Chapter 1


Power Time Pt 1.

A chilly evening just like any other in a typical urban city filled with tall buildings and blinding lights. Usually, late nights in Cornerstone City is accompanied with criminals displaying deviousness without fear nor worry. Well, no surprise there, day or night, this city is filled with lawlessness and the cops are at their worst in figuring out when and where these crimes are going to occur. If only they had someone like Jake, the only person doing some sort of heroism here, and this evening he monitors something fishy as he sees three kids running like ninjas on rooftops and wearing black vests which in no way deludes the idea of them being ninjas though they actually aren't.

JAKE : (typing frantically on his laptop while sitting on a staircase in a dark alley) alright, rogues running in well patterned direction, if I didn't know any better, I'd say their heading for Star bank.

Kids arrive and busts through the glass of Star bank's window in a very skillful fashion that makes you wonder how these kids could be this daring. Well, these kids are highly trained and ground in the knowledge of the Dark Secrets, a training which started when they were still babies. They have been taught and practically tortured by a master who seeks prominence in passing on the way of the Dark Secrets and use them for other gains. Thus Randy, Dexter and Leo are not new to the crime business.

The alarm at Star bank has been triggered.

DEXTER : (in his usual dreadful and bass like voice), remember we are being judged by how fast we are. Leo, pack the cash and diamond deposits, let's get out of here.

LEO : sure, on it, but the damn alarm is still on.

RANDY : don't be scared Leo ( he says rather jokingly), I'm on the look out.

DEXTER : there's nothing to be scared of, the cops can never show up ( he says jokingly ) and even if they do ( still jokingly ), there's nothing to fear cause we'll take them….

Wee woo!! Wee woo!! He's suddenly interrupted by the sirens from police cars arriving at the scene.

DEXTER : ( with anger ) down.

About five police cars are seen packed right outside Star bank with siren lights flashing rather noisily and Lieutenant Mark holding a speaker with his head outside his car window.

JAKE : ( still observing at a distance ) well, for the first time they actually respond quickly.

RANDY : err, guys

LEO : that's impossible.

LIEUTENANT MARK : we have you covered, surrender now and come out with your hands up.

Dexter clenches his fist. He's really angry.

LIEUTENANT MARK : come out now or choose terror.

DEXTER : terror huh?

RANDY : woah now, that did sound weird though, but calm down Dexter.

DEXTER : I'm going to show these fools what terror really means.

RANDY : dude, they are just innocent people.

JAKE : hmm…. Interesting.

Jake is still observing, only this time from a close by window, audibly enough)

DEXTER : what?

LIEUTENANT MARK : well then, you have 5 seconds or we open fire. 5!!

LEO : that's 5 seconds to get out of here.

DEXTER : ( replying Randy ) what the hell are you saying Randy, are …..( laughs ), are you trying to stop me?

Lieutenant Mark : 4!!

RANDY : no, I'm just saying there's no need to attack them

DEXTER : ( moves closer to Randy ) what if I told you, I just feel like killing them


LEO : guys let get out of here!

RANDY : what's wrong with you dude.


RANDY : you can't do that

DEXTER : watch me.

JAKE : gotta go ( runs away speedily )

LIEUTENANT MARK : 1!!, that's it, open fire!

Bullets are blasted through the windows and mostly the front walls of Starbank

DEXTER : ( in a daunting acrobatic matter, conjuring, fires off a black powerful windy like blast which breaks up a good portion of Starbank's front walls) hahh!!

Boom!! Baaa!!

Police cars reverse immediately and the men stops firing as bricks head their way.

DEXTER : and for the grand finish, these cowards ( he says conjuring up another work of the Dark Secrets, this time, about to send it directly to the cops )

RANDY : NO!! ( dives and pushes Dexter )

Dexter misses and the blasts hit a close by and old structure.

Boom!! The structure demolishes and pieces blast off here and there.

LIEUTENANT MARK : ( in anger ), that's it.

Police cars approach to Star bank while shooting without any care or consideration.

LEO : I'm out of here ( approaches broken window )

DEXTER : how dare you!

Randy : suck it up man, ( says and helps him up ).

They all run away through the windows in their ninja like manner leaving the money they couldn't even finish packing up behind.

