Recruitment Notice

After a while, Jun and Qi Baishi completely searched through all the doors. 

Behind these gates, there were different types of small realms inside. 

There was a thunder realm, icy plains, scorching fire realm, and many realms with different kinds of environments. 

Qi Baishi stood in front of the last door that he hadn't checked yet. Beside him, Jun was also waiting in anticipation of what kind of new realm he would see behind this door. 

"Shop Owner, what kind of realm do you think is behind this door?" Qi Baishi was extremely nervous. 

He couldn't believe his eyes till now. To think he will be able to manage this place in the future. 

Just thinking about it makes his blood boil with excitement. 

"I think it will be somewhat related to space," Jun replied, beaming with confidence.

"Oh! In that case, let's make a bet. If it's not a space realm, then you will have to pay me 100 spirit stones, but if it's a space realm then I will pay you 100 spirit stones. What do you think?" 

Qi Baishi's mouth curled up in a teasing smile. 

He was confident that there wouldn't be a space realm. After all, space-type spirit beasts are as rare as beauty with a brain to find. 

Jun nodded with a smile. 

Seeing his confidence, Qi Baishi started to falter. 

Wait! This building is produced by the shop owner. How could he not know what was behind the door? Am I getting muddle-headed because of my age? Qi Baishi thought with a pale face. 

In reality, Jun also made a guess, he had no idea what kind of realm was inside behind this door.

As expected, when he opened the door, there was a space realm inside. 

It was a desolate world with nothing but darkness and small palm-sized stars flickering inside. 

In frustration, Qi Baishi face-palmed himself. To a small-time cultivator like him, 100 spirit stones is not a small amount. 

But since he has become a beast tame with Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation, he will be able to earn back this much wealth back in no time. 

Thinking about it, he heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Shop Owner, you win this time." He took out a small storage bag and retrieved 100 spirit stones from it, handing them over to Jun. 

"Looks like you are becoming overconfident because of your realm advancement." Jun grinned as he took the spirit stones from Qi Baishi. 

"It's not because I am overconfident, it's just that I am getting old." Qi Baishi shook his head dejectedly. 

Jun glanced at Qi Baishi's appearance, which had become far younger than before his breakthrough. 

His face became pale and he felt extremely envious and resentful towards Qi Baishi. 

Jun's own appearance was that of a middle-aged man, and there was no other way, other than breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Realm if he wanted to look younger or consume a beauty pill. 

Sensing a resentful gaze, Qi Baishi turned around just to see Jun standing still and smiling at him for no reason. 

"It must be an illusion." Qi Baishi muttered and closed the door. 

It was dangerous for a pair of Qi Condensation and Foundation Establishment cultivators to come into contact with this spatial and desolate realm. 

"I need to increase my cultivation as soon as possible." Jun sighed and began to check the remaining four platforms in the hall. 

These platforms didn't have anything special about them. They were only useful in quickly summoning tamed beasts from the small realm to the platforms. 

This way, Qi Baishi won't have to run around inside the small realms to search for these tamed beasts. 

After checking everything inside, Jun left the [Beast Hall] while Qi Baishi stayed behind since he couldn't bear to leave that place. 

Jun left the [Beast Hall], he was about to return to the shop when he noticed a little boy hurriedly coming over. 

"Show Owner Jun, wait a minute!" It was little Wei, whom Jun had not seen for a while. 

"Why are you in such a hurry?" 

Jun patted little Wei's head who was rapidly panting because of running for so long. 

"You should see this." Little Wei took out a piece of paper and handed it over to Jun. 

It was a notice issued by Immortal Order. 

[Notice: The situation on the frontlines of the war against the abyss demons is intensifying day by day. This has led the Immortal order to lack manpower, Thus, young cultivators under 30 years of age, who have at least reached the Foundation Establishment Realm will be recruited in the Immortal Army.] 

[Recruitment Time: 07/12] 

"They will start recruiting after a month of beast tide?" Jun couldn't help but feel that the cultivation world is soon going to face some new calamities. 

In so thousand years of war against the abyss demons, there has never been a time when the Immortal Order needed to recruit soldiers like this. 

It could only be said that the situation on the frontlines has started to worsen. 

Jun shook his head and didn't ponder over this news any longer. 

He glanced at the little boy who was staring at him intently. "You have something to say?" 

"You said that I will become an alchemist, but my instructor from Alchemy Hall said that I have no talent in alchemy."

Little Wei has just started to the Alchemy Hall to study the basics of alchemy. 

However, he is lacking in talent and couldn't make any progress at all. At this point, he was doubting if what Jun had said back then was true or not.

"Don't worry, what I said is true. It's just that it may take time some time." 

Seeing that little Wei was still unconvinced, Jun decided to do a bold thing. "Follow me." 

Little Wei quickly followed behind Jun obediently to the shop. 

Jun asked Hua Zhenyi and Senzu Tian to step out of the shop. 

Everyone was confused except for Jun. 

He summoned the shop panel. 

[Shop Name: Golden Phoenix Pavilion] 

[Shop Level: Mortal Grade] 

[Shop Owner: Wu Jun] 

[Shop Reputation: 90] 

[Shop Branches: 0] 

[Shop Protection Array: Lord's Spiritual Array(mortal grade high-level), Yellow Thunder Protection Array(mortal grade high-level)]

[Upgrade Requirements: Three mortal grade buildings, 50 tokens, 10 grade one beast cores] 

[Notice: All the upgrade requirements have been met, do you want to upgrade the shop]


Jun smiled and decided to upgrade the shop. 

In the next moment, a dazzling white-colored light enveloped the whole pavilion.

Soon, the light started to dissipate and a completely new building started to gradually appear. 

Seeing this scene, Hua Zhenyi and Shenzu Tian were calm, however little Wei's mouth fell agape. 

[Congratulations to the host, your shop has advanced to Earth grade]

[From now on, all the talents and products provided by the system will have an upper limit of Earth-grade high-level] 

[Congratulations to the host, the Summoning portal has advanced to Earth grade] 

[From now on, all the creatures summoned b

y the summoning portal will have an upper limit of Golden Core Realm]