Golden Phoenix Pavilion

Another peaceful day had passed, and today marked the long-awaited opening of Jun's shop. Excitement bubbled within him as he realized it was finally time. 

However, for now, he could only offer grade 1 talismans to the public, keeping his ability to sell talents a secret.

Gazing at the shop's exterior, Jun found it to be rather plain and uninteresting. "This place looks quite dull," he remarked with a frown.

 Determined to make it more appealing, he mulled over ideas that wouldn't be too extravagant.

"I need to change it a little," Jun muttered to himself, contemplating how to decorate the shop without going overboard. Just as he pondered, a sudden message from the system caught him off guard.

[System has a suggestion for host.]

"Oh? What's your suggestion?" Jun inquired, surprised by the system's unexpected politeness. It seemed this system had a considerate side to it.

"[Host can use the 'Renovation' option after the shop has been established.]"

"There's something like this?" Jun's surprise was evident on his face. It seemed he had yet to uncover the true capabilities of the system. 

Perhaps there was more to it than just talent trading and the system shop.

"Shop Owner Jun?" A sweet and melodious voice came from behind Jun, prompting him to turn around. 

Before him stood a beautiful girl with long black hair, dressed in ordinary attire, her expression tinged with nervousness. She appeared to be around 16-17 years old.

"Uhm... Thank you very much for guiding Little Wei." The girl immediately bowed to Jun, her gaze respectful.

"Guiding? Me?" Jun looked genuinely surprised. When did he guide Little Wei? All he did was spin a few tales. 

Perhaps Little Wei took it seriously, and this girl could be his elder sister, thinking that Jun had somehow motivated Little Wei to work harder.

"You don't have to thank me like that. As a senior who has seen many mortal and immortal worlds, it is my duty to guide the younger generations to the right path." Jun straightened his back, attempting to project the image of a wise senior who had lived for many years.

"You don't have to be humble, Shop Owner Jun. Little Wei has been eating even more since the last time he visited you. I don't know what you did to him, but it's clear just from his increasing appetite that he has been feeling good recently." The beautiful girl smiled with gratitude.

"Eh! Appetite?" Jun was a little confused at this moment. Did he unknowingly motivate Little Wei to become a mukbang streamer instead of an alchemist? 

As if she had seen through Jun's confusion, she continued to explain, "Every time Little Wei feels motivated, his appetite grows even more. Recently, his appetite started to decline for some reason, but just yesterday he started to eat like a starved person after he came back from your shop."

"I see, so Little Wei's appetite is directly proportional to his motivation." Jun understood clearly this time.


"It's nothing. So, is that all you wanted to talk about?" Jun asked with uncertainty.

"No, I actually wanted to know if you can look after Little Wei in the future just like how you are doing now," the beautiful girl asked sincerely.

"Sure, as I have said before. As a senior, it's my duty to look after my juniors who are still ignorant of the world." Jun tightened his chest and announced, maintaining his dignity.

"Thank you very much. I will also remember this favor of yours." The beautiful girl bowed again respectfully to Jun.

"You don't have to thank me. Just pay me 2 spirit stones for a year of guidance." Jun shamelessly extended his hand, asking for the spirit stones.

"Eh! Spirit stones? It isn't free?" The beautiful girl was stunned. Where was the dignity of a senior now? It vanished just like that?

"What do you know, little girl? How can I, the lord of wealth from Overlord Spear Sect, do something for free? If I do something for free, how can I show my face to others?" Jun responded with a hint of playful arrogance.

Jun's previous host did indeed have a similar nickname, but with a slight twist – the Wealth Plundering Lord. 

This name was earned by easily ensnaring fellow disciples into a debt trap and later seizing their wealth.

"Indeed, you should not disappoint those people who have such high expectations of you," the beautiful girl, dressed in ordinary attire, remarked. 

Without hesitation, she took out two spirit stones and handed them over to Jun.

Jun was quite shocked, assuming that Little Wei and this girl came from an ordinary family. 

Typically, people from such backgrounds wouldn't freely give away even two spirit stones for a small matter. 

It made him wonder if they were pretending to be poor or if his made-up story from yesterday had worked wonders.

Nevertheless, he had earned two spirit stones without much effort and wouldn't regret being shameless just now. 

"By the way, are you going to open your shop today?" the beautiful girl asked with anticipation. 

Jun nodded in approval.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" she asked curiously.

"A name..." Jun started to ponder over what he should name his shop. After a while of thinking, he had decided upon the name for his shop.

"Its name will be – Golden Phoenix Pavilion. Golden colour represents the desire to possess wealth, while phoenix represents the will to last forever," Jun smiled, already daydreaming about being the God of Wealth.

The beautiful girl was a little taken aback, but she immediately regained her composure. "Excellent choice, Shop Owner Jun. The name Golden Phoenix Pavilion will resound through the universe someday," she flattered Jun.

Listening to her praise, Jun started to float. What an excellent choice, he thought. 

Little did he know that there were already more than a hundred shops with a phoenix in their name on this island alone. But, it's not like she could tell this to Jun, who is already dreaming of becoming the God of wealth.

Even though it wasn't a unique name, it carried Jun's will to live forever as a wealthy man.

"I think so too. This name has an extraordinary tune to it. A tune that attracts people towards it," Jun flattered himself.

"Leaving that aside, if you don't have a signboard yet, I can help you make one," the beautiful girl offered.

"You can? That's great." Jun was delighted. He immediately took an empty wooden board from his shop and handed it over to the girl. 

She took out a brush from her bag and started to write something.

"Golden Phoenix Pavilion" was written on the board, while an eye-catching drawing of a Golden Phoenix was painted beside it.

[Congratulations to the host, you have unlocked the achievement – Open up a cultivation shop]