like that... However, after all, my supervision was not good, which almost led to a tragedy.'

Seeing Professor Keal's expression changing every second, Aste couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Don't overthink it, Professor Keal. I really want to be your assistant out of my own free will."

'Out of his remaining conscience.'

Professor Keal, who gets involved in trouble every time, is so pitiful. I have to make some compensation every time.

"Besides, I also like your research. To be honest, it plays a big role in nightmares."

"Really?" Keal's eyes immediately lit up, and he was moved.

"You are really a kind person. My child, nowadays, there are not many pure good people like you."

Hearing this, Astr raised the corners of his lips, nodded, and said

"Yes, I also think I am a good person."

'This is also what I think of myself. And I replied with this answer to Principal Gabriel without hesitation.'

'Nonsense, I work so hard to kill bad guys; doesn't that make me a good guy? Now, the remains of cultists are still buried in my nightmares. as a fertiliser for rose ladies. Isn't this a good thing?

After a long silence, Professor Keal seemed to realise what had happened, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you are actually willing to be my assistant!"

He paced back and forth excitedly, pulling his few hairs, and his whole body was filled with great joy.

"By the way," Keal stopped suddenly and asked nervously and fearfully, "Uh, Mr. Principal, didn't he say anything to me?"

"No," Astr shook his head, paused, and then said, "This was originally not related to you. You're just a victim."


Keal breathed a sigh of relief and smiled honestly at the culprit.

Astr said again, interrupting Keal happiness, "However, the principal asked you to find a new meditation pattern."


With a flash, Keal shrank again.

'Can you finish talking once and for all, kid?'

Astr looked at the interesting Professor Keal with a smile and a pure expression.

"However, I also have to find another one." Keal said, "After I witnessed that horrific scene, I can no longer meditate with that pattern."

Astr thought for a moment,What exactly is a meditation pattern, Professor Armstrong?

" ?"

"The so-called meditation pattern is a symbol of a certain power.""

"For example, [Blue Fairy's Breath] is about engraving the Blue Fairy's spiritual breath and borrowing its power by sketching the pattern in the mind."

"This type of symbol, which directly engraves actions, can be considered relatively simple. It is easy to control and has minimal side effects on the human body. However, it lacks strength in mobilising mana and has limited suppression capabilities."

"Generally, after being promoted to a certain levelAfter that, it will be replaced with a meditation pattern that is more dangerous, harder to control, but also more powerful."

"Oh," Astr understood, "in other words, [Blue Fairy's Breath] is just an entry-level one."

"No. It's wrong, and it's also the safest one." Professor Keal nodded, troubled. "Hey, where can I find another meditation pattern? In a short time, there will be no substitute at all."


Astr pursed his lips. A very, very bold idea gradually emerged in his mind.

"...Maybe." He suppressed his excitement and suggested calmly, "Can I provide one?"

'Since meditation is borrowing power from some kind of existence, Then can my nightmare power be loaned out?'

'Become a meditation pattern? But is it possible if so than there is going to be no problem.'

"Do you have a meditation pattern?" Professor Keal asked in surprise and then nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right, you have learned how to meditate. Otherwise, you wouldn't have so much energy."

"Well, I have just learned a little bit." Astr smiled.

He gently clenched his white hands on the armrests of his wheelchair, suppressing the excitement swirling in his heart and keeping his face calm.

'Answer the call and give strength. Isn't this the power of the Nightmare Lord?'

As a philanthropic lord, Astr couldn't bear to see any student harmed because of him.

'[Blue Fairy's Breath] meditation pattern can't be used. No problem. I'm here to replace; I'm here to give. All they had to pay was just a small part of their insignificant soul.

Astr's pink tongue flicked between his lips, and his red lips were smeared with water.

"Astr, are you really willing to contribute your meditation pattern?"

Seeing Astr nodding, Professor Keal couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"You are really a respectable and kind little gentleman. You have solved my urgent  need.

"Alas, I always feel that, as a professor, I am always helped by you."

Looking at Keal's guilty eyes, Astr pursed his lips and narrowed his icy-blue eyes like two crescent moons.

Inexplicably, although Astr's' smile was very cute, Professor Keal felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

The cool air passed over the skin like an electric shock.

"...Oh, look at me! I forgot to make tea for you."

Professor Keal slapped his forehead.

'Why is there cool air in this underground building'

The bell clangs.

Astr watched as Keal's chubby body knocked over jars, making the already messy room even more difficult to move on.

When the hot tea was placed in a teacup with a small piece of dirt on the bottom and handed into Astr's hands, Astr saw that the tea leaves at the bottom were struggling to climb out of the teacup.



