
Lu Xi's consciousness slowly became clear, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a vast expanse of white; he stood still in the middle in bewilderment and confusion, and as time passed slowly, his eyes became clear and he clearly recalled his death.

He looked around and then stared down at himself; he had no physical body but somehow he was wearing the clothes he wore at the time of his passing, his death was not at all a surprise to him, he knew sooner or later he would die, from the beginning, he was destined to be nothing more than a foil to another person's brilliance and happiness, the more he recalled his life the more hatred and unwillingness filled his heart, he deserved to live a happy life too; he didn't do anything to deserve the life that he lived through, as he recalled in sadness the life he lived.

Lu Xi was born to a wealthy family with an older brother and two loving parents, and for most of his life he lived well, but his life changed with the arrival of Mingli Chen.

Mingli Chen was the son of his father's comrade from when he served in the military, his father after serving in the military for 4 years retired, while his comrade continued to serve in the military, when Mingli Chen father retired from the military he got married and his wife gave birth to their son, the two families were friends and were quite close.

However Lu Xi didn't know why but he always hated the fragile crybaby of a boy, he couldn't stand him and his constant look of "I was being bullied" so he made it a point to never spend time with him, but everyone else in his family loved the innocent and lovely Ming Chen

When Lu Xi was 16 years old Ming Chen's family was in a car accident and his parents died and as per their will they named his parents as his guardians, so after the funeral Ming Chen moved in with his family, his family and even the servants went to great lengths to cheer him up and help him recover from his loss, of course when he refused to have anything to do with him everyone disappointed in him, but Li Xi didn't care he never wronged himself for other people's sake and he didn't plan to either.

After a year of pampering, Ming Chen was transferred from the normal school he went to and was transferred over to the same school and Lu Xi watched as slowly everyone praised him for his talent and understanding and looked at him like an unreasonable child. Over time it became a natural thing for everyone to care for and love Ming Chen while everyone else ignored and didn't care about him.

Lu Xi through was not and has never been an overly emotional person and he believed in treating others the way they treated him, so when his family ignored him he also ignored them, and over time he had no emotional attachment to his family and friend, it might be heartless but he was raised to be spoiled and self-entitled and he was never bullied but he bullied others. He knew his own shortcomings but he had no plans of changing himself to accommodate other people's wishes of how he should be. If things continued like this maybe everyone would have gone their separate ways and lived their own lives but fate had other plans.

One day in his senior year at college after coming home from school for new years, Lu Xi met a man, to be exact he was the uncle of Ming Chen who was not very close to his brother or his family and like a switch, he fell in love at first sight.

However, after finding out who he was he was broken-hearted and immediately left regardless of manners, hoping to escape reality and his new feelings but after getting home to his rented apartment, he drank alcohol for the first time and questioned what he had done wrong to end up in a cold apartment by himself, halfway through the twenty-something bottle of alcohol there was a knock on the door.

When he opened it he found the man at his door and maybe it was the alcohol, his sadness or maybe he just wanted to least have something from the man he fell in love with but he kissed him on impulse and somehow they rolled in bed together.

Come morning, he was yelled at and threatened with castration. But they got together, and he later learned the name of the man he fell in love with was Chu Yan. He also discovered that he wasn't close to Ming Chen and his family and he had been stalking him for while and that is how he found his apartment. Although Lu Xi was a bit creeped out, for the next five years, they went from a relationship, engagement, and marriage.

He lived a happy and blissful life, until it was torn apart by Ming Chen because of that white lotus bitch his husband had died, because of one of his crazy stalker's attacked and killed his husband as punishment for him because of his supposed bullying of Ming Chen, gave Ming Chen psychological trauma. Because of that bastard his husband was shot in the heart and died immediately.

The worst part is that he couldn't even do anything to that bastard because he is the son of one of the richest men in the city, and his family had no plans of helping him because they were still stuck in the fact that he got married and didn't tell them or even invite them. And to make matters worse he got hit by lighting of all things and also died.

The same day his husband died, he also followed him to the grave.

After his death he learned he was nothing more than a vicious character used to offset the protagonist of a novel, his whole life was nothing more than a joke.

The More he thought about it the more unwilling he was to lose everything, he clearly did nothing wrong but express his free will of not liking someone and just because of that he was prosecuted and judged and he lost the only light of his life.

For what? just so he would be a foil to offset someone else's life, it was not fair at all.

Lu Xi hated them all, he hated his useless family. Hated that damned bastard Ming Chen and he hated that world to its core. He wished they would all burn in hell.

He was unwilling to die alone, he was unwilling to lose his husband, no he will not easily fall. Even if he has to crawl through hell to get to them, he will. He'll drag them to hell with him.

Lu xi finally let go of his emotions, he was done holding back his hatred, his anger, and his contempt. He lost to that white lotus but because he was not being who he was since his role was to be a foil. then he should have played his part to the end.

He Lu Xi should've never been so passive, no he should have been as vicious as possible and destroy that little bastard until he was nothing.


"The required level of hatred has been reached, binding the host"

-Bond complete!

*Welcome Host*