I Need You

Hwan's POV

"You suck at this, man."

I groaned in frustration as I tried to dribble the ball past Mark, only to have him snatch it away. He had always been great at soccer, while I assumed the role of the unathletic best friend. Yet for some strange reason, he always insisted I played with him.

Perhaps he just enjoyed seeing me lose.

"I'm trying," I whined in annoyance, making him roll his eyes. "Can't we play a less physical sport like chess?"

"Remind me why I'm friends with you?"

He passed the ball to me as he asked this, wincing when I failed to catch it, instead falling on my face. Rushing over to me, he offered me a hand which I gladly took.

"Thanks. Also, we're friends because I let you copy off me in every Math test."