Chapter 3: Cooking Incident


Two Years Later


Reia Green had stayed with the poorest residents in the whole doom section, and she learned how to live, culture, survive, and love that she had never thought to feel again.

A love of a family.

Aura and Sarah have given her everything she wants, as the older sibling did to their youngest.

Aura is annoying as hell, but Reia knows he has a good heart. If he had not, she wouldn't be here, and she might be stuck behind bars or dead.

Sarah, on the other hand, is the most people she loves the most. The black-haired girl has taught her, loved her, adored her, and Sarah is always kind to her, and Reia loves it.

Reia thought when her parents died at the hands of her uncle, she thought her life would be miserable, but she was wrong when Aura found her, and she would not trade it for anything.

For the past two years, Sarah has dyed Reia's hair black to cover her identity, but her hair grows fast enough to show new green hair roots once a month.

Reia learns that the Yosuke sibling is not only the poorest in the town but also not the richest; the money they have is from their past ancestor and Aura's hard work to pay for their daily life needs.

But the best part of all, the people around her, the whole residents, were kind, at least to each other; they understood each other and respected each other, which is something that the lower class had and the high class didn't.

The last thing that makes Reia uncomfortable is that these people hate the high-class people down to their core. She just hopes they never found her real identity.


Reia was now helping Sarah carry some groceries with a happy face.

"Ah, young Yosuke is looking happy. Helping your sister, I see," a grandma said with a smile on her face.

The news of the little girl being adopted into Yosuke's family separated into their residence, but the civilian accepted Reia or Stella, the name of the girl's name in disguise, with wide arms.

Stella, the former Reia, nodded with happiness. "Sister wants to teach me cooking!"

Sarah giggled as she pardoned herself with Stella, "Yes, and pardon us, Mrs. Jackson,"

The old lady smiled and nodded, "See you later, young ladies."

Soon, they were far enough from the grandma. Sarah said to former Reia, "As I said, don't tell Ālong, okay?"

Stella nodded with a frown as she remembered Aura had prevented her from getting closer to the kitchen stuff while saying, 'Little kid can't cook. You aren't tall enough,' The black-haired girl with green hair root pouted when she remembered it.

"Hey, don't be so sad. Ālong just don't want you to get hurt like I did on the first time," Sarah said with a smile as she petted the 16-year-old girl on the head.

"What happened to you?" Stella asks with curiosity.

"Just a mistake, that Ālong can't forgive himself," Sarah said while chuckling with a sad smile as she remembered how panicked and worried Aura was when Sarah accidentally hurt herself while cooking years ago.



•5 Years Ago•

Sarah and Aura just recently lost their parents, who were killed by High-Class Assassins. Aura lost and right arm and left leg from fighting hundreds of Security guards.

15-year-old Aura is lying on the bed, unable to move because of a lack of limbs, and he is hungry.

12-year-old Sarah couldn't see her brother like this.

"Ālong, do you want to eat something?" Sarah asks in concern.

Aura looked at his little sister and saw the worry on her face mixed with hunger, and he bit his lips in frustration. When he was healthy, he was the one making the dinner when his parents were working, but now he couldn't even stand.

"No, I'm not. Why not buy some fast food from the store? You seem hungry," Aura asks with a fake smile to ease her worry.

"Just a little…" Sarah reply.

"Are you sure? You can ask Mrs. Jackson to buy you something, money on that table," Aura points to this closed table with a stick that is half the size of a pen on top of it.

Sarah goes to the table, picks the stick up, and clicks the button on it. A hologram image appears that shows the currency with Yosuke's name on top of it.

Sarah noticed they have 54,349,91 Ringas.

"Wow, we're rich!" Sarah said with a shocking statement.

"This money came from our ancestors and parents, Sarah," Aura said in a tone when he remembered what had happened to his parents.

"Then why do we still have to work?" Sarah said that because she knows their parents work so hard, they only get paid 200 Ringas a month.

