Chapter 5: B247


Aura can be seen on the edge before he falls completely into the infinity hole, unconscious, bleeding from his wound.

The black hair hero twitches before he starts to awake from this uncomfortable slumber.

"G-God damn it… that bastard really got me…" Aura said weakly before he pushed himself away from the edge. He is panting for air a lot, and as he can see, he is landing on top of a massive garbage pile, for which he is thankful. He survives because of it.

Aura didn't know how long he was lying there as he decided he had enough resting, 'Reia needs me now; I can't give up…' He begins finding a bandage cloth or anything to stop the bleeding while crawling because he doesn't have his mechanical leg.

'Why is there so much mechanical junk here? But whatever, I found one…' Aura thought as he found dirty clothes to close his wound temporarily.

Aura ripped off the clothes as he warped them around his body with his hand and mouth, "T-There… now I need to get out of here…" Aura looked around for the spare part of his mechanical leg. He found an old and basic robot leg.

"This will do." He dismembers his mechanical leg as he grabs the robot leg into his empty leg slot. He twitches when the leg connects to his. "I hate that part, it hurt…"

Aura grabs the wall of garbage and slowly stands up, growling in pain. "I think a few of my ribs have been cut off…"

The man with black hair and light blue hair tips leans against the wall, careful not to fall deeper into the infinity hole.

"I need to get moving… Reia needs me…" Aura said to himself as he slowly walked, leaning against the wall because of his wound and exhaustion.

Aura saw a way deeper into the unknown resident floor as he slowly walked with his new leg, leaving the garbage pile place.

Aura can see light in his dark path as he continues to follow the light.


Aura covered his eyes when the light became brighter. He continued walking until he got used to the light.

"Hey, someone came out of the garbage Area!"

Aura heard the voice. As he slowly opened his eyes, he could see multiple people, looking like homeless people, staring at him.

"Hey, how did you get there? Wait, you bleeding?!"

Aura saw a woman with a long ponytail, blue hair, and blue eyes looking at him. He could see the slight worry on her face.

Before Aura can ask where he is, he suddenly passes out from blood loss.


The blue-haired girl was shocked when Aura passed out.

"Should we help him?" A boy with brown spikey hair and blue eyes asked.

"No, what if he is with the government?!" A man with blond dreadlock hair, brown eyes and dark skin said in fear.

"No, I don't think so, Āmer, but we can't leave him here. Quick, help me." The blue-haired girl said to the blonde dreadlocks hair, known as Āmer, as she gently picked up Aura with her while waiting for Amer to help her carry Aura.

Āmer makes a face before he sighs and goes to help the hair girl carry Aura. "Fine, Rose, but if we get into trouble, it's your fault!"

"Sure, let's go, Ujang. We got to go." The blue-haired girl, who is known as Rose, calls the brown-haired boy, who is named Ujang, to go with them.


Aura slowly opens his eyes, and he can feel his body hurting everywhere; he turns his head to the side as he sees he is in a dark room full of tech, and it is a mess.

"Sorry, a bit mess here. We didn't have an actual hospital in B247,"

Aura saw the same blue-haired girl before he passed out as he asked, "Who are you…"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Rose Nina. We met in the garbage area. So what's yours, and where do you come from?" Rose introduced herself and asked his name.

"A-Aura, Aura Yosuke… I from B77," Aura held his ribs as he tried to sit.

Rose is quite shocked because every resident in the B Area can hold a 100-story-tall building. "B77?! That's more than 61km high up! How did you get here!?"

"I fall into the infinite hole…" Aura explains.

Rose looks at him in confusion, "Infinite hole? You mean the garbage area where we found you?"

Aura think for a second as he asks, "You don't know? But yeah, you can say that…"

"You were falling 61km high. How are you even alive?" Rose asked, and she was surely shocked when she realised Aura was still alive after that fall with an injury he had; Aura should be dead.

Aura sighs, "I'm not sure…"

"And how did you get this injury? I can see it not from the falling," Rose asks again while injecting Aura with Healing Serum.

Aura can feel his injury starting to heal with the serum. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you how I got this injury,"

"Are you with the government?" Rose walks toward a cabinet and takes a new bandage to change Aura's dirty one.

"No, I'm not." Aura let her open his bandage, and he could see his wound start to close up, "What is that? What medicine did you inject me with?"

"We call it Instant Healing, and it will close your wound faster, but it didn't restore your blood or heal your scars." Rose explains, "I'm sorry, but you have money, right?"

"Why?" Aura asks while looking at her.

"I want to help you, but not everything is free. Instant Healing is expensive because it comes from the surface. But it is okay if you don't have it. You can be in debt, like the rest of us," Rose said with shame.

"No, it is okay. I got money with me…" he searched his pocket from his pants, sweating when he felt his Money Stick. "Um, I have it, but it is broken," he showed her his broken Money Stick, which had split in half.

"Oh, it's okay; we have Tech Support here. They can repair it, too, for you," Rose said with a smile. She really wants to help Aura because she is a kind person who loves to help people when they need it. You can move now, but you have not fully healed, at least not until tomorrow morning. All you have to do now is rest. I will take you to Tech Support tomorrow morning."

"Sure, thanks…" Aura lay back in his hospitalised bed as Rose walked out of the room. 'I'm sorry Sarah, but I will get Reia soon, I promise… Reia, please be safe.' Aura in thought while thinking about Reia's safety.


Meanwhile, Reia is awake from her slumber somewhere in the massive city where Hugo's group has taken her.

Reia held her head in pain as she could see her in the fancy room that was so familiar to her.

"This is my room…" Reia said to herself as she noticed it was her room. She started to get up and walk toward her room, which had huge glass windows. She could see dozens of skyscrapers, and her building was the tallest, "Why did they take me here?"

"Welcome back, Reia,"

Reia turned her head toward her back as she saw a girl with long brown hair and red eyes wearing a high-class Japanese dress.

"Linda?" Reia said, looking at the girl named Linda in surprise.

"Welcome home, cousin," Linda said with a smile.

"Home? This place is never my home! Not after my parents die!" Reia yelled in anger and frustration.

"You mean after you kill your parents?" The long brown hair girl named Linda said with a glare.

"I didn't KILL THEM! YOUR FATHER DID!!" Reia shouted as she got slapped by Linda.

"NEVER SAID THAT ABOUT MY FATHER!! He is a good man! And he is your uncle! You're lucky he didn't want your death sentence because you killed his sister!" Linda yelled while she had her tears welling in her eyes.

"H-He being feeding you those lies, Linda… W-Why do you think I killed my parents? I love them very much, and you know that…" Reia holds her hurting cheek as she is crying, not because of the pain but because of the sadness of losing the people she loves.

Linda stayed quiet for a second as she considered it. She had hated Reia for two years when she received news from her father, and she trusted her father because he never lied to her. However, now she feels conflicted because she knows Reia loves their family.

"L-Linda… please trust me, I didn't kill them," Reia said while crying.

Linda is silent once again as she snaps her finger, and a hologram appears in front of her. Reia, "Then look at this footage. Wasn't that you?"

The footage shows 14-year-old Reia trembling, holding a modern gun, shooting her parents while their parents make motions not to shoot them, and she does; she fires the gun and kills them both before her father can get to her.

'That is not me…' Reia shook her head in disbelief and shock.


To Be Continue•