LIEUTENANT MARK : ( arrives and enters Star bank rather quickly ), damn it!!, they're gone.

The three of them take a break at the top of a building when they realize the coast is clear

LEO : I can't believe this, we didn't even get the money.

DEXTER : talk more of how much time we've wasted. You can't blame us when we have someone whose not even trained enough and completely useless.

RANDY : wait, this isn't my fault.

DEXTER : ( laughs sarcastically ) it definitely is Randy, all our life we've been trained on not showing mercy, exacting fear and being as ruthless and cruel as we can be. You've certainly failed our master and if you still think it isn't your fault, wait until the master hears of it ( moves closer to Randy ), then you'll understand why.

Dexter and Leo jump off and continue their escape leaving behind a devastated Randy.


Written by Okafor David.I.

Scene shows up on an old, but yet, classy building which appears shy as it's quite hidden from other structures. Right in a room in the building is a table which, from it's design, appears ancient and sacred and a black book opened and placed right at the centre in a way that leaves one curious. The entire place is filled with inscriptions and paintings of what looks like Dark warriors which makes one wonder what this kind of building is doing in an urban city. We see Randy on his knees facing a man wearing a robe that makes him look superior. He is their master, Master Xel, a man who they consider as one who has a high knowledge of the Dark Secrets. Dexter and Leo are standing beside him in a way that makes one realize that they have already spilled the beans.

MASTER XEL : ( facing Dexter and Leo ) leave us alone.

DEXTER : ( with a scorn look as he hopes Randy gets punished ) alright master.

They both exit the room

RANDY : I didn't mean for it to happ….

MASTER XEL : ( cuts in ) why have you always been my worst student, you excel with your fighting skills, but don't show intent Darkness as I have tried to teach you ( starts pacing about ). Empathy is an illusion child. You will be punished for your weakness, how can you master the Dark Secrets without full acceptance of the dark side?

RANDY : but..but I.. I am on the dark side.

MASTER XEL : it seems you don't what you're a part of child ( stops and stands right in front of him ) At the end of the day, any one of you that doesn't become one with the Dark Secrets, will be killed.

Randy looks up in awe.

MASTER XEL : Death is the only remedy.

RANDY : I….I will learn it and …..

Master Xel : learning it is not your problem ( he cuts in again ), being it is. And as a result of this you have two missions to accomplish or I use my remedy.

RANDY : yes master, what are they?

MASTER XEL : good, first, I want you to infiltrate the Crowder Glass Research Centre.

RANDY : wait…master ( he says rather shockingly ) you want me to infiltrate CGRC alone? That place is heavily guarded.

MASTER XEL : ( looks at him in anger )

RANDY : yes master, go on

MASTER XEL : infiltrate that center and destroy their main nuclear glass source, steal the prized metal shield and return

RANDY : but why destroy their….

MASTER XEL : ( gives him another look )

RANDY : alright master, what's the the second thing?

MASTER XEL : find out who called the police and finish him or her, understood?

RANDY : yes master.

MASTER XEL : leave.

Randy gets up and exits the room

Master Xel : ( looks at something we can't see ) I don't know why, but I have done so.

An apartment located somewhat close to the border of Cornerstone City is seen with Jake in it seriously working on something on his mind. It's kinda like his hideout, considering he's the only person close to being called a superhero and that might be what's disturbing him.

JAKE : ( with his right hand on his face, muttering to himself ), how come, an urban city like this full of evils and mayhems with no one to stop them. ( now typing on the laptop in front of him ). nearby cities shows sign of prominent superhero beings, well they're just signs aren't they. ( notices something strange on his device ), wait a minute, these guys have been robbing one of the fanciest places in different parts of this city one by one, first Crown valley, then Edge Way, and recently at Star bank in Newton Town, in this manner, the next place they're likely to go to is ( typing ) Red Hills, but there's nothing really precious there to stea… ( remembers in shock ), damn it, Crowder's Centre ( sighs ) of course. ( Suddenly remembers he's been talking to himself ) I really have to stop doing that… ( does it again ) this, whatever, maybe I just need friends.

