Chapter 1: Aura Yosuke


Wars… The world has too many wars from politics and power, and innocent lives are suffering from most of their actions.

The rich will be heard loud and free, while the poor will be mute and trapped.

That is the world we all know and love.

The wars destroyed every beautiful mother nature until a decade later, and they realised how much they had damaged their planet, their home.

They try to restore it for other decades, but it's too late.

Because of a lack of oxygen, people must wear breathing masks and protective gear to go outside their houses.

For decades, they have been trying to regain what they have, but everything they have done has led to failure.

By 2030, the world will start to Unite and make a paradise for its citizens so that they can live in peace.

They build a gigantic dome for a country that has enough money to build it enough to cover 1/6 of the USA or four times Malaysia's size.


A century later, the first dome was finished with more than 500 floors, including underground floors, and it was a huge success; inside, the dome had breathable air and green, and Mother Nature could live freely.

So, people can live happily ever after, right?

We'll see.


Age 3020•

"GET TO WORK! Or I will destroy your leg!" The cyber tech guard aims his laser gun at the young man's mechanical leg.

The young man is very attractive. He has long black hair with light blue tips and yellow eyes. He is wearing dirty clothes and has an amputee right arm and a mechanical left leg.

The young man sighs as he gets up, picks up a modern pickaxe tool with him, and walks away, ignoring the guard.

WORK BRAT!!" A cyber tech guard yells as he punches a young man in the face.

The young man, who wears dirty clothes and black hair with light blue hair on the tips, falls to the dirt ground.

"GET BACK TO WO-" The guard's words are cut off when the man starts staring at him while the amputee man takes a pickaxe with him. The guard got his courage back as he said, "HEY, STOP. I'M NOT FIN-"

"You said to get to work, So I will… but if you have a problem with me, remember, you can't hurt me as long as I'm working…" the young man said while glaring at the guard, which made the guard scared of the man.

The guard growls as he signs the young man away.

"He got your nerve, huh?" Another guard said this has different shoulder pads.

"Sergeant!" The guard shows respect immediately as the Sergeant waves it off.

"You need to be careful with that kid," The Sergeant said as the guard looked at the young man.

"Him the amputee guy? He can't do shit. He is sleeping all day, maybe lack of limp, I guess."

"Not quite. You are still new here. You don't know anything yet. He is Aura Yosuke, a Japanese and Malay descendant, and his family has worked here for generations, even at the time the dome was being built." The Sergeant explained.

"That long?" The Guard asks as the Sergeant nods. "Oh, Wow, but what do I need to be careful then?"

"Well, for past years, before I grand this title, that kid is no one to mess with." The Sergeant said as the guard looked at him.

"What do you mean?" The guard asks.

"Aura fights over 131 guards and kills 73 just to get revenge for his parents." The Sergeant said as the guard's eyes widened.

"Him!? That's impossible. What kind of weapon did he use?" The guard asks again while looking at the young man's name, Aura.

"The one that he being holding…" The sergeant said that, as he could sense, the new guard was getting sweatdrops. He continues, "He turned to rampage when he found out his family was being assassinated, and he suspected the rich people did that."

The new guard looks at Aura as he asks the guard, "I see. So, did they do it?"

The sergeant shook his head as he said, "No one knows."

"Then what happened years ago? Who managed to stop him?"

The Sergeant smiled as he pulled a black blade that was rare for anyone to carry around or own, and he said, "With this vibration katana, that I St-Found and managed to cut his leg and arm, making him handicapped, which led us to arrest him."

The new guard was in a thinking position, as he said, "But, I don't understand why to let him live if he killed more than 70 people."

"No one knows, but most people said living is far more suffering than death. Maybe that is why he is still here." The Sergeant said while putting the katana back behind him as he said, "Well, get back to work. We need to make sure no one is sleeping. We need to finish digging this mine before 3022. Remember that."


The young man's name is Aura Yosuke. He sighed heavily as he finished his work for the day. He can see many workers dropping their pickaxes into containers.

"Leave everything you found in the container, and get rest tomorrow. We will have another happy working day," a robot told the workers.

"Happy day, my ass…" Aura mumbles as he throws the pickaxe into the container. He notices the guard is watching him as he glances at them guard, which makes them look away from him.


Later, Aura closed his eyes while taking a deep breath, arm crossed, waiting for something while there were people around him who were minding their own business.

They were all inside a moving container, moving upward at high speed.

Aura felt something pushing his leg. He ignored it at first but then came for a second time, making him grunt in annoyance.

The black-haired man slightly opened his left eye. As he looked down, he saw a girl wearing a cyber-black hoodie or raincoat standing beside him, trying to make a space for herself in a compact space.

Aura looked at his surroundings, and he noticed no one had seen or sensed the girl near them. He began to wonder why she was here with them because, on this trip, most were from the workers.

'Why is she here?' That is what Aura thought while looking at the girl.

Everyone seemed to ignore the girl, but Aura Yosuke didn't. He kept watching her until the lift container slowly stopped at its checkpoint.

"Floor of Worker B77, Welcome home, Everyone," An AI were saying as it continued, "But before you all can go, the High Police Department is looking for someone,"

Suddenly, a Hologram person emerged on top of the workers' heads. They saw a girl with long, straight green hair, green eyes, and light skin wearing a High-Level cyber citizen outfit. "If you see this girl, please report to any police department or send an image."

Aura saw the girl covering her face with her hoodie even more as he got some suspicion. Everyone started to talk about the girl they saw on the screen, and as soon as the AI showed the image, the elevator door opened.

People started to walk out, and Aura saw the girl pushing everyone without being noticed by most people.

Aura starts to follow the girl just because of the suspicious act of the girl.


The petite girl started looking from side to side, and suddenly, her stomach grumbled in hunger. She started looking from side to side again as she tried to find something.

Aura, who is not far away from her, follows her closer toward the ally. He can see the girl is looking for something from left to right.

'Uhh, I'm so hungry… the internet said if I have no money, go to the ally and sometimes I will get some food hidden anywhere. But I can't see any! I swear I will eat any food if I find one!' The girl in thought while searching for a portion of food.

She remembers rejecting her first free food when she found untouched leftovers days ago because she was greedy and spoiled, but now she doesn't care anymore; she will eat anything because she is starving.

"You know it's not healthy to eat leftovers, especially when you find them in the trash."

The girl turned her head as she saw Aura lying on the wall behind her, talking to her.

"I wasn't looking for food, sir. I was just walking around." The girl said to cover her food search, but her attempts failed when her stomach once again grumbled.

"Yeah, walking around in the dark alley where no camera or security can see you, I totally believe that," Aura said sarcastically.

"Hey, I told you the tru-" Her stomach grumbled again as Aura sighed.

"Come with me, kid," Aura said as the little girl got scared, and he continued, "No, don't be scared; I just want to help,"

The girl looks helpless as she wants to run away and is afraid that this man will take her to the police station and take her reward. But she is not an ordinary girl; she can know the truth about someone's speech or lies.

So, she is still confused about why the man in front of her wants to help her.

"So, are you coming?" Aura asks once again as he slowly walks away.

The girl once again paused for a couple of seconds as she nodded and followed Aura.


To Be Continue•
