Beast Hall

After happily chatting for a while with Qi Baishi, Jun finally noticed the other two young men who came with him. 

"Who are they?" Jun asked. 

"I don't know." Qi Baishi replied. 

"Who should know then?" 

"I don't know that either." 

Jun: "..." 

Seeing that Jun and Qi Baishi were talking about them, the young man who looked a little older introduced himself. 

"Ahem! I am Ren Xiang and this is my younger brother Ren Gang. We came here today to join your Golden Mountain Pavilion." Ren Xiang said very righteously. 

"It's Golden Phoenix Pavilion," Jun replied with an annoyed expression. 

"Oh! Sorry, I am bad with the names." Ren Xiang smiled awkwardly. 

"Why do you want to join my Golden Phoenix Pavilion?" 

Both the young men looked at each other and thought for a while, before Ren Xiang answered, "Because of Ancestor, Ji Xiang." 

"Who?" Jun raised his eyebrow in confusion. 

Ancestor Ji Xiang? Who is he? 

"Ancestor Ji Xiang is a noble cultivator in Nascent Soul Realm. He said that he has been wandering the world for many years and decided to settle down here for a period of time." 

"So? What's that got to do with me." 

"He also said that he had joined your shop." Ren Xiang said. 

What Ren Xiang said didn't make sense at all. 

Jun didn't believe a word he had said. 

But then again, he would not come here all the way to just spout nonsense. 

Hence, Jun began to check the memories of the avatars that he had sent out before. 

Just as he had expected, Ji Xiang was none other than one of his own avatars. 

This avatar disguised itself as a wise middle-aged man and coaxed the two brothers into believing that he was a high-level cultivator traveling the world. 

Later, he sold an [Artifact Forging Apprentice] talent scroll to the younger brother who was talentless. 

Because of his younger brothers pestering and Ji Xiang's coaxing, elder brother Ren Xiang, who is also a Grade 2 Formation Master, decided to join the Golden Phoenix Pavilion himself. 


Jun pretended to be thinking about something, before replying, "Now that I think about it, you guys must be talking about Elder Ren. Yes, he is an esteemed deacon of our shop. On behalf of him, I welcome you both to our shop." 

Ren Xiang was skeptical to the point that he could no longer hide the disgust in his heart towards Jun. 

He clearly knew that Ji Xiang was just a fake identity and not a real Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. 

However, how could he prove it to his younger brother who has clearly been brainwashed? 

He had no choice but to follow his younger brother to ensure their safety and not to be used by this scammer. 

Little did he know, that his younger brother who has first-hand witnessed the miraculous power of talent scrolls and there's no way to convince him, not to join the Golden Phoenix Pavilion. 

"You both should take a rest first." Jun invited them inside and asked Hua Zhenyi to serve them tea. 

"Who is Ji Xiang?" 

Qi Baishi could no longer contain his curiosity. 

"He's a Nascent Soul Realm expert I recruited recently." Jun lied with a straight face. 

"As expected of you shop owner. Even Nascent Soul Real experts wants to become your subordinates." 

Qi Baishi was truly impressed this time. However, he had already expected Jun to have powerful subordinates. 

On the other hand, Jun smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything. 

Leave aside Nascent Soul Realm, he doesn't even have a Golden Core Realm expert as his subordinate. 

"Since you have come back, I will give you a gift." 

"What gift?" 

Jun smiled and gestured for Qi Baishi to follow behind him without saying a word.

After a while, they arrived near the Talisman Hall and Forging Hall. 

Qi Baishi was shocked to see these two new buildings. 

From its appearance and the words 'Forging Hall' and 'Talisman Hall' written on these two buildings, it is obvious that these two buildings were production types. 

However, he could not hear a single sound coming out from the buildings. 

Production buildings should make some sounds, which is especially true for the forging buildings. 

The fact that there was no sound meant one thing — this building has been enhanced with runes. 

"These two buildings are really amazing. I wish I could have one too." Qi Baishi could no longer hide his envy towards these Talisman Masters and Artifact Forgers. 

Jun smiled and exchanged for the [Beast Hall] from the system shop with 10 tokens. 

In the next second, a blinding white light covered the empty space just next to the [Forging Hall].

After a while, some kind of rumbling sound could be heard. 

Gradually, a grand building started to take shape. 

The building was rather much more inclined towards Western style. 

It looked like a grand luxurious mansion from the outside.

When Qi Baishi and Jun entered, they were stunned. 

A magnificent white-colored hall with four pillars came into the vision.

There was a huge statue of a golden phoenix in the middle of the hall. Perhaps it was related to the name 'Golden Phoenix Pavilion'. 

There were four circular platforms surrounding the statue. 

Other than that, there were eight different colored doors that attracted Jun's attention. 

"What are these doors for?" Qi Baishi curiously sized up the [Beast Hall].

He was truly impressed by the layout of the hall, but more than that he was more curious about the eight gates. 

"I don't know, you should go first." Jun gestured for Qi Baishi to go and open the door. 

Qi Baishi hesitated for a while before he decided to open up the door. 

With his hands trembling, not from fear but from excitement, he pushed open the first door which had an image of a scenic mountain engraved on it.

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by a gust of cold wind, there was a whole new world behind these doors. 

A scenic, desolate and sky-high mountain stood in the center of the world.

Surrounding the mountain, there were no birds, no animals, only a bunch of colorful gigantic plants that looked otherworldly. 

"Shop Owner, you should see this." Qi Baishi's voice was trembling, he had never seen something like this before.

It wasn't an illusion, but a real-world sealed behind a door. 

Jun didn't waste a single second and arrived beside Qi Baishi. 

"What the hell is this? Is this an illusion?" Jun couldn't help but recall the illusory world in the [Illusory Space Array] that he had seen before. 

However, he was also aware that this world is different. 

There's no feeling of being trapped in a illusory world unlike the previous array. 

"This is no illusion, but a real world." Qi Baishi haven't blinked a single time since he stepped inside the door. 

His eyes were wide open as he looked around

his surroundings like an infant who had seen the world for the first time.