Astr immediately took a sip out of curiosity.

He frowned slightly in confusion.

'Why does it feel like a nightmare? Did Professor Keal cultivate a nightmare creature?'

Astr put down the tea cup. The tea was distorted for a moment, and the tea leaves that were constantly stretching at the bottom turned into dust.

"Well, what is your meditation pattern like?"

Professor Keal rubbed his hands nervously and looked at Astr expectantly.

Hearing this, Astr thought in his heart.

'It is impossible for me to hand over the simple fishing man that I am using now. And it is pointed to some unknown existence, not me.'

'Moreover, if all the new students succeed in meditating with this pattern and become wizards of the Nightmare School, then the Alice Order can retire on the spot. There are successors.'

Astr couldn't help laughing when he thought of the cultists in a classroom.

'Anyway, I needed to create a meditation pattern that was unique to me and directed towards myself.'

"I still need to prepare it. I'll give it to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Of course, of course," Professor Keal shouted immediately.

After getting the confirmation, Keal finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up with unbearable excitement and couldn't stop walking around the messy room and jumping over obstacles.

"Ah, you are such a good boy, Astr!"

Keal looked at Astr gratefully.

'Ahem. Stop praising. Stop praising. If you praise me any more, I will feel uneasy with my conscience.' Astr tried to maintain his smile.

He raised his hand to place the tea cup on the small round table, but his arm suddenly swung in the air, and half the cup of tea spilled out.

Crushed tea leaves floated in the overflowing water, swirling leisurely.


Professor Keal was stunned.

For a moment, he subconsciously thought that Astr was dissatisfied, so he nervously shrank his shoulders and looked at Astr.

Professor Keal failed to capture any emotion on the boy's pale face.

If it weren't for the rising and falling of his chest, it would be like a delicate and beautiful porcelain doll displayed in the window.

For some reason, Astr's eyes at this moment reminded Keal of Principal Gabriel.

It's also a kind of indifference that is commonplace.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." Astr raised his head and smiled.

The countenance instantly brightened, and the previously tense ambiance dissipated like melting frost. Two seconds later, the slow Professor Keal finally reacted and couldn't help shouting in annoyance.

"Goddess of destiny, how could I be so stupid? I really lost my mind today."

'Astr seemed unsettled. What discontent plagued him, or rather, why did this compassionate boy harbour such emotions?

The tea was spilled just because Astr's body couldn't hold it any longer.'

'The young wizards, deeply shocked, lay asleep in the infirmary. Meanwhile, Astr, already in frail health, resisted the encroachment of nightmares.'

Finally figuring it out, Keal hurriedly grabbed Astr's wheelchair and pushed him out.

Fortunately, the ground on this underground floor was fairly flat and not covered with vines.

Otherwise, at this speed, Astr would probably even be able to squeeze out the gastric juice at this time.

"Hoo, ho--!"

Professor Keal pushed Astr to the door of the Wizarding Department, panting heavily.

"Thank you, Professor Keal."

Astr said with a forced smile, his face looking paler than at the beginning.

Although he was grateful for the assistance, Astr couldn't help but feel a bit like complaining—after all, a wheelchair is for transport, not to be pushed around like a carriage.

At this time, a student saw him step forward and take the initiative to take Astr's wheelchair.

"Thank you; we must send Astr back to the dormitory as soon as possible."

Professor Keal solemnly said: The student was stunned.

Looking down, he saw Astr's pale and weak face, as if he were about to faint in the next second.

His expression shifted from confusion to solemnity, realising the weight of the responsibility and understanding that he cradled the delicate new star of the empire in his hands—no room for mistakes.

Under Professor Keal's worried gaze, the student puffed up his chest and pushed Astr quickly towards the dormitory, passing among the students.

'...That doesn't have to be the case.'

Inexplicably, Astr felt a sense of déjà vu as a prince escorting a princess.

'but. I am not some delicate princess. Rather, I am ferocious and terrifying. "Evil dragon, hehe, I am good at making '


Back to Room

After Astr changed his clothes, he fell on the bed exhausted, and sleepiness immediately spread over him.

'...It seems like every time, I push my body to the limit.' Astr laughed and thought drowsily.

Closing his eyes, his consciousness slipped through, passed through the membrane between dimensions, and came to the nightmare.

Astr slowly opened his eyes. His gaze met the corner of the wall, a pair of emerald green eyes filled with resentment and fear.

Under the moonlight, the girl's blue skin, like a handful of diamonds, shines like a galaxy, attracting people to stare at it for a long time.

'Well, she is not as good-looking as me.' This was Astr's first thought when he saw the blue fairy up close.