Chapter 2: Reia Green


The girl was following the stranger man. She had nowhere else to go in this place but this man. She looked at the stranger man with no left arm.

'Why are you trying to help me?' The girl thought as she saw Aura walk to the main road where so many people were walking around.

"Keep closer, Kid, we got company," Aura said while looking at the certain point where she looked after and saw a policeman making a spot check.

The girl became scared as she felt Aura hold her shoulder and said, "Stay close."

The green-haired girl nodded. Aura looked at his surroundings and saw a crowd of people walking toward where he wanted to go. He pulled the girl with him and blended in with the crowd.

The girl noticed the police glance at them but ignored it as he continued checking another person.

They walked with the crowd for quite some time until the girl felt Aura pull her away from the group.

"Come," Aura said as they walked to a dark alley. He saw a security gate that checked every citizen with the green-haired girl on the screen. Aura hissed in anger, 'Why do they really want this girl? I will ask her later.'

The girl followed the man until she felt him hold her jacket from the back and lift her up like a cat's mother holds her child.

"Hold tight," Aura said as he looked at the story building.

"Hold for WHATTT!!!?" The girl screamed when Aura suddenly jumped high into the air with the power of his mechanical right leg.

Aura landed on top of the building. As he turned back, he saw a couple of policemen walking to where he had been before, searching for something.

Thankfully, this underground resident had limited lighting resources, and he and the girl were hidden from the policeman's sight.

The girl closed her mouth, not wanting any noise to come from her mouth.

Aura watches them until they leave the alley, sighs, and pulls the girl to face him.

"Next time, you might want to be a bit quieter, brat. If they catch us, you will be captured," Aura said with narrow eyes.

The girl has a thick vein in anger, "You should warn me first! And let me go, I'm not a cat! Ahh!"

Aura sighed and let go of the girl as she fell to the rooftop. "Come, brat, we are not far,"

"Where are you taking me, actually?" The girl asks while pouting in anger that Aura just dropped her.

"Somewhere safe," Aura said with a smile as he walked to the top of the rooftop.

The little girl didn't know what to do anymore. She was being chased by the law, but this guy who was 'helping' her was not much better at helping.

"Come on, aren't you starving?" Aura said while waiting for the girl.

The girl looks at the man for a second as she sighs and continues to follow Aura.


Later, as Aura and the girl walked on the roof, the black-haired man with a light blue tip stopped walking and pointed toward the specific location. "There, not much further."

"You keep saying that, but we never arrive!" The girl yelled. However, Aura didn't respond and continued walking. The girl pouted and tried to follow where Aura was pointing. She saw a small hood that looked like a house, nestled between taller buildings, not far away from where she was hiding. "That is your place?" The girl asks as she sees Aura respond with a nod.

When they reach the end of the roof, Aura kicks the emergency ladder to let it fall down. This place is far higher than before, "Come on,"

Aura goes first and says, "Careful; it's slippery." The girl follows later, and then a mistake comes. Soon, she touches the metal bar, and the girl suddenly slips.

"Eh? AHH!!" The girl yelled in slow-motion. Aura looked up as a foot came to his face first and pushed him off the ladder.

Soon, people nearby saw something crash to the ground.

"Ow…" The girl growls in pain while she lands on top of Aura.

"Get off me, brat," Aura said with an annoyed tone and removed the girl from his body. Aura gets up as he pats dust off him. "I told you to be careful,"

"Sorry," The girl apologises as she follows Aura once again when the man starts moving.

Aura replied with a nonchalant attitude while walking towards the small building.


Soon, they arrive at the doorstep, and the girl can see that there are so many poor people walking around.

Aura knocked on the rusty door as he said, "Sarah! Open the door!"

'Sarah?' The girl wondered, and they waited for a couple of seconds.

Suddenly, the door opens and shows a black-haired girl with the same eye colour as Aura, but her hair tips are different from the man's hair, this girl has cyan hair tips instead of light blue, and she also has lighter skin than the man. She looks slightly younger than the man.

"Ālong, you back," The black hair girl said as she looked at the green hair one.

"Ālong?" The green-haired girl wonders out loud.

"It means the first brother in the Malay language, girl," The black hair girl said with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever, even though there is only me as your older sibling, so Sarah, what are you cooking?" Aura asks his little sister.

"Sambal anchovies, fried vegetables and omelette," The black-haired girl named Sarah said with a smile.

Aura sighed as he entered his home, and Sarah offered the green-haired girl to enter, which she soon followed.


Aura was now on the four-side dining table, which was not far from the front door. There were three white rice plates on the table, and the green-haired girl was sitting beside him. They were waiting for Sarah with a side dish in her hands.

"Well, Ālong, whyn't you introduce your guest?" Sarah asks as she sits in front of Aura.

"Well, I actually don't know her name. I just found her being the target by the laws, and I am trying to help her," Aura told the truth as he started to pick the Sambal and the vegetable into his rice plate.

"She What?!" Sarah asks in shock and disbelief. She looks at the green-haired girl who looks like 14 years old; being targeted by law is unbelievable.

"Low your voice, I don't want anyone to hear you, and kid, should you start explaining yourself now? Why are they chasing you? Did you kill somebody up there?" Aura asks while starts to eat his food with his bare hand.

"Ah, do you wash your hands Ālong?" Sarah asks, because, it's a tradition to eat by hand but it must be washed clean first and it's healthy.

Aura gave a deadpan look and said, "Really? You are asking an 18-year-old man who is eating with his bare hand for the rest of his life about that?"

"I just remind you," Sarah said as she turned her head toward the girl and said, "So why not introduce yourself, sweety?"

The girl looked at Sarah and went back to the food. Honestly, she didn't know how to eat this one as she said, "My name is Reia Green… and I ran away from my Uncle…"

Sarah and Aura look at each other as the black-haired girl asks, "Can I ask why?"

"He… killed my parents… and he put the blame on me for my parent's deaths…" The green-haired hair girl named Reia said with sadness and regret.

"How old are you, Reia?" Sarah asks again.

"14…" Reia replied as she tried to eat the food with her left arm, only getting smacked on the hand, and she looked at Aura. "Hey, what is that for!?"

"It's rude to eat with your left hand, brat." Said Aura as he continued to eat.

Sarah deadpan, as she put some side dish on Reia's plate and said, "Forgive my brother, he just didn't like someone eat the wrong way."

Reia pouted as she reached for the food with her right arm, only to get smacked again. "Hey! What now?!"

"Did you wash your hands?" Aura asks, and Reia gets more angry.

"I DID!"

Sarah giggled, "Now-now, calm down, Ālong. Just let her eat her food."

Reia pouted as she started to dig in her food; she didn't know how to eat with her hand but she looked at Aura and Sarah's eating style, making her mimic their eating style.

Aura and Sarah can see the sloppy eating style coming from Reia, as they can't help to chuckle.

"This is so good!" Reia said with a smile as she ate more.

"Thank you, Reia," Sarah replied with a proud smiley face.

"So, it might be too late, but I actually don't know your name," Reia said while eating more of her food.

Sarah stopped for a moment and said, "Well, I thought my brother had already introduced us before coming here."

"It must have slipped off my mind," Aura said while continuing to eat as Sarah sighed.

"You, troublesome Ālong, well, my name is, if you already know, Sarah Yosuke and this idiot is Aura Yosuke. Don't worry, Reia, we are glad to help you," Sarah said with a smile.

"It is nice to meet you two, Sarah and Aura. Thank you for helping me," Reia said with a smile on her face.



To Be Continue•
