Tricks After Tricks.

We still see the four of them up high beside the store building.

KRIEG : this is your last chance.

RANDY : arrgh!!!

Wilder clears away the smoke which makes Randy breathe more slowly and relieved.

KRIEG : you're free to talk…..

Randy says nothing

KRIEG : talk!!!

Wilder looks with utmost concentration into Randy's eyes.

RANDY : ( struggling with his neck ) I..I can't tell you where the book is...…. You'll use it to rule over all.

VIDA : ooh, so you'll rather have your master rule.

Wilder is still concentrating on the eyes and Randy feels something weird going on in his head.

RANDY : ( looks at Wilder and trying to shake it off ) what are you doing?

Randy struggles on more and more and almost frees himself.

WILDER : that's it, this kid isn't going to talk.

Wilder flings Randy from up and on his way into the top of the store building.

RANDY : aaa!!! ( he screams on his way down)

Randy still in air stretches both hands and bring out the air like whirls to break his fall. The whirls blasts open a part of the top roof and sends him through.

But before he could stop, the whirls blasts him through the top floor and he crashes on the second floor and falls on his face.


RANDY : I just "haad" to come out this evening, didn't I ( says and turns his back on the floor while panting ).

VIDA : this kid has some skills.

KRIEG : that's none of our concern. We'll destroy that floor.

Still levitating, Wilder moves to the front of the building, Krieg remains at the right edge and Vida reappears at the left edge. They start controlling the four sides of the building telekinetically ( still Dark Secrets moves ) with Krieg controlling both his side and the back. Telekinesis is where Krieg is best. The sides of the building starts cracking and bursting while moving closer to each other and closing in on Randy.

Smokes are seen almost every where from the bricks crashing on each other and top floor tearing apart. In summary, the building's about to collapse!!

JAKE : errm Randy?

RANDY : urr!! ( stands up struggling, sees the crumbs of bricks falling and the crushed walls closing in, and his balance on the ground at risk) yeah I definitely picked the wrong evening.

JAKE : get out of there! Look I know I'm new to the secrets and all but I think you should use the disappearing power

RANDY : I can't, that requires a lot of concentration

The crushed bricks are getting closer, the crumbs falling are getting larger, Randy's balance is much worse. In summary, the building's collapsing.

JAKE : that guy does it.

RANDY : ( freaking out ) he's a master!, he does it without thinking, they're all masters!!

JAKE : yeah and they think you're good

RANDY : urrgh! ( he dodges a stone heading his way ) wow, they do? Well I've practiced the trick before, I should be able to do it.

JAKE : good ( he says and runs away as though he's going to get something )

Another stone brick is heading towards Randy's head but this time he's already conjuring up some words ( incantations, though, we can hardly hear what he's saying ) and his hands are fisted together. Though the stone brick thought it would arrive early, IT was too late. Randy had vanished and reappeared at the road facing the store building but not seen by any of the levitating trio. The trio watched as the crushed bricks closed in and shattered and as the stone crumbs and bricks crushed each other from top to bottom ending with a large sound – BOOM!! – and enormous dusts all over. In summary, the building has collapsed.

RANDY : ( after reappearing ) oww! ( exclaims in pain and falls to a knee )

And now he has been seen.

Voom!! Voom!! Jake immediately drives in another ride and stops behind Randy with the side door open for him

JAKE : get in!!

RANDY : but there's no use, they'll still catc.....

JAKE : ( cuts in ) just get in!

Randy enters the ride and closes the door but surprisingly they didn't go after him

KRIEG : ( turning to Wilder ) you have it?

WILDER : yes,........I know where the book is.

The three of them disappears off.

Wishing you all a Happy new year.