Monthly Exam Result

Felix's expression suddenly changed, and he jumped up instinctively, knocking over the chair with a "boom!"

However, how could he dodge a bullet that is hundred times faster than him?

He saw Aste smiling, his red lips opening and closing, making a mouth shape,"Bye."

At the same time, a gleaming red light emitted from his right arm, flowing into the shining silver revolver like lava.


Astr pulled the trigger.


Felix yelled, tripped over a chair in panic, fell to the ground, and rolled like a ball with his cloak.

He felt that his heart had never beaten so fast; his ears were buzzing, and his vision was blurry.

After several seconds, Felix realized in silence that there was no pain in his body as expected.

When he opened his hand, there was no blood.

"Hoo, ho, ho—?"

Felix was panting heavily; his eyes widened, looking forward in confusion.