Dancing With The Devil

Hwan's POV

I took a deep breath as I sipped on the hot chocolate drink Hannah had made for me.

We were back in my hospital room, with Hannah quietly sitting on a chair across the room, waiting for me to finish. The air was filled with uneasy tension, neither of us having said anything to the other since she found me crying like a baby outside.

The shameful incident still lingered in my mind, but I chose not to dwell on it. Instead, I focused my attention on the weary-looking woman across from me.

She seemed to be in decent shape considering yesterday's explosion – there was only a small scratch on her forehead and a bandage on her wrist. Otherwise, she showed no visible signs of being in pain.

Silently, I thanked God that she was mostly uninjured.

Placing my mug on the table, I let out a shaky breath. Still recovering from my breakdown, I took some time to gather my thoughts before speaking.