Monthly Exam

In the hushed atmosphere of the ward, Elara's quiet demeanor cast a subtle unease over the room. Astr's gaze fell upon the charred rose etched into his right arm. Despite the prolonged scrutiny, an absence of rejection lingered within him. Instead, he found an odd allure in its singed beauty.

Breaking the silence with a sigh, Astr chuckled helplessly, addressing Elara, "Let me ponder... How can I dissuade your persistent pursuit?"

Elara met his intensified gaze, akin to a crow fixated on a coveted treasure, silently vowing, 'I'll never relinquish you.'

A weighty emotion settled upon Astr as he grappled with the depth of Elara's commitment. An unfamiliar restlessness surged through him, akin to molten magma coursing through his veins.

"Regardless, I owe you gratitude. Your 'rose' spared me from a greater cost," Astr admitted wearily, reclining on the bed and fixing his eyes upon Elara.