Chapter 6: Reia Prison


Reia's heart raced, and her breath caught in her throat as she looked at the hologram footage. Her voice trembled: "That's not me. Linda, you have to believe me."

 "Said to yourself, but that is proof right there," Linda, Reia's cousin, said, her voice dripping with chilling certainty as she flicked her finger again, and the hologram, a piece of evidence that could change everything, disappeared as she left Reia alone in her room.

"Linda, I'm begging you, that's not me!" Reia's voice cracked with raw desperation, her heart pounding in her chest, but Linda merely paused for a moment before resuming her departure.

"This is your new reality, Reia; a home that's become a prison," Linda declared, her words echoing in the room before she turned her back on Reia and closed the door.

Reia wept, feeling the weight of her isolation, longing for Sarah or Aura's presence. Then, a sudden realisation struck her, causing her eyes to widen alarmingly.

"Computer!" Reia yelled as a hologram with the lock screen appeared in front of her. This technology was supposed to be her only connection to the outside world, but she couldn't use it.

{You don't have access to this computer}

Reia saw the error message, "What!? You can't do this! This is my Room!"

Suddenly, the hologram changed to Linda's, {This is your prison, Reia, not your room; no prisoner can have computer access.} Linda's voice echoed through the hologram, her control over Reia's world becoming more apparent.

"Please, Linda, I beg you! Give me the access to it. I have to know!" Reia pleads desperately, her voice trembling with the weight of her desperation, her heart aching to know if Aura or Sarah is alive. Tears streamed down her face, her body shaking with fear and uncertainty.

{Know what? Your fake adopted siblings?} Linda said with a sinister smirk, her words hanging in the air like a threat.

"How did you-" Reia was shocked when Linda knew that.

{Know? Well, the report says everything about them. You can see it yourself.} Linda snapped her finger as information about Sarah Yosuke and Aura Yosuke appeared in front of Reia.

But what made Reia in tears when she saw the deceased on Sarah and Aura, but she knew this must be fake.

"No, this can't be true!" Reia's voice quivered with a deep sense of disbelief, but she saw a report they both had a missing body or corpse. "They can't be dead! There's no body being found!" Her denial was palpable, adding to the emotional intensity of the scene.

{Low-class citizens, never being burry Reia, the grave is too expensive for them, so there is no need to collect their body.} Linda replies harshly.

Reia shakes her head, "No, you're lying!"

Linda sighed as she snapped her finger; a video of Hugo 'Kill' Aura, how badly Aura was injured or trying to fight Hugo at his best.

Reia's hands flew to her mouth, her eyes widening in horror as she saw Hugo kick Aura fall into the infinite hole, {R-Reia…} That is Aura's voice she heard through the hologram before it returned to Linda. Her body shook uncontrollably, her heart pounding in her chest.

{So, you trust me now?} Linda asks with concern when Reia is crying at her hardest.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Reia yelled in sadness, and Linda felt slightly guilty about her actions.

Linda stays silent as the hologram disappears.

Reia hugs herself tightly while crying, "Sarah… Aura… I'm sorry…"


Later, back on floor B247, Aura is awake, and Rose enters his medical room.

"Hey, good morning, Sleepyhead; how do you feel?" Rose asks while walking closer to his Hospital bed.

"Better, now let's go to Tech Support." Aura gets up and removes his bandage, and Rose can see his muscular, lean body full of scars. He notices Rose looking at him, "What?"

Rose turned her sight away with a red face as she replied, "Nothing,"

"Do you got any spare clothes?" Aura asks.

"Yeah, here," Rose gave to him while she looked away. "You can find other clothes after we get your device fixed."

Aura looks at himself; he can see he is wearing old clothes, a basic white shirt, and long jeans. He replied, "Sure, it is a bit tight in some areas."

Rose looks at him. The white shirt he is wearing fits his body perfectly, and she replies, blushing and smiling, "You look really good."

Aura looks at her as he sighs, "Really?"

