Hakuna Matata

The next day, Qi Baishi woke up early and left for the meeting of Beast Whisper Sect disciples, leaving Jun with no choice but to let him go.

"I should focus on the main thing now," Jun sighed helplessly. Dwelling on it wouldn't help, and now it was crucial to prepare for the opening of his shop, a plan he had delayed for quite some time.

"Ding Xue has already become a Talisman Apprentice and can provide me with 1st-grade talismans. But, it won't be enough to attract customers to such a desolate place," Jun muttered, frowning as he looked out the window. 

The surroundings were nothing but a silent lake and forest, making this location inherently unsuitable for business.

However, it wasn't that bad either.

"Shop Owner Jun! I heard that you were attacked last night. Is that true?" Little Wei came running to the shop, his innocent face full of worries for Jun.

"How do you know about that? Did fellow Daoist Qi report to the Immortal Order already?" Jun asked with a surprised expression.

From Qi Baishi's hastiness to leave the shop this morning, it seemed like he was getting late to attend the meeting. 

Unexpectedly, Qi Baishi first went to report about the incident last night. Jun was a bit touched after seeing how worried Qi Baishi was for him. 

Little did he know that there was no meeting of Beast Whisper Sect disciples, and Qi Baishi had just made up an excuse to leave the shop.

"Yes, apparently someone from Beast Whisper Sect reported about the incident, and it had already spread throughout the market. After all, it has only been two months since you came, and someone dared to attack a banished immortal." 

"Hmph! They deserved what they got," Little Wei snorted smugly, as if he were the one who had dealt with the assassins.

"Don't worry, it's all good. Those guys were dealt with by a fellow Daoist who came to my shop yesterday," Jun said with a smile.

Little Wei heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Jun with admiration. "That's good, but did you predict that someone would attack you before the attack?"

Little Wei's eyes sparkled with anticipation and admiration. It seemed like he had misunderstood something.

"What are you saying? How would I..." Jun began to respond but stopped as a sudden idea struck him.

"I heard that there are some immortals in the Immortal World who can predict everything and prepare for them in advance," Little Wei suggested, his eyes lighting up with excitement, deepening the misunderstanding.

"Little Wei, you are a little too smart," Jun chuckled, deciding not to correct the misconception.

"Really? Then please predict my future, Shop... I mean, Immortal Master Jun." Little Wei immediately knelt on the ground and looked at Jun with an expectant gaze.

Jun frowned and replied with a nervous expression, "What do you mean by predict your future? Do you think predicting someone's future is as easy as boiling water?"

Predict the future? The only time Jun had predicted his future was when he anticipated his exam results, and just as he predicted, he got the last place with miserable marks.

"You really can't?" Little Wei's expression turned from excitement to disappointment in an instant.

Jun turned his gaze to the serene lake in the distance and sighed with helplessness.

"You stupid child, what do you know about predicting the future? If someone wants to predict the future, they need to do it in the right place, at the right time, and with the right state of mind." Jun made up a story to convince Little Wei.

"Is that so..." Little Wei became even more depressed, and his gaze lowered with sadness. He really wanted to see if what he had dreamed about would come true or not.

When Jun saw the scene of Little Wei's eyes, which were filled with excitement and anticipation, turn to disappointment, he couldn't help but try to lighten up the mood.

"Fine, what do you want to know about your future?"

Little Wei was stunned for a moment; his depressed expression took a 360-degree turn, and his eyes lit up again.

"Can you predict my future right now?" Little Wei asked with an expectant gaze.

"I can try," Jun smiled at Little Wei.

"I want to know if I will be able to reach the Alchemy Grandmaster level in my life," Little Wei asked with a nervous expression, unsure of what kind of reply he would get.

Jun smiled and, without saying anything more, closed his eyes, circulating the Golden Qi around his body. Little Wei, who didn't know what this Qi was, immediately believed that Jun was performing some kind of ritual.

"Oh! mighty lord of the Jungle. May you bless this soul and show me the path of endless time to allow me to witness the glory or fall of this child!" Jun chanted with a more than necessary serious expression.

"Hakuna Matata!" Jun shouted, and his golden Qi surged even more, letting out a violent wave of aura around him.

Slowly opening his eyes, his gaze fell on Little Wei, whose mouth had fallen agape due to Jun's violent aura just now.

"Little Wei. What would you like to hear first? Good news or bad news?" Jun asked with a knowing smile on his face.

Little Wei gulped and, after pondering for a while, he finalized his decision, "Bad one, I will save the best for last."

"Since you have decided so, I will not delay this any longer. Listen carefully to my words, Little Wei. Although I can't tell you exactly what will happen in the future, I can still give you a little bit of hints."

Little Wei nodded with a nervous expression.

"Your future is filled with a path that is dark and gloomy, with thorns and other obstacles trying to stop you from reaching your destination."

"A gloomy path?" Little Wei's expression turned sour, but he still gritted his teeth and continued to ask, "What about the good news?"

"Your path is very hard to traverse through. However, there's an unknown existence from the Immortal World, an existence that could turn the thorns on your path into flowers and transform gloom and darkness into a bright journey. This existence will support you in your journey and help you reach a level beyond what you desire."

Little Wei's eyes sparkled with renewed determination, his heart beating loudly as he tightly clenched his fist. Despite the challenges ahead, he embraced hope, ready to tread the difficult path with unwavering resolve.

"You forgot about the herbs, didn't you?" Jun reminded with a petrified expression.

"Oh, right! I seemed to have forgotten about it." Little Wei facepalmed and left hastily.

"Good lad, I will help fulfill your dreams as long as you work for me day and night." Jun grinned and summoned Little Wei's status panel.

[Name: Li Wei]

[Cultivation: Blood Tempering Realm Martial Artist]

[Insight: Above average]

[Constitution: Silver Physique]

[Technique: Iron Fist (Inferior grade low-level), Light Steps (Inferior grade med-level)]

[Spiritual Root: Wood Elemental (Earth grade high-level)]

[Talent: Herbal Affinity (Mortal grade high-level)]

"It's your fortune that you have met me, kid." Jun smiled while looking at the departing figure of Little Wei.