Story For Two.

RANDY : The word " Dark Secrets " has two meanings, sometimes it refers to the dark, diabolical powers we can conjur up, some of these powers can kill someone just like what one of my friends wanted to use at Star bank while some can injure or weaken one, some are also cool, you can disappear which requires lots of concentration, you can also use it telekinetically and many, believe me, many many more. Only the Dark Lord has the greatest mastery of the Dark Secrets which makes him like a god. The other meaning is the book titled " Knowledge of the Dark Secrets" from which we learn the Secrets. My master has always told us that the book is highly sought for and that's no surprise. If a villain gets hold of that book and masters everything there, he can rule the world.

JAKE : where did this book come from? ( still paying absolute attention )

RANDY : The origin of the secrets goes back to the time when Lord Xerpas, he's an ancient ruler of Skull and he….

JAKE : wait...( he says as he brings out his laptop from his bag and starts typing on it ),..I haven't recorded any Xerpas from ancient times and where the hell is skull? It doesn't add up.

RANDY : ( laughs and looks at Jake ) : It seems you do read a lot but , you haven't recorded it because they didn't happen in this dimension. The Origin starts from another dimension far away from ours though a bit similar in size and they were only being ruled by one person, as at that time, Xerpas. Well, I guess I should have been more specific.

JAKE : fascinating, and to travel from our dimension to another, you'll need some kind of portal door or something, right??

RANDY : exactly.

JAKE : ( sits more comfortably ) : I'm on board, go on.

RANDY : Okay...

Flash black displays event -- ..Xerpas was a very cruel ruler, killed people without remorse, fed people to wild animals as a stress release exercise, but even with all this, he never felt satisfied with his evil, he always had a crave for the greatest evil. He wanted to be able to bring great evil to the world, so great that he'll be finally satisfied. His Dark Sorcerers tried and tried, doing all incantations and anything thing they get they would tell Xerpas who would immediately experiment it, for instance, making young girls walk on hot coals and rods to see who would survive last.

Flash back ends.

JAKE : my God.

RANDY : but still none of this satisfied Xerpas, until a child was born and throughout that day, the entire earth was dark, very dark as one could hardly see. Xerpas immediately took the child in as he's been told by his Sorcerers that the child is from the underworld. By the time he grew up, Xerpas was already old, and he had nicknamed the child as The Devil's Escort. One day, unannounced, he called Xerpas and the remaining sorcerers still alive to gather, Xerpas by this time had almost given up hope, he told Xerpas that he is the key to finally bring the Dark Secrets to the world.

Flash Back Continues.....

Devil's Escort : You have been gifted with the "Crave for Absolute Darkness" my Lord. you want to do the greatest evil, that which would cause the peak of terror and eventually satisfy you.

Lord Xerpas : ( in his scary voice ), yes child

Devil's Escort : you have only been searching in the wrong place, what you seek is in the underworld and because you have been chosen with the crave, you're the key to bringing it here.

After a long silence

Lord Xerpas : How?

Devil's Escort : you are all aware the day I was born was covered in darkness the same thing will happen when I die. Only this time, my death will would be a joyous event for the underworld as one of their own finally returns and they will accept me to bring one person there. When I die, a portal will opened, a portal like this can never open in any place or dimension as my kind will never exist here again. This portal is directly to the underworld.

Lord Xerpas : ( with an evil smile ) : that's magnificent.

One of the sorcerers : when one goes, can he return?

Devil's Escort : ( turning to the Sorcerer ) :

Only one person can go and return…..( turning to Xerpas ) you. But let this be said…..once the Secrets are brought here, forces will try to destroy it and eventually, one of them will.

Flash black ends

RANDY : and that's how it happened, the ritual was carried out, Xerpas returned with the book, but the thing with the Dark Secrets is, the longer you learn and dwell on the knowledge, the greater and unstoppable you become. Xerpas unfortunately didn't have enough time to finish the Secrets but seeing the underworld gave him a bit of that satisfaction but not fully all he wanted. On his death bed he said " I'm happy to be joining the Devil's Escort and others but happier to know that even as I couldn't have the full satisfaction I wanted, anyone who masters this, will". And there you have it...

JAKE : ( cutting in ) errm wait a sec, and you're saying, the book is here??!!!

RANDY : yeah, it's been passing on for generations but no one close to full mastery and now it has landed in our dimension, that story I don't know.

JAKE : I've really got to get more info on .....( suddenly interrupted by beeps from his laptop which was still on his leg ) oh come on!! another robbery…

RANDY : ( stops relaxing and stand straight ) : where?

JAKE : look ( sighs and stands up ), as much as I want to trust you, I don't if I should....can I?

Randy : Jake, for the first time I feel like I'm doing something I love and wasn't forced to ( removes his mask ) and I don't want to stop.

Jake : ( in shock ) McGuire??, You're Randy McGuire?!

Randy : you know me?

Jake : yeah, I've seen you…( interrupted again by the same beep ) ok, we'll discuss that later. ( they both start moving as Jake puts his laptop back in his bag )….if you want to save this city, then let's ride.

Randy : um...ride what?

New part to be posted 30/11/23 at 7:00PM GMT.