Another late evening, Randy is seen, though this time alone, he's sitting on the top of a building wondering how he's going to carry out his missions. In the midst of his soliloquy, he hears a woman screaming for help, stands up to look and sees three guys about to rob a lady.

ROBBER 1 : hand your purse over!!

WOMAN : no! ( cries ) please

RANDY : what the hell ( says angrily at first then remembers his previous conversation with his master ) emphaty, no care ( he says trying to looking away )

ROBBER 2 : ( pushes the woman and takes a chain from her ) : you better do as we say young lady

RANDY : no care..( says trying to resist helping but it doesn't work )...That's it

ROBBER 1 : oo! Nice chain you've got there, seems we've got one to go ( laughs )

RANDY : you've got none to go ( in a daring voice )

The three thieves turn back to see a guy standing in front of them, wearing his usual vest which literally reveals almost nothing about him as they can't see his face.

ROBBER 3 : oh oo, seems we gat company.

ROBBER 2 : relax, he's just one gu…

Randy cuts in with a superb kick to Robber 2's chest flinging him to the side of a car 

ROBBER 2 : arrgh ( falls to the ground )

RANDY : ( before Robber 1 could bring out his gun, bends 1's hand in an unusual and painful way. ) ha!

ROBBER 1 : aaahh!!

RANDY : ( turns to his back quickly and fires a small blade at Robber 3 which lands 3 on the floor.)

ROBBER 3 : arrgh!

Randy turns back quickly again beating 1 and ending it with a final blow.

ROBBER 1 : arrrr!

Randy moves to the side of the car, picks up the chain and hands it over to her.

RANDY : here you go.

WOMAN : ( in happiness ) wow! Thanks, I didn't know they were still good people in this city ( says as she walks away after receiving a don't bother sign from Randy ).

JAKE : hmm…interesting….. again ( this time he's been being heard but not seen )

RANDY : ( turning in shock ) huh, who's there? Come out

JAKE : ( coming out slowly and smiling ) well, for someone fairly skillful, you seem scared.

Randy : who are yo….( puzzles ) fairly??

Jake : hope you're not expecting a praise?, for all I know, you and your friends have been robbing here and there, with the most recent one at Star bank and anytime soon, Crowder.

RANDY : ( this time more concerned ), what?! how did you.... who are you??

JAKE : My name is Jake, a Honored Scientist and Innovator of this City. The Mayor, just last month, gave me another superb research facility after I designed a weapon for the military.

RANDY : wo…wow! that's

JAKE : but you,…you need no introduction, I know a bit about you.

RANDY : ( in a sad tone ), yeah, guess you see me as a criminal.

JAKE : well…..not quite far from the truth, you might be hanging out with criminals but that's not what I see you as. You're a good guy...…Randy

RANDY : ( with an excited voice ), you really think so? ( realizing he just heard his name ) wait a sec, how do you know my name? You can't even see my face. You've really been observing me and my friends huh?

JAKE : I study the criminal activities of this city, I do my best to know when and where one's going to happen and try to call the police as soon as possible. That's why I'm here in the first place, I was almost certain a robbery was going to occur. As for your name, you can really hear a lot from Star bank's broken windows.

RANDY : ohh that's how you know my name ( realizing he's the one who called the police ) so it was you. ( still realizing ) for the first time in my life, someone doesn't see me as a bad guy, well except for that woman though she wasn't aware that I've worked with criminals but….( looks up at Jake with curiosity and realizes he can't harm him ) but you know.

JAKE : I almost certain you were ordered to take me down right?

RANDY : you really are that smart, aren't you

JAKE : like I said, I only do my best.

RANDY : I was, but I won't.

JAKE : I'm not surprised ( starts walking towards a staircase in a dark alley and Randy follows him ), sometimes I feel you were forced to join them.

RANDY : wanna know the truth

They stop walking as Jake climbs up a few stairs and sits on one while Randy relaxes on the hand rail.

JAKE : yeah?

RANDY : as far back as I can remember, I've been studying the Dark Secrets by my Master, I don't really even know my parents.

JAKE : I'm really sorry, what are the Dark Secrets anyway?

RANDY : Its like a Grand Art of the Underworld.

JAKE : ( with a more concerned look ) what?.....