Meet the Kings In Black.

JAKE : wait for it ( stops walking, brings out his phone and makes his fingers dance on the screen, ending with a final tap ) we go!

A fantastic self driving ride is seen coming from the next street and approaching them.

Randy : cool! Sweet ride

JAKE : ( opening the door as the car arrives ) : now let's go

They both enter the car and drive off to go stop the robbery but unknown to them, they're about to face something much worse

Fade out.

Scene shows up on Randy standing on a high building looking at the robbers across the street, trying to make their get away. He's wearing his mask and also a small device on his right ear which Jake had given him on their way there. Jake is nearby Randy but on ground floor with his car parked around a corner. Randy still stands on the roof watching

RANDY : ( touching his right ear and trying to sound heroic ) : the crime's in sight... ( remembering he's done this before ) wow, that's sounds a lot weird coming from me.

JAKE : yeah yeah, anytime now.

RANDY : relax ( says jokingly) these guys are amateurs, they're still pondering on how to lock the door behind them…..( laughs ) that's real stupid.

Randy's still observing the amateur thieves and they're really putting on quite a show.

RANDY : ( still laughing ) he did not just drop the keys ( continues laughing )...these guys cannot surprise me ( jokingly)

Suddenly a portal opens up behind Randy and 5 guys dressed in a black, well designed villain like attire with only their faces showing, comes out.

Randy : ( turns his back in shock and stammering ) but that.... that definitely is a surprise.

ONE OF THE 5 : ( walking drastically towards Randy ) where is Aire?

Randy : who?

ANOTHER ONE OF THE 5 : let's rephrase…

He fires at Randy, a diabolical blast ( obviously a trick from the Dark Secrets ), which sends him falling from a three storey building and on his way into a cluster of barrels right beneath them and sends the thieves running for their lives.

RANDY : ahhh ( he screams on way down ).

Baaa!!! He lands in the barrels, scattering them

RANDY : oww!! (...…trying to stand up ) all I asked was a question.

JAKE : ( touching his left year ) Randy? Randy, come in….. come in, are you ok? ( says knowing that there's trouble ).

ONE OF THE 5 : just as predicted, a young man dressed in the vest ( he says while looking down at Randy from the edge of the rooftop )

Three of the five men have been left to handle it as we now see three men at the rooftop edge with the others disappearing. These men are one of the greatest practitioners of the Dark Secrets – together they are called – Kings In Black. The three at the rooftop edge are Krieg, Wilder and Vida. They are all superior in the ways of the Dark Secrets but one peculiar thing about them is, one knows one skill better than the others, for instance, Vida has been nicknamed " Vanisher" because he's the best when it comes to disappearing and reappearing.

RANDY : ( stands up, touching his right ear ) : yeah I'm fine.

WILDER : ( in his deep voice and still looking down ) the book is ours.

The three of them disappear from the rooftop edge and reappear at the front of the building, which appears to be a store, and directly in front of Randy who's beginning to get a clue about these guys. Jake goes to a spot where he can view what's happening without being seen.

RANDY : ( seeing them disappear and reappear ) you know the Dark Secrets, who are you guys?

WILDER : we are…..the Kings In Black

RANDY : ( with fear ) the…th..the kin..the Kings in Black??

KRIEG : just as I thought , you must have heard of us ( says with an evil smile ).

RANDY : ye…yeah, my master has…has ( trying to cool off )

WILDER : Child..( he says as he grabs Randy's neck and lifts him up )…we don't have time for this. Where is Xel, Aire and the book.

RANDY : i..I know…of Xel..but ..urrgh…( trying to free his neck with his hands )….I can't .. urrgh….tell you , I …. Don't know who or what Aire is and urrgh ( stil trying ) as for the book, I can't say.

WILDER : well ... that's displeasing

He flings Randy busting him through glass windows of the store. Boom!!! . And crashing into display stands inside the store.

Berzk !!!!

Pieces of glasses shatter everywhere.

Kling!! Kling!! Kling!!!

JAKE : ( In shock ) this is not good…gotta call the cops

RANDY : urrgh… ( moving on the floor in pain )

Wilder and Krieg passes through the door of the store with Krieg busting it open and destroying it


While Vida appears inside the store.

RANDY : urrgh ( sits up with hands resting on his legs and his face gazed on the floor )

VIDA : don't make us kill you ( grabs Randy's hair and turns his face up to look at him ) believe me,…..doing so is as easy as it sounds.

RANDY : ( angrily removing Vida's hand with his own ) I've had enough.

WILDER : ( smiles ) no you haven't.

Randy stands up with his two fists folded and uses the secrets to create black air like whirls around him with vida reappearing beside his other two.

RANDY : then let's dance.

Randy redirects the whirls straight at them

RANDY : ha!! ( says with both his hands stretched straight )

The three of them dodges it with Krieg, who was in the middle of both of them, levitating himself as the blast was headed directly towards him and the others going side ways.

Wilder immediately sends a stronger whirl towards Randy, flinging him from the floor

RANDY : ahhh!!! ( above the ground )

And hitting his back on the side walls then falling with his two hands holding him up

RANDY : urrr ( trying to stand )

Wilder levitates two large display stands with both hands and with blasts from Kreig who's still in the air. Vida then sends the stands towards Randy.


Randy stands and uses the same levitating trick to hold it back.

RANDY : urraaa!! ( he shouts as he tries to hold on with both his legs drifting backwards slowly )

Krieg smiles deviously as he can see Randy struggling, he increases his intensity.

RANDY : ( this time more loudly ) aahhh!!

But he can't hold on any longer

JAKE : oh no

The stands collides with Randy, crashing into the walls, bursting the side windows and walls open with a giant crashing sound


And sending Randy out of the store, onto the walls of the close by building making him fall flat on the ground.

RANDY : urr ( on the floor with his vest beginning to tear apart at some corners )

JAKE : ( touching his left ear ) Randy , are you ok?? Randy!

No response is made.

JAKE : I've gat to do something ( trying to think )

The three of them are seen levitating now. Wilder flies towards a defenseless Randy, grabs his neck, carrying him up high. Wilder creates a mild black smoke like stuff around

Randy ( a high level move of the Dark Secrets)

RANDY : arrgh!! Arrgh!!! ( screaming in pain ).

WILDER : you see vida here is great at disappearing without thinking. …..( pauses ) wanna know what I'm good at child?...

RANDY : arrgh!!

WILDER : ( smiling ) torture.

| Fade out. |