"Because they believe this day will come… They didn't want to use it. That is why they're working Sarah, To support our daily basic," Aura said while looking down at his mattress.

Sarah can see the sadness in Aura's eyes as she comes up with an idea to cheer him up. "Ālong, how about this? I will cook something for you!"

Aura looks at his little sister and asks, "Are you sure?"

Sarah nodded with a smile, "I watched you cook in the past. I'm pretty sure it can't be that hard, right?"

Aura wants to stop Sarah from doing so, but she is hungry, and he is hungry! As he sighs, "Sure… but be careful, okay?"

Sarah smiled and nodded as she left the room with a currency stick in her right hand.


Later when Sarah gets help from Mrs. Jackson to help her buy some groceries. Soon, the black-haired girl is back at her home, saying goodbye to the old lady. Sarah quickly goes to the kitchen and starts to cook with the little knowledge she has.

Aura is resting while thinking about why he is not being arrested or killed for what he has done. He killed so many guards and cops, and yet he lived without any custody or being sentenced to death.


Before he can think more about it, he hears a scream.


Aura knew that scram came from his little sister, "SARAH, ARE YOU OKAY?!"

No one answered, which made him panic. In his mind, he just lost his parents and went into a berserker. But now, if anything happens to Sarah, he doesn't think his mind can take any more damage than what he has.

Aura looked at the door, searching for something to help him walk. He found a walking stick that their neighbour gave him when he lost his limbs days ago.

The black hair teen quickly stood and reached for the walking stick with him as he walked outside the room without any training, his walking looked sloppy as a baby, but he ignored it when he knew his sister needed more than he learning to fucking walk with a stick.

Soon, he reached the kitchen, room he saw Sarah crying while holding her right arm. He could see her right arm was 2nd degree burned from hot cooking oil, and the whole kitchen was a mess.

"SARAH ARE YOU OKAY?!" Aura asks the same question, but Sarah doesn't respond to him.

Soon, Aura get closer he falls to the ground because of the wet floor. But that didn't stop him as he crawled toward Sarah, "Sarah is okay; it's just a little burn," Aura got closer and closer as he bit his lower lip in sadness.

Soon he was close enough, and Aura didn't think twice as he held Sarah and went into a sitting position, holding her close to him.

"Is okay… It's just a little burn. You going to be okay," Aura tries to comfort his sister as Sarah slowly warp her arms around him.

"I-I'm Sorry… I mess things up…" Sarah sobbed while crying on Aura's chest. She tries to be like his brother and mother, but she can't.

"Hey, it's fine. Do you remember when I messed up my first time cooking and how mad our mother was?" Aura said as he tried to make Sarah remember how messed up he was, and being caught by his parents was not a good sign.

"…Mom banned you from going into the kitchen for months." Sarah giggled a bit as she slowly removed her hug, and Aura petted her on the head.

"I know, right, and it was awful! But don't worry, I will not ban you if you help me clean up the mess." Aura said with a smile on his face.

"And if I don't?" Sarah asks innocently while holding her injured arm.

"You are grounded," Aura said jokingly.

Sarah suddenly hugged Aura again as she said, "Thank you… Ālong… I miss Mom and Dad…"

Aura's face turns to sadness, "So do I, Sarah… So do I… SO! Let's clean this up, and I will teach you how to cook."

Sarah noticed he had a regretful face, maybe because he let her learn to cook all alone.


•Flashback End•

From that day, Aura taught her how to cook, even just pointing at everything. That was before he got his mechanical leg, though.

Aura got his leg by using their family's money which is why he started working to not use more the family money.

"So, Aura, were you worried because you messed up?" Stella asks while looking at Sarah's scar.

"Yeah, kind of. Ālong still blames himself for the burn I got." Sarah rubbed a scar on her arm.

"But still, he got nothing to worry about because I have you to teach me." The former green-haired girl smiles at Sarah as the black-haired girl smiles back.

"That is true, so come on, let's make dinner!" Sarah said with a big smile as they both walked into the kitchen.


•To Be Continue•