"Yup, now let's go. We should get you a new mechanical leg, too," Rose said, looking at Aura's old mechanical leg he had found in the garbage area.

"Yeah, I think I do," Aura replies as Rose smiles and leads him toward the tech support.


After hours of train ride, Aura and Rose finally arrive at the large building that only looks decent beside every building Aura has seen in B247.

"This is the place?" Aura asks.

"Yes, this is the only place where our best tech support is! But don't go somewhere spacious, or it will cost you more than anything," Rose said with a smile as she led Aura into the building.

Once he enters the tech support building, he sees it is quite a mess, almost like the medical room he had previously stayed in.

"Oh hey, my darling! What can I help you today?" A middle-aged woman with blue hair and blue eyes asks Rose. "Oh, has the handsome gentleman woken up already?" She saw Aura Standing beside Rose.

"Oh, Mom, this is Aura Yosuke and Aura, this is my mom, Cempaka Nina," Rose says as she introduces her mom to Aura.

"Your mom is one of the tech support staff?" Aura asks as Rose's mom, Cempaka, giggles.

"I'm not a staff member here, Mr Yosuke. I'm a leader of B247's tech support," Cempaka said with a smile. So, what can I help you with?"

"Can you repair this one?' Aura showed her the Money Stick device.

Cempaka took the device and said, "Sure, it will finish in an hour,"

"Great! We will be waiting then," Rose said with a smile as Cempaka was doing her work.


Cempaka did with the wallet stick an hour later as she called her daughter and Aura, "Hey, it's done. You should test it."

Aura takes back the Money Stick and activates it with his fingerprint. A hologram screen shows he got 61,754,20 Ringas; it increased in the last few years, but it is visible only to his eyes because only family by blood members can see the screen with the Money Stick.

"Yeah, it's working," Aura replies as he closes the screen.

Cempaka smiled and said, "Great, it will be 25 Ringas; did you pay for the medical treatment you got before?"

Aura shook his head in denial while saying, "No, my wallet is broken,"

"Oh, then you can pay to my daughter later," Cempaka said with a smile. Aura nodded and tapped the stick device to Cempaka's counter, and he paid the repair for 25 Ringas straight to Cempaka's account.

"Thanks, but do you have any mechanical parts here?" Aura asks as Cempaka nodded.

"Yes, we have. Come. Follow me." Rose's mom led them toward the lift. "You want to change your leg? Or getting a new arm?"

"You can say that. Oh, Rose, by the way, what is the medical charge again?" Aura asks Rose.

"It's…. 2000 Ringas…" Rose said as Aura's eyes widened as Cempaka sighed because she knew it was more than that.

"That's it?" Aura asks in disbelief because he knows medical treatment is more expensive than that.

"W-Well, it is actually closer to 3000 Ringas, but it is okay; 2000 is enough," Rose said as Aura sighed as he tapped her hand with the Money device, paying her 3000 Ringas. "Did you just… "

"Don't say it. You saved my life; that is more than that value." Aura said as they arrived at level 30; Rose smiled in gratitude.

"Thank you," Rose said with a smile as Cempaka smiled at Aura.

"Now-now, love bird, we arrive now." Cempaka clap her hands as Aura and Rose blush.


Aura is standing in front of the counter with both of the blue-haired females and waiting for the reception to come by.

"I swear I'll kick his ass if he is ten more mins late!" Cempaka said with anger while arms crossed.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late!"

They turn their head toward the voice source and see the same blonde dreadlock guy, Amer.

"Amer you late! AGAIN!" Cempaka shouted.

Amer raises his hand in defence: "Sorry, aunt, but Ujang and I were looking for a more mechanical part last night."

"Then you shouldn't do that again! Or I will report to your mother!" Cempaka threatened Amer as he nodded.

"Yes, ma'am! Now, what brings you here?" Amer asks while he stands behind the counter.

"We are looking for a new part for Aura here," Rose said to her cousin.

Amer's eyes widen when he realises Aura is with them, and he yells, "IT'S YOU!! YOUR AURA YOSUKE!!"


To Be Continue•
