Chapter One

Lu Xi glanced at the thing standing in front of him. Sitting before him was a purple and white wolf, there spots of light glowing on its fur and it had a flower in between its eyes. The eyes of the wolf were trained on him. In the middle of the space, its fur gleamed like silk with a majestic bearing.

Lu xi was confused by the presence of the wolf in the space in him, but he had better things to do than wonder about this. He didn't care about that; he cared more about what he heard.

"Level of Hatred?"

*Welcome Host to the system space. I am system 10003, you can call me Alina, and your assignment system*

The wolf suddenly spoke. Lu Xi could hear the voice, a smooth, soothing voice, but oddly enough he could he couldn't see the mouth of the wolf move. He however quickly discarded those thoughts, he was more interested in what the wolf or the system was speaking of.

"What exactly are you and where exactly is the system space?"

*The system space is currently where we are. As for what I am, I'm a helper of the underworld. Beings like myself are tasked with finding lost souls, much like yourself, and helping them achieve what they desire, for a price of course*

*To put it bluntly, I'm here to help you work for the underworld, and in return, you get to have whatever you wish to accomplish in your world*

Lu Xi was excited when he heard the words of the system but immediately calmed down. There was no such a thing as a free lunch in the world, there must be a catch.

"What work will I have to do for the Underwood?"

The wolf tilted its head to consider the human soul before her. She had seen many souls in the past few hundred years, but this was the first time she had seen a human with such hatred.

His hatred has become so strong it has manifested into the real world. She watched in wonder as the black flames covering the soul flickered. This human was quieter, more interesting, and strong. She was looking forward to working with him.

*There are some issues in the Underwood, some humans much like yourself suffer at the hands of others. Because of this, the souls of these people refuse to move on until their grievances are settled.*

*However, the Underwood does not have the manpower to help every soul alone. Hence, souls like you who have experienced similar fates but are rational enough and have not fallen into despair are offered the chance to help those souls settle their grievances in return for their wishes.*

Lu Xi relaxed as soon as he heard the requirements for the job. He gazed at the wolf before he spoke; "I am ready to accept my first assignment."

*I am happy you're ready to be doing but we need to cover things first.*

*The worlds you enter will be worlds of novels. However, these worlds are very much real and I advise you to be careful and to be lawful. Don't treat the people from these worlds as fake or unreal, that would be a fatal mistake. There is a system shop that will be unlocked after entering the first mission world. The shop will be restricted to items that can be found only in that mission world. If you would like to attain an item from another mission world, then you would have to purchase it*

*The items in the mission world you're in are free and can be used freely by the host, however, depending on the item, there might be restrictions applied to its usage.* It's advised that the host purchase any items you wish to keep from any mission world before withdrawing from that world.*

Lu Xi listened intensively, making sure he understood everything before speaking. "How would I purchase anything from the system store? Do I get a salary?"

*Yes, task taskers like yourselves are provided with a salary base of 10,000 energy stones. The better the completion of your missions, the higher the rewards. There are also additional rewards given by the clients depending on their satisfaction based on your completion of their tasks. It's best to work hard to complete your missions and get rewards from your clients*

"How do I get clients and all task takers given the same mission in a different world?"

* There are many categories in novel settings in these mission worlds and depending on your own experience you would be placed in your category, that is, so that hosts who have no experience in certain mission worlds are not assigned to them*

"What category have I been assigned to?"

*You have been a Vicious supporting character. As a former Vicious character, you're aware of the fate of these characters your purpose is to help them get out from under the shadow of the children of heaven and to make sure they're not stepping stones for the protagonist's path to success. You must ensure that they live well. in some cases, the clients assign their own personal missions to the hosts *

* Completing those missions will earn you extra rewards from the clients themselves *

Lu Xi was even more excited to accept his first mission world. He hated the so-called protagonists. They were high above everyone and only had eyes for one another.

They used everyone around them as pawns in their little games, not caring who they hurt on their path to success and happiness. He couldn't wait to pull them from their high horse and push them all to the depths of hell itself.

He wanted them to burn, and suffer like everyone else they have trampled on in the past. He will tear apart their delusions, hopes, and happiness. He'll be the nightmare they can never escape.

They're ugly underneath their beautiful appearance and he will ensure that the entire world bears witness to their true faces.

Alina gazed at the twisted smile on the human's and knew without a doubt that this human would go to any lengths to achieve his goal, and that's why the high-ups agreed to make an exception for him, his hatred was too deep, his loss too fresh to let it fester. No, they needed to make sure he remembered his goal and there was no other way than his husband.

*One more thing, host, considering your level of hatred, the higher-ups have allowed your husband to reincarnate into the mission worlds you enter. In hope that this will help you remember your goal and help you control your emotions better. *

Lu Xi snapped his head up and stared at the system in shock. He thought he wouldn't see his husband for a long time and that's why he was so eager to enter the mission world, but now he was even more hurry; he needed to be him, breathing and alive.

He needs it more than he ever needed everything in his whole life. "I can see Chu Yan?"

*Yes and no, your husband will be a reincarnated soul, meaning he will remember nothing of your life together. He will have a new name and have fresh memories. I will tell you his identity in each mission, but it's up to your own ability to chase him.*

"I'm ready for my first mission world."

*Your mission completion will be judged on the blacking of the protagonists. When it reaches 100% it will be mission complete.*

* I advise the host to be careful, from a past mission when the blackening degree has reached 100% the protagonists become violent and mentally unstable. *

Lu Xi was eager to meet Chu Yan quickly and said; "I understand, quick start the task!"

*Very well host. The first mission difficulty is the novice level. Teleportation countdown starts: 10, 9, 8, 7...*