Ezekiel Rose

Black Crow is a nickname given to Elara by students, a moniker that seemed destined to endure across worlds and social standings. A subtle shift gripped everyone's gaze as the Cursed Girl unexpectedly emerged by Astr's side, even taking charge of his wheelchair.

Questions lingered in the air—when did their connection deepen? Yet, tonight, Elara's allure was undeniable. Clothed in a sleek, long black dress, she defied the norm of vibrant hues chosen by other girls. The form-fitting skirt accentuated her statuesque, slender frame, while her long, ebony hair was elegantly tied up.

Long black lace gloves adorned her hands as she maneuvered Astr's wheelchair. A swaying skirt revealed two straight, slender legs in small high heels, echoing a rhythmic click on the thin carpet. Light makeup softened Elara's typically somber countenance, though the chill emanating from her purple eyes persisted.